Landus Silfar

Male Harpy, 19, NE but bending back towards LN or something, Libra

2 Mnk/3 Rog/1 PPA

VP: 0

Contacts: Caradoc Artox

AC: 23 (10base+3dex+2glovedex+4wis+3armor+1monk)

HP: 35 (3d8+3d6+0)

BAB: +4

Attacks: Unarmed Strike +10 (+4 BAB+3 Dex+2Glove Dex+1amulet) (1d10+2str+1amulet)

            Flurry of Blows: +8/+8 (1d10+2str+1amulet/1d8+2str+1amulet)

            Stunning Fist DC 17 (10+3level+4wis)

Armor Check: 0

RS: +11

FS: +6

WS: +11

Speed: 40ft ground, 30ft fly (Average meanuver)

Initiative: +3/+4

Str: 13 (+1)

Dex: 17 (+3)/21 (+5)

Con: 10 (+0)

Int: 14 (+2)

Wis: 18 (+4)

Cha: 11 (+0)

Feats: Stunning Fist (2/day), Sneak Attack (3d6), Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Weapon Finesse, Trapfinding, Combat Reflexes, Fly-By Attack, Endurance, Extra Stunning, Hand-to-Hand, Pain Touch

Skills: +11/13 Hide 8, +11/13 Move Silent 8, +15 Spot 9, +11/13 Tumble 8, +19 Sense Motive 9 (+2 Insight/+1 Unamed/+3 Empathy Related Checks), +12 Listen 8, +13 Heal 6 (+3 on Empathy/Healing related checks) +6 Search 2 (+2 Search Racial Bonus), +5 Perform (Harp) (+2 Masterwork Bonus) 3

Languages: Common, OGRAM, Dwarven

Possessions: 12pp MW Sling, dress strip, Bracers of Armor +3, Gloves of Dex +4, Scratch’s Amulet, 2 of Boss’s Hats, Skin of the Hero, Skin of the Chameleon, Amulet of Mighty Fists 1, Monk’s Belt, Tan Bag of Tricks, Scratch’s Stick

Recent Pickups:

Current HP total: 35/35

Sling Stones: 100/100

SF: 7/7

EXP: 17,700/21,000

Description: A small, wiry man. Large black wings. Most of the time keeps his torso bare, favoring loose black pants alone. Has a black headband drooping almost across one eye. Black hair goes all over the place. Green eyes.


Background: Eh heh... life’s not so bad you know. We lived fine in Penobscot. ‘lil low class, not a ton of money. We ate reliably every day and we weren’t working ourselves to death. Dad had to get himself into trouble though. Got into a big fight, bunch of people involved. Got incarcerated too. Caught a chill and died before his short sentence was done. Bad luck that, reaper on his heels.

What can you do though? Mom was already dead and my dear sister’s always sick. Didn’t really know what to do. Now we weren’t exactly eating reliably, and that gets her real sick.

Turns out I can fight pretty well and I manage to turn my way a little bit. Nothing serious, just some wagered fights to earn a few extra coins. Pick my opponents right and I’ve got easy wins. I can at least get enough to keep her mostly healthy. I’m getting a little lean, but I can live with that.

Anyway, I impress one guy with my fists. Says I’m a natural. Precision is the key. Wants me to meet a person, the Capuchin. I don’t have much to lose, so I go meet this... still don’t quite who the Capuchin is. We’ll say him.

He heads an order of fighters, a Order of the Silent Fist. Great bunch. Sneaky. Cunning. Can stop a man with a touch. I’m thinking this is useful. Push comes to shove, knowing how to do this sort of stuff could pull me an’ my sister out of a rut.

So I start learning this new style in addition to everything else. I’m stretched real thin. She does all right. Even worrying about me gets her worked up. So I decide to take my talent to the road after a while. She’s a bit lonely, but I send enough back home to keep her doing well I think.

Anyway, I end up getting tied up with some bandits. Eh heh... its easy work. Rob a caravan, split the loot. Guys are asses, but it’s a living. Guy’s gotta eat.

But then one day this guy shows up. Bunch of other bandits in tow. Starts demanding we do some things his way.

Guy looks like a simp. Blind... some goofy red hat... big purple feather... But ‘ey, he downs the boss like he was nothing when he refuses. This guy knows what he’s doing, and judging by those others, he runs a sweet deal.

So I offer him two hands and help him catch some of the guys that fled. I’m impressed. He’s impressed. He tells me about this whole Bandit/Caravan scheme. He’s real clever. Defintely do better with this guy.

Sister doesn’t write much, but she’s doing fine from what I hear. Making good enough for her to eat well and see a doctor when she’s sick. Been getting friendly with the neighbors and they watch her for me.

This job’s sweet. I think I’ll do it for a while.