Terabithia's Startrek Voyager Fiction

Startrek Voyager was my first fanfic love. I started writing in 1997 and have carried rignt on... though i have slowed down a bit. Unless other wise marked these stories all contain m/m relationships, or implications of m/m relationships. Consider your self warned.

Disclaimer: The starships you recognize and their crews belong to Parmount any other characters or equiptiment are my own creations. These stories contain sometimes graphic sexual passages therefor any one who is be offended by this or anyone under 18 should LEAVE_NOW

If you have any comments good or otherwise send them to



Together Forever
Chakotay/Paris NC-17
Tom and Chakotay find their way though all the challenges of finding each other and havinga relationship.

Flight Series

Paris/Kim PG-13

"I" Series

No specific pairings
Series of shorts, lots of angst

Curiosity Series

Paris/Kim NC-17

Constellation Series

Paris/Bashir, Chakotay/Kim

Jealousy Series

Chakotay/Paris/Torres eventually Janeway/Chakotay/Paris/Torres
Co-written with Keikimo

Stand Alone Stories

The First Night
Chakotay/Paris NC-17
Chakotay and Tom Paris were lovers when Tom was with the Maquis. Now reunited they decide to break in their quarters on Voyager properly.

Missed Reality

Chakotay/Paris NC-17
Commander Chakotay loves Tom Paris but his belief that the pilot hates him has kept him quiet. Until Tom is nearly killed when his shuttle is caught in an eddy in space. When Tom returns to the ship Chakotay decides it's time to tell Tom how he feels, even if the man laughs in his face.

C/P Resolutions

Chakotay/Paris NC-17
Well the Voyager writers gave us such a nice plot they just got the characters mixed up in canon so I fixed it for them... now it's Tommy and Chak who get left behind on New Earth.

Alternate Punishments, Alternate Rewards

99% not slash but there is a tiny slash eventually

Story Pairs and Shorts

Life Hates Me
Life Loves Harry


To Love and Die
To Die and Love

Warning contains the deaths of major characters, and mature themes

Not At Fault

Paris/Kim, Chakotay

Nobody Lives Without Love

Song story. Yet another variation on how Tom and Chakotay get together the first time.

Almost Home

Song story

First Love

Paris/Kim, Chakotay
We all have the sweetest memories of our first loves. Even if nothing ever came of it.

I Don't...

Things Tom doesn't do.

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