Trinity's History & Photo Album

 Guthrie was established on April 22, 1889. The whole city developed in that one day.

Trinity was established on July 2, 1889, becoming the first organized congregation of the Episcopal Church in Oklahoma. Services were held in various rooms around town until February 1890, when the ladies guild purchased a lot for $205.00 on Noble Avenue between Division and First Streets. By June the Guild had enough money to start construction on a church building.

 On August 31, 1890 the first service was held in the new church, however, construction was not completed until November.

 On Sunday, September 14,1890, a deacon from Arkansas City, Kansas baptized the first 2 people in the Episcopal Church in Guthrie.

 Bishop Francis Key Brooke was elected as Bishop of the Missionary District of Oklahoma and Indian Territory on January 6, 1893. Bishop Brooke arrived in Guthrie on January 19 and established Trinity Church as his cathedral church until 1908 when he moved the diocesan headquarters to Oklahoma City.

 In April 1893, after requests from the owner of the stables next to the church to purchase the land so he could expand, the church sold the property and acquired the present land at the corner of Noble and Broad Streets and the church building was moved on log rollers, by a team of horses, next to the house on the lot. The house became the rectory.

 The first Ordination took place here in August 20, 1894.

 On July 28,1895, Bishop Brooke named Rev. Albert Nicholas as the new rector. His youngest daughter Mary married Dr. C. S. Petty and died 5 days after the birth of thelr only child Mary Petty. The stained glass window on the Epistle side of the altar bearing the words in Memoriam M.N.P.” was given to the church In her memory by Dr. Petty.

 The window on the Gospel side of the altar was given to the church by Bishop and Mrs. Brooke in memory of their son, John Thomson Brooke, who was drowned in California in August 1908 at age 23.

 When statehood came in 1907, Trinity became the Episcopal Cathedral for the State of Oklahoma.

 State employees made up a large portion of the parishioners in 1908, so when the state seal was stolen and moved to Oklahoma City to establish the capital there, the attendance dropped drastically and Trinity was forced to resume Mission status and did not become a self-supporting parish until 1950.

 The present day brick church building was started in 1910 but not completed until 1913 due to a lack of funds. The original church building was then moved to its present location and converted into the parish house and in 1961 was named Brooke Hall in honor of Bishop Brooke. The house was named Nicholas House in honor of Rev. Albert Nicholas who was instrumental in developing the early church.

 On Sunday, May 18,1913, the new brick church held the first service, presided by Bishop Brooke.

The organ was donated by Mr. & Mrs. John Furrow, who purchased it from the Paramount Theater in Los Angeles in 1936. Mr. Furrow also provided the church the funds to construct the beautiful altar.

 In October 1996, Rev. Mary Lu Walker was named Vicar, becoming the first woman named to that position in Trinity church.