Second part: Violet barrier


      Die stop when Kaoru have lean against the door. Die grinned seeing no way Kaoru can escape, he walked slowly to the purple man that¡¦s stared back at him. Grabbing Kaoru tiny wrists then lean them against to door. Kaoru tried to resist but Die is too strong for him. Die move his face near Kaoru wanted to kiss him but Kaoru turn away. Die smiled he like this when someone resist there is more fun then the one who accept. He lick Kaoru ear then whispered,

            ¡§You can¡¦t escape now, baby.¡¨ Kaoru then turn back to face him, a cynically smile applied on his beautiful face.

            ¡§Do you really think I¡¦m that easy?¡¨ Die kneel down when Kaoru have knee on his abdomen. He grabbing his stomach because of the pain the smaller man gave him, kneeling down in front of Kaoru. The purple just stared at him for a while makes sure that this really the end then he walks away, back to his room. Die gently stood up still grabbing his stomach he smiled and laugh those eyes daring him to get that in his hands¡Ksome how¡K


     When Kaoru returns to his room he locked it up and lay down on the soft bed. Relaxing him self, he let his hair spread all over on the bed, sighing deeply with all everything he have face today. He have recalled that he have been kiss by that red hair man. Softly touching his own lip thinking of the feeling when his lip has been press from the taller man¡K so gentle¡K thinking for a while he try to wipe that feeling away but still¡Khe can not get rid of it. Somehow he want to be kiss from that man again¡K he gnash one's teeth what the¡K! Why I have to think of it!!! Grrr¡Kcatch the pillow then covering his head try not to think of anything until¡Kfall asleep¡K


     Toshiya looked up when he heard the door open. Die walked in not say anything then sat down on the bed,

            ¡§Where have you been? I heard some fighting out there is that be¡K¡¨

            ¡§So Toshiya how that you¡¦ve got that key?¡¨ Die lay down on the bed closing his eyes. Toshiya lay beside the red-hair man smiling,

            ¡§Its just what I have got from¡K¡¨ Toshiya pause make Die wonderer, the blue hair man laugh out

            ¡§What¡¦s so funny about!!!¡¨

            ¡§wahhhhahahaha!!!!! You looking so serious!!!! Haahahaha!!!¡¨ Die pushes his hair back blushing, now know that its not what he worried about then laugh a little for how much stupid himself make.

            ¡§Come on give me that!!¡¨ Die tried to get the key but Toshiya don¡¦t let him. He press his lip on Die¡¦s

            ¡§Not yet, handsome you have to finish your work first and this is what I¡¦ll pay.¡¨




            Morning have come the light of the sunshine down through the window, woke up the beautiful long purple-hair man that lay comfortable on the bed. Slowly sitting on the bed.

            ¡§Good morning sweetheart.¡¨ Suddenly turn to leader of the choir Its that red-hair guy again!! How come he can get in my room I¡¦ve already locked up? Die smiled and walk inside sitting on Kaoru¡¦s bed. Kaoru get back but Die had already catch his ankle. He kiss it gently then look up to Kaoru.

            ¡§Do you think you can get away that easy?¡¨ Kaoru gnash his teeth finding the way to escape. He think that he can just kick this man down and run off, but this time Die know that this won¡¦t be easy. If he want it he have to fight to get it. He pull Kaoru¡¦s ankle down made the smaller man lying underneath him. Push the purple-hair man leg apart and lay down on him.

            ¡§Let me go you¡K!!!¡¨ Kaoru try to fight back but he stop when Die had press his lip on him gently. Now all Kaoru¡¦s body are weak just because of a light kiss from another man. Shutting his eyes, the red-hair man kiss him again but this time is different. Die slip his tongue in Kaoru¡¦s mouth search in it every corner. Kaoru can¡¦t resist it now he is too weak. Die broke the kiss watching Kaoru breathing fast underneath him, then grabbed Kaoru¡¦s long black hair kissing it. Kaoru slowly open his eyes looking up to Die who warmly smiled back down to him. Gently slide his hand down to the purple-man pale skin, undo his button caressing his soft skin. Die kissing down Kaoru¡¦s neck, step lower to his chest¡K

            ¡§Kaoru today is your turn to¡K.¡¨ Kyo have opening the door, surprisingly with what he has seen. Freezing he can move now trying find the way out off this kind of situation. His face start to fade when Die turn to him staring like he¡¦s going to kill him. Kaoru have awaken, quickly he push Die away grabbing his shirt then ran out of the room. Die sigh deeply Shitt!, I miss it again but this time is¡KSuddenly he walk toward to Kyo who standing there, shocked. Die stand in front of Kyo looking at him angrily. But then Die sigh again, walk out of the room let Kyo standing there.




