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& EVENTS 2007



Extracts from current Newsletter 


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AGM 2008 - Tuesday 18th March at 7pm at 

Christ Church United Reformed Church, Carnarvon Road, Clacton on Sea (Side entrance in Carnarvon Road)

See CALENDAR for future events for 2008

Stop Press:

 40th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS IN TENDRING DISTRICT 2009 (August 27th - 29th) not 2008.  


Thursday 27th     

 6.00pm             Arrival of guests at Clacton Leisure Centre

                      Evening with Host Families 

Friday 28th 

9.00am              Twin Towns Market - Clacton Greensward or Pier Avenue 

10.00am             Opening of Town Twinning Exhiition at Imperial House by the

Chairman of Tendring District Council accompanied by the  Mayors and Officials of the Twin Towns 

4.00pm                Air Show - Clacton Sea Front 

Evening        Free with Host Families 

Saturday 29th 

10.00am  to 12 noon    Conference and discussion on "The establishment of a protocol for developing a work experience scheme for young people from eachof the Twin Towns" at Clacton County High school.  Key Note speakers to include Sharon Alexander Chief Officer, tendring Community  Voluntary Services.             

8pm                   Dance and Buffet - Clacton Leisure Centre 

Sunday 30th

9am                    Ecumenical Church Service 

Guests depart 

NB The programme for the Officials will differ from the above.       


Programme includes AGM, Picture Show of Events/visits in 2007, Raffle and Light Refreshments



Vercors Nature.  In connection with Tendring Twinning Association, you are invited to take part in a walking weekend in Biberach, south-west Germany .

This is a long-standing arrangement between Biberach and Valence ( France ), and we are invited to participate. Anyone who goes will be hosted by walkers from Biberach, so no hotels to fix. etc.

This is the same weekend as the Twinning Association’s May Market in the town, so you would be able to travel in a group. Travel is not difficult – one and a half hour’s flight from Stansted to Friedrichshafen with Ryanair, then a train journey to Biberach, where either members of the group will know the journey, or someone will meet you at the airport.

The walk is not too strenuous, probably about 9 miles, in the beautiful  countryside.

You would need to pay your own fare for plane and train and need money possibly for lunches.  We have found our Biberach hosts wonderfully friendly and hospitable.

John and I, regretfully, are not able to go this time due to prior arrangements, but we will help to organise this trip. Please contact us if you are interested:

John & Judith Wolton, Oak Bungalow, Jaywick Lane , Clacton-on-Sea , Essex . CO16 7BE;  01255 428532.Email: johnjudith.wolton@btinternet.com


Proposed visit of group of pupils from Braithe- Schule, Biberach, Germany in May 2008


From 28th June to 2 July 2007 a group of Tendring Twinners visited Biberach for their 40th Anniversary Celebrations.

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Anyone interested in advertising their company on our Fiat Ducato Van should get in touch with the Chairman, Bert Foster.


Six Germans from Biberach and one Englishman from Tendring spent 5 days together in Valence to improve their French, under the guidance of  M. Jean-Michel Chantegrelet, with responsibility for schools, Mme Bernadette Leclerc, Chairman of the Twinning Committee, and Madeleine Gilles, teacher of of French.

 The whole course was conducted in French.  Time was spent in explanation and discussion of our various towns.  A presentation about Tendring was given in French by Colin Knight, the only English member of the course, and our Twinning Webmaster.  Mme Leclerc gave a slide show of Valence, and each member of the German group talked about different aspects of their town, Biberach.  The discussion touched on various problems associated with migration in Europe. 

The theme of the course was Tourism and Gastronomy.  Visits to small establishments included a frozen cakes factory, a brioche bakery in Bourg Payage, a foie-gras farm and restaurant, a truffle farm where we watched two enthusiastic labradors search and find some truffles near Grignan.  Afterwards we tasted the products.  We also visited an olive oil mill and a small family-run factory which made circular sisal carpets in Noyons. The final visit was to a Nougat factory in Montélimar.   Much conversation took place about these establishments and their products.  Visits also took in the landscape and sites of interest in the Drôme area and the Ardèche.  Dishes such as foie-gras, guinea fowl, raclettes of duck, beef and cheese were enjoyed. 

 During a 'free' day with the host family, I was fortunate enough to make a trip to Pont D'Arc in the Southern Ardèche.  On Wednesday  evening another twinning friend from Valence invited me and my hosts to dinner in a Chinese restaurant.  Chinese food à la française, what a meal.

