Posted: 3/1/2003 12:54:17 PM | Moderated: 3/1/2003 1:13:38 PM

Board: Message Board Help | Topic: Chrono Trigger Sidequest?

Hey I was wondering, you know when you go to Gaspar the guru of time (after reviving chrono), and he tells you of all the people who "need help" (the sidequests)? When he says, "One of you is close to someone who needs help. Find this" What in the WORLD is he talking about?? I've beaten every sidequest (yes, including Lucca's mom), yet I'm still clueless as to who needs help! If anyone knows about this and knows what to do, please help me out, I havent been able to figure it out, ever!


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Posted: 3/1/2003 6:04:56 PM | Moderated: 3/1/2003 6:06:23 PM

Board: Message Board Help | Topic: help me with castlevania symphony of the night

when your at the bog cloke tower where you first meet maria how do you move the right statue?

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