Warning/Disclaimer: This site may (or may not, but probably does) contain some very dodgey shit. if you are under 21 or 18, please click leave .  If you are over 18 or 21, please enter if you wish, and enjoy your stay at the TePuke Thrasherz Website.  Our greatest apologies/condolences for those of you whose sons/daughters under the tender age of 13 who witness the uncanny gruesomeness of this site. And please, if you are over 65 or retired, please dont hesitate to steer clear of the website as you may experience a stroke, heart attack, blood clot, respitory arrest, or spontaneous combustion.  For everyone who rides bikes Downhills, Dirtjumping, Urbanz, X-freeride (none of that pussy shit), phat trails, or even skateparks (when theres no homies around), feel free to enter here or by clicking on the logo at the top of this page.