 On Tuesday evening we all met the Mayor of Valence in the Hotel de Ville, together with 54 German students aged 12 to 17, who were staying with Valentinois families in an inter-family exchange.  Below is a photograhp at that event published in the local Dauphiné newspaper.

Many thanks to the organisers, Michel, Bernadette and Madeleine, to the Twinning Committee of Valence, and to the host families for their kindness and generosity.  Mille fois merci. 

The organizers are talking about a repeat of this their first attempt at such a course.  The German participants and some of the French people I met are also now asking if they can come to Tendring next for an English course.  We shall see. 




Mr and Mrs Brown of Holly Tree Cottage, Clacton, were lucky to win their prize of 6 bottles of wine.  Here you see Bert Foster, Chairman of the Tendring Twinning Association, presenting them with their prize.  They won first prize in a competition held by the TTA at the Clacton Leisure Centre on the occasion of the Exhibition organised by the Clacton Rotary Club in October.  Mr and Mrs Brown became the latest new members of the Twinning Association.  The presentation was made at a committee meeting held on Tuesday 13th November.

 Items discussed at the meeting were the involvement in the TCVS Christmas Bazaar on Saturday 17th November;  our Market stall at Biberach Christmas Market; and plans for our 40th Anniversary Celebrations of Twinning with Valence in August next year 2008 here at Clacton.


Power Point Presentation

We offer a presentation about the TTA to local clubs and societies.  If you have any good pictures, or slides, videos of the Tendring Area or Twinning Events, please contact the Secretary: 01255 880675.  So far the presentation has been enthusiastically received.

Do you know any club which would like to host a presentation?  

Why not host a Presentation Party in your town or village, in your home, inviting interested friends and neighbours?  We need to encourage people to act as hosts for our 2008 celebrations.  



A party of up to 40 people from Tendring, including regular Twinners and a delegation from Tendring District Council, Chairman and Deputy Chief Executive, attended Valence's big event.  Six countries were represented at this grand assembly, necessitating 5 interpreters and much patience. Besides attending official meetings, lunches and dinners, your committee ran the usual Market Stall including the ever popular English Breakfasts. Business was brisk from 8am to 2pm.   The Princes Theatre Youth Drama Group did themselves proud  in the Saturday procession, which concluded just before a downpour. Over 1,500 guests attended the Saturday Soiree, entertained by a German Jazz Band and served typical French cuisine and wine.  Side events during the weekend  included a sketching group and a walk in the Vercors.  Some even managed a trip to Avignon.  More in the next newsletter.

Excerpt from the Valence Twinning Gazette: jumelage  de Valence

L’année 2006 s’est terminée par le traditionnel marché de Noël à Biberach. Merci à tous ceux qui l’ont préparé et qui ont participé à ce déplacement. Mais l’année 2006 a été marquée par les festivités des 40 ans de jumelage de notre ville avec nos Jumelles Européennes et les 10 ans avec Idjevan l’Arménienne et Gedera l’Israélienne. Ce furent les évènements phares de notre comité. Après mars en Italie, le quarantième anniversaire fut un grand succès en ce dernier week-end ensoleillé de septembre à Valence. Gedera n’a pas pu être présente à cette époque, nous l'avons reçue courant novembre pour commémorer les 10 ans de ce jumelage. Le début de ces fêtes fut également l’occasion de montrer les opportunités qu’apporte l’Europe à ses habitants et donc aux Valentinois. Une journée « Rencontres entre Citoyens » a été organisée en partenariat avec la commission européenne, le Conseil Général de la Drôme et la Région Rhône- Alpes. Vous pouvez lire les articles de cette gazette qui en émoignent. Je tiens, ici, à remercier chaleureusement toutes les personnes, les associations, les bénévoles et bien sûr les familles d’accueil qui, grâce à leur mobilisation, ont contribué à la réussite de ces évènements. Pour l’année 2007 nous avons passé le . ambeau « Quarantième anniversaire » à notre jumelle allemande de Biberach, qui vous invite en juin 2007 pour le fêter chez eux. Autre évènement majeur en avril 2006 ; une délégation o. cielle valentinoise s’est rendue à BATROUN (LIBAN) notre dernière jumelle pour signer la charte de jumelage. Je vous souhaite à toutes et à tous mes meilleurs vœux de santé, de joie et d’amitié pour cette nouvelle année, qu’elle vous apporte le bonheur de partager avec ceux que vous aimez d’heureux moments. Bon jumelage à tous et au plaisir de vous rencontrer lors de l’une ou l’autre des nombreuses activités que votre comité de jumelage organise pour vous. J.-C. Schmidt

