Owing to the vast number of mindless web-surfers, more hot Shakira pix have been submitted.

So... listen to your favorite Shakira MP3... switch off your deteriorating squid-brain... and click on:

Thanks to the many contributors proud to be associated with this total waste of cyberspace

Robyn (Canada) - Michael (UK) - Lisa (NZ) - Morris (UK) - Michelle (Australia) - Wendy (SA) - Debbie (USA) - JJay (USA)

Corelle (Australia) - Lucia (Italy) - Greg (UK) - Len (USA) - Michiel (Netherlands) - Derek (Australia) - Chris (UK) - Rene (Australia)

Bo (Bulgaria) Steve (Australia) Lesley (UK) Yvonne (NZ) and Jasmin (Australia)

No thanks at all to: Coca Cola, Qantas Airlines and Fosters Brewery for declining to sponsor this site.

And especially no thanks to: Wiggly Tooth - my cyber-wife for not supporting this site !!!

Special Honour

Debbie from the USA has the dubious distinction of being our most prolific contributor
having submitted THREE hot Shakira pix. One pic features #2 in the top ten,
scoring an impressive 9.25 on the 'Shakira Lustometer'.

Should you still disagree with the selection, just email your favorite Shakira pic.