Spells and Rituals

Witchcraft called the Law of Threefold Return.
This says that whatever power you send out,
eventually comes back to you
three times more powerful!!!
So Beware!

    Love Spell
    • To Attract Love
    • Herbal Charm to Attract Love
    • To Bring Romantic Love to You
    • The Perfect Soulmate Spell
    • Witch's Love Potion
    • Love Tea Spell
    Job Spell
    • Spell to do well on a Job Interview
    • A Spell for Employment
    Dream Spell
    • Dreams
    • Lucid Dreams
    • Make Someonen Dream of You
    • Spell for a Good Night's Sleep
    • Sweet Dreams Baby
    Money Spell
    • To Attract Money
    • Simple Candle "Prosperity" Spell
    • Want Spell
    Health Spell
    • Weight-loss Spell
    • Spell to be Healthy and Eat Less by Catala
    When Spell's Fail