TRANSLATION (Colin Knight)

The year 2006 ended with the traditional Christmas Market in Biberach.  Thanks to all those who prepared it and who took part in the transport.  But the 2006 also marked the festivities of the 40th Anniversary of our town twinning with our European town twinners and the 10 years with Idjevan in Armenia and Gedera in Israel. These were the highlights of our committee.  After March in Italy, the 40th Anniversary was a big success during the last sunny weekend of September in Valence.  Gedera was unable to be represented at this time.  We received them this November to commemorate the 10 years of our twinning.  The beginning of these festivities was equally the occasion to show the opportunities which Europe brings to its inhabitants and to the people of Valence.  One day, "Meetings between Citizens", was organised in partnership with the European Commission, the General Council of the Drôme and the Rhône- Alpes Region.  Here I wish to warmly thank all the people, the associations, the volunteers and certainly the host families who, thanks to their participation, have contributed to the success of these events.  For the year 2007 we will have reached the point of the 40th Anniversary of our twinning with Biberach, who have invited you in June 2007 to celebrate with them.  Another major event in April 2006: a delegation from Valence was made to Batroun (Lebanon), our latest twinning partner, to sign the twinning charter.  I wish you all the best of health, joy and friendship for this new year, which brings to you the happiness of sharing with those you love happy moments.  Good twinning to everyone  and the pleasure of meeting you at one or other of the numerous activities which your twinning committee organises for you.  J-C Schmidt

Le quarantième anniversaire du jumelage à Valence

Le quarantième anniversaire du jumelage entre Valence et ses trois jumelles européennes : Asti en Italie, Biberach an der Riss en Allemagne et Tendring District Council en Grande-Bretagne, s’est tenu du 29 septembre au 1er octobre 2006. Idjevan en Arménie et Gédéra en Israël (jumelées en 1996) et Batroun dernière ville jumelée (septembre 2005) ont été associées à ces festivités. Un an de préparatifs a été nécessaire pour accueillir 683 amis étrangers. Le comité de jumelage tient à remercier les 347 familles d’accueil qui se sont portées volontaires pour les recevoir. C’est grâce à elles que tous nos amis étrangers ont pu découvrir les coutumes et l’accueil chaleureux français. Les délégations o. cielles et quelques groupes étaient, quant à eux, logés à l’hôtel. Les trois jours de festivités ont permis aux Valentinois de découvrir les spécialités gastronomiques de chacune de nos villes jumelles sur le marché de la place Saint Jean, ainsi que tous les groupes de musique, chant et danse étrangers dans les di. érents lieux culturels de la ville. Le comité de jumelage a également saisi l’opportunité pour organiser au sein du Conseil Général une exposition ainsi que des conférences. « Rencontres Européennes entre citoyens », dans le cadre de l’année européenne de la mobilité. Cela a permis de présenter notamment aux scolaires et étudiants les structures européennes, leurs fonctionnements et les possibilités qu’elles o. rent en matière d’études et d’emplois. Nous pro. tons de l’occasion pour remercier l’équipe municipale et toutes les autres instances pour l’aide logistique qu’elles ont bien voulu nous apporter. Léna Balsan, maire de Valence

    TRANSLATION (Colin Knight)

The 40th Anniversary of the Twinning between Valence and her three European Twin towns: Asti in Italy, Biberach an der Riss in Germany and Tendring District Council in Great Britain, was held on the 29th September 2006.  Idjevan in Armenia and Gedera in Israel (twinned in 1996) and Batroun the latest  twinned town (September 2005) have been associated with these festivities.  A year of preparations was necessary to welcome 683 friends from abroad.  The Twinning Committee is eager to thank the 347 host families who were willing to receive them.  It is thanks to these that all our friends from abroad were able to discover the customs and the warm French welcome.  The official delegations and some groups, thanks to them,  were accommodated at the hotel.  The three days of festivities allowed the "Valentinois", the people of Valence, to discover the food specialities of each of our twinned towns at the St Jean Market Place, as well as all the groups of music, singing and foreign dance in different cultural venues of the town.  The Twinning Committee, under the aegis of the General Council,  has equally seized the opportunity to organise an exhibition as well as the conferences:  "European Meetings between Citizens", within the scope of the European Year of Mobility.   This particularly allowed the introduction to the pupils and students of the European structures, their functions and possibilities, which they offer in  materials for study and employment.  We take the opportunity to thank the municipal team and all the other examples for the organisational help which they have willingly given us.    Léna Balsan, maire de Valence


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TDC Chair


Clacton Girls

Saturday Soiree

40th Birthday Cake

TTA Committee snatch a coffee

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Vercors Natur

take on a challenge

and a rest

posing for photo

Amazing views

of the Rhone

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The TTA sponsored a visit of amateur artists from our twin towns.  Eight artists from our 3 twin towns joined fellow art lovers from Tendring.  The following is a report which appeared in the Harwich & Manningtree Standard on Friday 23rd June 2006.

