<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/temtationlover87/<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"">
Hello people what can I say about myself is that am a very picky person. how I also describe myself is a like a sophisticated diva I am a model I live In the U.S.Virgin Islands. In the beutiful but boring Island of St.Thomas there is not much to do here but its an Interesting place the reason am putting up this site it cause to me almost all the sites that i meet are boring and there is hardly anything to do so i wanted a website that has a little bit of everything that I find Interesting those are apperently my Motives My Name is Jeimy Elivanessa Billu am the 3rd of my moms 4 children and the first of my dads 4 children but I now can say that am the 2nd of my moms becausemy favorite big sister died just this year.that was the most devastating thing that ever happend to me really. I miss her a whole lot .Some of my biggest dreams are Becoming A dedicated Jehova Withnees Getting Married to some one who loves Jehova Alot like I do and have the same Belifes as I do .Becoming a top model and also a lawyer Traveling all over the world  and maybe later on having some children.what else can I say is that my favorite color is lilac and Baby blue I also have A best friend named Ruth she is Just the Greatest Person that  I have ever met she is 41years old and is the most beutiful woman that I have ever seen not only phisically but also mentalyand emotionally and she also has a Heart that is pure as Gold.she is very supportive and loyal she is the only one that makes me smile when no one else seems to know what to do about me she has this perfect model shape even dough she has three children who are very beutiful. Ruth is very pure even dough we fight sometimes but we can't stay mad is just imposible..what else I can say About my self is that  am Hispanic I speak spanish,English and french what  I also like to do is go to the Beach  I love having a Debate speacially  when am right And I have to prove my self  I am loyal well at least that is what my friends say .I love Jewlry specially pearls and Dimomds but I mostly wear Gold .What I also can say that my mom is very speacial to me Cause she has made alot of sacrificeses  for me My dad is always busy but when we spend time together is just wonderful not because am spolied  does'nt mean that I donot need love I do thrust me alot .Im usually okey with thing cause am always hyper and i look at things differently my life is hectic but in that busy schedule i alway take time to do thing I like no matter how the moment is its just like I crave time for me am a strait foward person Like I said before I love Jehovah And if I had to say it to the whole world I will no matter if it life threatning I have my own little world  I think different from other people .Well thats it for now sing my Guest book please..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Jeimy Elivanessa Billu
Age: 16
B-Day: December 18, 1987
E-mail: temtationlover87@yahoo
Websites: www.oocities.org/temtationlover87/
Hobbies:Learnig the most I can about Jehovah,Being A Jehovah Withness, Reading, Modeling, Surf the net, Talking to Ruth, playing the sims game, babysitting my neice Jazzlinn, traveling, and hanging with Jezmarie.I really love to go shopping for expensive clothes.I love to Be in computers,love to scuba dive and eating sushi is one of my best meal.I also like Dancing any kind of music I love to Boss people around.and I love teaching people About Jehovah.
A little About Mua