You have just entered room "ARGH."

Dark Japheth: Why do you deserve to die?

AndrewRogue: ...conversation not going well?

Sarcazmo47: I make my girlfriend cry.

Sarcazmo47: Someone shoot me in the face.

Dark Japheth: That means very little. You always hurt the ones you love.

Sarcazmo47: Mmm, platitudes.

Sarcazmo47: Sorry. I'm feeling short tempered.

Dark Japheth: Its ok.

Dark Japheth: So. Uhh.

Dark Japheth: Hi.

Sarcazmo47: Hi.

Sarcazmo47: Did you buy more canes today?

Sarcazmo47: Or did you use yesterday's canes stylishly and with gusto?

Sarcazmo47: Perhaps pummeled some whores or something?

Dark Japheth: No. I merely used mine to assist in walking.

Dark Japheth: I did get a flat tire today

AndrewRogue: Heh.

Dark Japheth: Yay.

AndrewRogue: Er... indeed.

Sarcazmo47: Did you hit a squirrel or something?

Sarcazmo47: And it's sharp pointy teeth pierced your tire?

Dark Japheth: No.

Dark Japheth: I backed out of Big Five

Dark Japheth: Drove to Del Taco

Dark Japheth: by the time I got there, the tire was flat. It was a forty five second drive. I do not know how it happened.

Dark Japheth: I blame god.

Dark Japheth: Andrew, how was your day?

AndrewRogue: Uh.

AndrewRogue: I had... one class.

AndrewRogue: It was cancelled.

Dark Japheth: ...that is incredible.

AndrewRogue: I read various school books.

AndrewRogue: Yep.

Dark Japheth: So what do y'all want to do tonight?

Sarcazmo47: Game.

Sarcazmo47: Silly question.

Dark Japheth: True. But again, sometimes, I feel like I'm smothering you with quantity over quality.

Dark Japheth: If the quality ever seriously diminishes, I request someone tell me so I can take a creative break.

Dark Japheth: i.e. have a few more dates with melissa.

Dark Japheth: And all will be cleared and cleaned

Sarcazmo47: Absolutely will do.

AndrewRogue: Of course. And, uh, y'know, tell us if you need a break.

Dark Japheth: Anyway, to recap- Skocion has been reprimanded, Landus has been DISAPPOINT'D, and they remain in the merry olde inn.

Dark Japheth: Eh, I can do this for days. :P

Dark Japheth: Weeks

Dark Japheth: months

Dark Japheth: years.

Dark Japheth: Furthermore, Skocion managed to show everyone exactly what he's made out of.

Dark Japheth: Before I begin game again, I'm going to suggest something.

Sarcazmo47: He has?

Dark Japheth: Normally, a 20 on a roll for a skill check or attack is 30. However. I'm considering repealing this- you count it as a 20, but double your bonuses on the roll.

Dark Japheth: Yes he has. He's made of PURE PIMP, + ACTOR, + BADASS.

Sarcazmo47: Well, that's not so bad.

Sarcazmo47: I can dig it.

Sarcazmo47: Where did the badass come in?

Dark Japheth: When you stood up to the Dark Man in Armor Who Recommended Lashings

Dark Japheth: Anyway, my rule allows for more epic successes. :P

Sarcazmo47: It does?

Dark Japheth: Alright. Pretend your total skill modifier for Sense Motive is +15.

AndrewRogue: +17 <_<

Dark Japheth: Or +17, even.

Dark Japheth: Now you roll a 20. 37 base. And add your modifier again.

Dark Japheth: Now we're talking 54.

Dark Japheth: Thats Nellix Level Sense Motive

Sarcazmo47: Iiiiiiinteresting.

Sarcazmo47: So what does a 1 do?

Dark Japheth: No, thats beyond Nellix, thats LAN level sense motive.

Dark Japheth: A 1 is a botch.

Dark Japheth: I'll be creative.

Dark Japheth: :P

Sarcazmo47: Well, is it possible to get good enough at something that it's really difficult to botch?

Sarcazmo47: I mean, does it ever become less than a 5% chance for someone to botch a task?

Dark Japheth: Yep. My botch rules remain- the total is -10 base. If you have +17, your total is 7- you do not botch.

Dark Japheth: So after a 10 bonus, its impossible to botch.

Dark Japheth: :P

Dark Japheth: Make sense?

Dark Japheth: Only a negative total after all modifiers are applied will result in a botch.

Sarcazmo47: Awsome.

Dark Japheth: Is this rule agreeable?

Sarcazmo47: I can dig it.

AndrewRogue: Sounds fine.

Sarcazmo47: Oh!

Dark Japheth: Mmm?

Sarcazmo47: I don't suppose there'd be anything like a critical success in that case?

Sarcazmo47: Or would that just be a higher check result?

Dark Japheth: Exceedingly higher check result.

Sarcazmo47: Righto.

Dark Japheth: Krist rolled a 20 on the check to sculpt Ninile.

Dark Japheth: Niniel

Sarcazmo47: Like a...*checks*

Dark Japheth: Or rather, I let him freely get a 20.

Sarcazmo47: Like a 50 diplomacy check to get a sixteen year old in bed?

AndrewRogue: 15

Dark Japheth: lmao

Dark Japheth: Yes.

Sarcazmo47: Yeah, that.

Dark Japheth: I set the DC for that at 25- not something most people could do. And that would result in her caring DEEPLY about that curfew and stopping you. 35, you'd be able to sleep with her, but she'd run home to dad.

