Welcome to Peggy's
Weight Loss Website!
Hello and welcome!  Thanks for visiting my site! If you are here, you probably know me from the Amazing 40's So Cal Gal Pals pages on weightwatchers.com

My name is Peggy; I am 40 years old, engaged to the most wonderful man in the world, and living in sunny Southern California (sorry Mom!)   I have been on-plan (for the second time) since May 2002.  The first attempt was working, but I lost my WW buddy when I moved and didn't have any motivation to go alone.  Now it's a different story.  Now I am losing for me.  Not for my WW buddy, not for my fiance, not for the girls at work, but for

I hate myself in pictures, less now than before, but I still hate 'em!  So scrounging up some early photos was a challenge.  I chose my official "before"  photo on the advice of a friend (who also built this site for me).  When I really looked at it, I realized what a good"before" picture it is, I totally look swollen (I know, I know, the word is fat).
I'd like to thank my wonderful friends, the So Cal Gal Pals!  You ladies inspire, amuse, and love me in a way that I could not make this journey without.  To see a photo of some of the beautiful Gal Pals, click here.
Most recent news:
On April 22, 2005, Tony and I were married!!  Here are a few pictures :
wedding pictures

Visit our wedding website:
I have been on so many diets over the years, and taken pills, and received shots, and eaten the craziest foods, and... well, you get the idea.  And, as you all probably know from your own experience, the weight always came back, and it brought friends!  This time is SO different; I am choosing what to eat and learning to make those choices count.

One thing I regret as I work on this website is that I didn't have more early
progress pictures taken, and I never took any measurements.  I have to rely on the photos that I wasn't able to hide from, and the knowledge that I am wearing smaller clothing.  I plan to be more diligent about progress pictures, and maybe one day I'll actually take measurements too! 

One thing I have learned to do, and I encourage you all to do it, is to wear clothes that fit!  I used to wear such baggy clothes; I guess I thought they were hiding my size!  But they really made me look bigger; I think I finally understand that.

I wish you all success in your journey. Feel free to
contact me, I love hearing from other people who are working just like me to make their lives and bodies more healthy and happy!

Page Links:
Progress Pictures
Related Web Pages:
Weight Watchers Dottie's Weight Loss Zone
So Cal Gal Pals
Other stuff I'm in to: Desert tortoises Desert Directory
C.O.B. Racing      Alder Eagle blues and rock band
My fiance, the wonderful DJ Tony Barthel
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