Twinners paint the town red - and blue and green and ...
AMATEUR artists visited Harwich and literally painted the town.

The Tendring twinning Association sponsored a weekend for amateur painters from its twin towns of Biberach an der Riss in Germany, Valence sure Rhone in France and Swidnica in Poland.

The guests stayed with host families in the district.

They were give a guided tour of old Harwich and around Flatford Mill, led by Mike Riches, who pointed out the scenes painted by John Constable.  Along with artists from Tendring the guests sketched and painted scenes in Harwich and Flatford.

A reception was held with Harwich Mayor John Thurlow and his wife Pat and there was also a barbecue.

Colin Knight, Secretary of the Tendring Twinning Association, who organised the event, said everyone enjoyed the visit and the opportunity to see the attractions in the area and paint them. "This produced some interesting variations in pencil, water-colour and acrylic pictures," he said.

Mr Knight said it was hoped an art exhibition of their work would be held when they celebrate 40 years of town twinning in 2008.

"Our next twinning visit will be to Valence at the end of September, when Valence twinners will be celebrating 40 years of twinning."


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I have received nothing but good remarks about our Artists Weekend.  Everyone, guests and hosts, seemed to have really enjoyed themselves and some new friendships have been formed, with reciprocal visits already arranged.  The three secrets: good organisation, co-operation,  and superb weather.  I would like to thank the committee for their support, with special thanks to Carol and Peter for the wonderful buffet, Mike Riches for guiding us round, Louis and Wendy Roskell for hosting the barbecue, and our links in our twin towns, Karin , Gudrun  and Iwona for arranging things in their countries; and of course, last but not least, our kind hosts who were so kind and generous.  I must not forget the use of the Harwich Guild Hall for the Reception with the Mayor and Mayoress of Harwich, who with the Town Council offered the free use of the facilities there.  Fraser kindly showed the guests the special historical features to be found there.



Report on first rambling exchange between twin towns of Biberach, Germany, and Tendring UK.

Twinning and rambling 2006.


During 25th to 28th May this year we were delighted to welcome eleven friends from Biberach to join a group of Tendring Ramblers for two walks and social events. 

Our friends arrived on Thursday 25th May, and spent  that afternoon and evening with their hosts, who are all members of Tendring Ramblers.  On Friday 26th May we were led on a walk around Ramsholt and Sutton in Suffolk by Peter Wells.  It rained, and the long grass was really wet!  We had a pub lunch, after which some walkers continued, and others were taken home to dry off and warm up! 

On Saturday 27th May Mike Imrie led us around Alresford and Thorrington in Essex: and again it rained, and half went home after the pub lunch to dry off! 

The group enjoyed two convivial evenings – one at the Crown at Manningtree, and one at a barbecue at Oak Bungalow in Clacton. Sunday morning saw an early start for the return to Biberach.   

Everyone enjoyed a friendly time, and as our guests said: “ We came to walk, and we expected it to rain in England!”  We later heard that they had returned home to find German rain, and even snow! 

Thanks are due to the hosts who looked after their guests so well, providing them with meals, transport and hot baths:  and to our two walk leaders who planned their days well. It was also good to be joined on both days by other ramblers who came to meet the Germans, along with our Chairman, Graham Langton.  There was excellent support also from Tendring Twinning  Association. 

Special thanks must go to Brigitte Burrichter from Biberach for linking up with us and organising everything from her side. The visit would not have been possible without her help and efficiency. 

We hope a good time was had by all, and we look forward to walking together in the future. We would be delighted if walkers from Valence and Swidnica would also join us. 

If you are interested in being involved in this type of activity, please contact John and Judith Wolton on 01255 428532, or email:judith.wolton@gmail.com

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"Twinners Club"

The Social club for Tendring’s Twinners  

For more information and news  




Tendring Twinning Newsletter

Twinning  Newsletter     Clacton is a thriving resort






Copies of TTA Newsletter may be obtained from Ray     on 01255 673195 or e-mail:  ray.beyerman@which.net