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Club Season Records
Parent Letter
DFW radar
Eastfield field map
Our end of season party will be at CiCi's Pizza Sunday November 14th at 4:00 pm. Also, congratulations to the U12, U14, and U16 Terminators. All 3 are Mesquite Fall 1999 City Champions! New team pictures are here
Have not had time to add much to "the rant." Finished the season with a 2-8-0 record. I do feel we made some progress, and I am already looking forward to the Spring 2000 season. Team Rules are in order, having too many players missing too many practices and it's really starting to effect the team as a whole. Tolerate? Negatory. Furthermore, I think the girls had alot of fun and that's really what it's all about, at this age especially. We should have team pictures up soon and a new look to the U6 Terminator site for the 2000 season....
This is what it is all about. Hard work from these girls earned us two victories over the weekend. We are continuing to get better and better with every passing week and I think the results are becoming evident. Hats off to the Lady Terminators, your parents and coach are very proud of you!
Improved play but came up short in our two games over the weekend. Close to playing short-sided due to my players getting sick. Everything from stomach viruses to strep throat have plagued us. We've had a couple of good practices this week (those who show up). Hopefully we'll fare better this weekend. Most importantly we are still having fun. Click here to see how the rest of the club is doing.
Lost our first game. Not pretty. Again, very optimistic with the new girls (Julia, Christina, and Natalie) play. Scoring needs to spread out to other players if we are going to be successful. Off for Labor Day but have a tough Stars team to play coming up.
Scrimmage this weekend showed promising signs about the new players. Not for sure how but we ended up in Div. I our first season of U6 play. We may not win them all but we will be prepared. Can not wait for the season to begin.
We will be participating in the Mesquite Spook Out tournament this Fall, October 30-31. Cost will be $12 per player. More info here.
Girls are doing well in practice, despite the heat. Here in Texas we are having some record setting temperatures for this time of the year. Our last two practices have been in triple-digit heat. These girls are tough. I cannot wait for the season to start, should be alot of fun.
These are the kits I am considering for the Fall. We will use our gold/black for alternate jerseys. Click on image for more info.
Fall season begins August 28th. All the girls will be back except Kendall. We are moving up and she would have a tough time playing against the older kids. She was our baby (youngest player). We will miss her. Good Luck in drill Kendall!
Since we are moving up to U6 we will be playing our fixtures on different fields than the previous 2 seasons. Here is a map of Eastfield. As soon as I know what field colors we will be playing on, I will let you know and post them here.