Recommended Viewing
The following titles are meant to represent the differen genres of anime, from serious drama to light hearted romance. Hopefully there is something here for everyone to enjoy.
Title: Adolescence of Utena
Production: Movie
Genre: Romance Drama
Description: This movie is simply the most beautiful Anime feature ever produced. Everything from the characters, landscape, and camera angles are so asthetically pleasing that they practically beg to be seen on a full size movie screen. The movie takes place before the events of the TV series, and features different character designs and some changes in plot. The music is perfectly suited to the film, and many scenes are especially memorable because of the synergy between the visual and musical elements. In order to fully appreciate this film you must have a good understanding of the series on which it is based(see seperate listing), otherwise the films subtlties will surely escape you. The pace of the movie is frenetic, and only when it finally ends do you have a chance to reflect on just how special this movie is. 
Availability: Commercial
Rating: 9 out of 10
Title: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Production: Twenty-Six Episode TV Series, Two Movies
Genre: Beyond Description
Description: This landmark series is so psychologically complex, it seems futile to try to explain it in just one paragraph. This is the pinnacle of character development, each character is more of a case study in the human pysche than an "actor". The story is just as complex; as God (yes, God) has sent thirteen angels to destroy earth and it seems only children born at a certain time have the power to stop them. This is a horribly superficial description of what is probably the most talked about and debated Anime ever. The characters in this series are some of the most popular in all of Anime. Some people fevently adore this series, while others are too frustrated by its lack of clarity to give it the praise it deserves. In fact, when the series ended in Japan, fans protested for a different ending that provided a more intelligible resolution to the story. In response, the creator begrudgingly produced two movies in an attempt to please the fans, though it is debated whether or not he succeeded. Only time will tell if the second movie, appropriately titled The End of Evangelion(which unimaginably has live action scenes spliced into it) is decried as an obscure personal vision or hailed as a masterpiece of animation. In any case, if you watch this Anime, be prepared to ask a lot of questions and have very few answers presented to you.
Availability: Commercial
Rating: 9 out of 10
Title: Wedding Peach DX
Production: Four-Part OAV
Genre: Romance Action
Description: This is the follow-up to a moderately successful TV series that focuses on four girls who battle evil while searching for their true loves. It is a lighthearted series that doesn't take itself too seriously, but has scenes of genuine tension interspersed with moments of levity. It is by no means intellectually challenging, but is one of the best examples of this immensly popular genre in Japan. The animation is very good, and the characters' personalities are endearing.
Availability: Fansub
Rating: 7 out of 10
Title: Perfect Blue
Production: Movie
Genre:  Psychological Horror
Description: Perfect Blue is a suspenseful and shocking thriller that pushes the envelop of animation. The direction and editing are superb. The movie twists and turns, switching between reality and the hallucinations of the main character who receives disturbing mail from a psychotic fan after she decides to quit singing to pursue an acting career. Soon it seems as if her entire world is crumbling around her as she falls deeper into paranoid delusions and those people associated with her acting career are methodically murdered. There is an unrated version which has some gruesome scenes of violence and strong nudity. It still, however, manages to be tasteful and does not detract from the riveting story as a whole.
Availability: Commercial
Rating: 8 out of 10
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