Terron_Manonda's Home Page


If anyone has any request on what I should put up please email me at terron_manonda@yahoo.com. And one more thing please look at the Human Comedy part of my website I think it would be enlightning, or go read the Human Comedy both are good, I just liked that part of the book which was edited for a speech I needed to make in AP US History.

I've added on a story my friend wrote, she's stopped writting it so if you read it and like e-mail me and I'll relay the message to her. It's sad that I can't remember her e-mail address or have it written somewhere. And the survey doesn't work so if you want to take it just e-mail all the questions and answers to whoever you want but make sure to go to the e-mail one.

I'll be adding a link soon too some pics on the site.

Also removed a few links from the site because they are not useful anymore to have along with the everquest screen shots.

Tree Top Hiding Spot Guild on Neopets

A Tigerian Story

Other Home Page

Kristians Home Page

The Human Comedy

My WebPage for School

A Survey to take when your bored

If you want to send the survey to someone

The quizzes I've taken and actually posted, this is sorta an ad section

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Also consider joining neopets, I have found it to be fun and a great place for flash games

breeder_haley got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com breeder_haley got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com breeder_haley got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com