コンディショニング 情報戦略 ゲーム分析
タレント発掘 ジュニア育成 指導者養成
キャリアサポート ビジネスマネジメント エコシステム

Information Management System (IMS)

The IMS is a set of processes to collect, analyse, process and feedback data, and build database
to provide and use beneficial information for athletes and coaches.

The IMS has 3 levels:
1. Data Processing System
2. Data Mining System
3. Strategic Management System

Data Processing System

To effectively and efficiently process conditioning data (eg fitness testing and medical check-ups) and the process as follows:

1. Select measures
2. Prepare testing
3. Conduct testing
4. Collect data
5. Check missing data
6. Key in data
7. Process data (eg mean, SD, and % changes)
8. Visualize
9. Feedback

Data Mining System

To provide beneficial information for athletes and coaches from internal and external data:

1. Analyzing
To identify invididual or team's strength and weakness based on the team's average

2. Scouting
To identify opponent's strength, weakness, opportinuty, and threat (SWAT analysis):
Positioning: What is de facto standard?

3. Building Database
- Performance info
- Performance readiness info: physical, physiological, psychological, and medical
- Sporting culture info
- Other sports info
- Sports science info

Strategic Management System

To practically use beneficial information for athletes and coaches to enhance performance and prevent overtraining.
To do this,
buidling database and making network with collegues from tennis and other sports are essential.:

1. Local implication
To identify team performance characteristics
To use testing data as criteria of full recovery from athletic rehabilitation

2. Internal integration
To efficiently feedback information
To provide information available anytime and anywhere through website

3. Rebuild processes of the IMS
To identify more efficient processes of the IMS in the meeting with coaches and supporting stuff including sports scientists

4. Rebuild system network
To review the IMS and revise it to a better system.

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