     Toshiya walk out of his room looking for Die but no sight of him. He walk to the kitchen saw Kaoru is there cooking.

            ¡§Ohayoo, Kaoru. Do you see Die?¡¨ Toshiya asked. Kaoru turn to him.


            ¡§That handsome red-hair guy.¡¨

            ¡§Oh, that guy¡K he had leave¡K¡¨ Kaoru continue his cooking. Toshiya watching his friend for a few minutes, he smiled then walked to the bathroom. He smiled because Kaoru face turn red when he talk about Die, he know that Kaoru don¡¦t know him self. Kaoru feel his face hot when he think of that guy¡Kdon¡¦t know why¡Khe shook his head trying to delete the memory in the morning away. But still no way that he can. Finish cooking he walk back to his room change to the school uniform, but still not look alike school uniform anyway when he wear it. Ready to walk out his home his friend ask

            ¡§Eh? Kaoru are you going to school today¡¨ Shinya who¡¦s just been awake asked him. Kaoru just nodded and walk out. Shinya remember that the guy Toshiya have toke here last night; wear the same school uniform as Kaoru.


Kaoru slowly walked to his room. When he just open the door most his classmate looked scare at him. He just don¡¦t care he walk to his seat sitting down. Drop his head down the table close his eyes wanted to have some sleep before lesson start. But some of his classmates don¡¦t let him de it.

¡§OHHHH!!! Do you guys see who¡¦s lying here?¡¨ Ugly tall big man that¡¦s the leader of kind of baka gauge start to say

with his underling start to make a headache laugh. Kaoru still not care just let them talking I have more important thing to do. The big guy sees that there¡¦s no respond from who he¡¦s teasing so he start it again,

            ¡§Oi! Niikura you scare of us don¡¦t you! If you don¡¦t, why don¡¦t you get up and fight us, huh!!!¡¨ His underling start to laugh again but suddenly they stop because of their leader have already been attack and fall down on the floor. Kaoru stand up, step his feet on the man that have lay on the floor. Cold smile is on his face he turn to the other that laughing at him,

            ¡§Does anyone want it?¡¨ all of them step back, scaring of Kaoru but¡K

            ¡§I am.¡¨ Kaoru suddenly turn to that familiar voice, surprisingly. Die is standing at the door smiling looking at the purple -hair man. Walk toward to him; Kaoru didn¡¦t move just waiting for Die to come closer. The red-hair man had already stand in front of Kaoru, smiling at him while another staring at him with angry in his eyes, this time he¡¦ll hit the red-hair man for sure. Die have stand in front of Kaoru, looking up to taller man didn¡¦t do anything, Die see that Kaoru didn¡¦t do anything, he know that Kaoru will fight back. Die bow his head down until his head be at the same level as Kaoru¡¦s. Smiled softly to him he said,

            ¡§I never though that you are in the same school as mine.¡¨ Kaoru smiled cooler,

            ¡§Me neither.¡¨ Kaoru looking into the taller man eyes, such a beautiful deep brown eyes feel like¡KHe stopped thinking when he feels soft kiss from another man. ¡§Its time for class now sees you this afternoon ne, honey.¡¨ Then the red hair man walked out of the room. The teacher came in so the purple-hair man sat back down to his seat, touching his lip wondering what is this feeling when that guy press his lip on him. Looking out at the window until the teacher call him for the answer he just do it and sat back down.


Lunchtime have arrive Kaoru still sit at his seat don¡¦t feel like want to eat anything. Everyone are out for their lunch so he is alone. Suddenly shock when someone hug him from behind. Then he knew who is it when he have been kiss on his cheek. He remember the feeling when another man press his lip on him, so gently and warm¡K

¡§Why don¡¦t you go eat something? I didn¡¦t see you eat anything last night, though.¡¨ Die asked

            ¡§None of your business.¡¨ He turned away, feeling hot inside when the red-hair man caring about him.

            ¡§Now I know why you are so scrawny.¡¨ Die holding up Kaoru wrist kissing his hand. Kaoru blushed he want Die to stop doing it. He stand up want to push another man away but somehow for just standing up make him feel dizzy. He can¡¦t stand it any more. He faint¡K