Sarcazmo47: And, you know, I don't recall Skocion standing up to Man In Armor. I remember a lot more prostration.

Dark Japheth: Thats my point- you took punishment like a man

Dark Japheth: You did not stab people, angered.

Sarcazmo47: Ah.

Dark Japheth: Anyway. If we are all ready.

Sarcazmo47: Oh baby.

Dark Japheth: ~-~-~Resume~-~-~

Sarcazmo47: Too bad Skocion isn't an uncle.

Sarcazmo47: ANYWAY

Sarcazmo47: Skocion rouses the peeps EARLY.

Sarcazmo47: Like, while it's still dark.

AndrewRogue: *gets up in his normal rapid style* "What's up boss?"

Sarcazmo47: "Rise and shine. We need to go back to Tamerand."

AndrewRogue: "So early huh? Buisness or a problem?"

Sarcazmo47: "I forgot something."

Sarcazmo47: Multi Entendre!

Sarcazmo47: It's a feat.

AndrewRogue: *he shrugs* "Right then. Can I have 2 minutes to stretch?"

Sarcazmo47: "You can have five. Meet me out front."

Dark Japheth: :P

Sarcazmo47: He goes and gets Caradoc.

Dark Japheth: Caradoc is slightly miffed. "What is it?" When she notices its you, she sits up straight, and looks at you.

Sarcazmo47: "I need horses."

Dark Japheth: "...Ah. We have a few downstairs, near the stables. Head around back." She sighs. "When will you be back?"

Sarcazmo47: "I don't know."

Sarcazmo47: He pauses. "But we can probably talk more often."

Dark Japheth: "Possibly. I've been talking to the spinster more than Baalzemon."

Sarcazmo47: "Who?"

Dark Japheth: "The Spinster."

Sarcazmo47: He looks blank.

Dark Japheth: She sighs. "Ask Baalzem... Scratch about it."

Sarcazmo47: He shrugs. "Thanks for the horses."

Dark Japheth: "Ask Scratch, trust me. I can't put it into words. It'd be like explaining the subtle nuances of Scratch to... Krist."

Dark Japheth: "Any time, brother."

Sarcazmo47: He starts to turn away.

Sarcazmo47: Then he catches himself.

Sarcazmo47: Turns back to face her.

Sarcazmo47: And gently bops her on the nose while making a The Cheat-like noise.

Sarcazmo47: Then he turns and heads for the stables.

Dark Japheth: SHe giggles, and sits on the edge of her bed, until you leave.

AndrewRogue: (Awww... <3)

Sarcazmo47: Say anything and Skocion KILL YOU

AndrewRogue: (Landus can't, much to my disdain <_<)

Sarcazmo47: *snort*

Sarcazmo47: Anyway. Skocion rides like the wind, abusing the horses in ways Riannon would surely object to if she were here.

Sarcazmo47: >.>

Dark Japheth: lol! Indeed!

Dark Japheth: You make it there by sunrise, easily.

Sarcazmo47: Awsome.

Sarcazmo47: He heads about halfway through town, looking in a hurry, before he suddenly jerks to a halt and remembers the others.

Sarcazmo47: "Ah....why don't you all wait in the inn?"

AndrewRogue: "Sheesh... you'd think you were gonna die boss."

Sarcazmo47: "Oh, that's very unlikely, I'm sure."

AndrewRogue: "Eh heh... yeah sure. If you want us to wait at the inn, I'm sure we can handle that."

Sarcazmo47: He nods and starts walking away in a hurry again, not even bothering to check if they do so.

Sarcazmo47: And there's a dead Gorth on my lawn. Ewwwww.

Sarcazmo47: Poke it with a stick!

Dark Japheth: *is poked*

AndrewRogue: *pokes*

Dark Japheth: IM, or in chat?

Sarcazmo47: Chat.

AndrewRogue: Whatever is fine with me. I'd perfer chat to alleviate my boredom.

Sarcazmo47: Precisely.

Sarcazmo47: So.

Sarcazmo47: To the Place!

Sarcazmo47: With the Stuff!

Dark Japheth: You arrive at said place.

Sarcazmo47: Awsome.

Sarcazmo47: Is Max in?

Dark Japheth: It is located deep beneath the city. After going place, you notice that not as many undead servants shamble around. And the loss of Shale is hitting hard- many speak of it.

Dark Japheth: Verily, it is so.

Sarcazmo47: Interesting.

Sarcazmo47: Skocion comes to the enterance and claps once, to announce himself.

Dark Japheth: A few people, mostly lower in rank than you, look at you once, then smile. You have fallen from grace, and have no place here. But they part, so you may speak with the head.

Sarcazmo47: Oh ho.

Sarcazmo47: He marks their faces as he passes. If he's still alive at the end of the day, some will be repenting their impudence. And if not, well, it won't be much of a concern.

Sarcazmo47: Anyway.

Dark Japheth: Heh.

Dark Japheth: :P

Sarcazmo47: So he presents himself.

Sarcazmo47: He bows in a courtly fashion, flourishing his hat.

Sarcazmo47: Then he goes to one knee in the more traditional manner.

Dark Japheth: The man stands above you, and looks down. "Baron Atrox. You have sinned most dishonorably in the eyes of our Dark Father."

Dark Japheth: "Do you desire penance?"

Sarcazmo47: He says nothing, as there is nothing to say.

Sarcazmo47: To that first part.

Sarcazmo47: To the second. "I do."

Dark Japheth: He removes a whip from his side.

Dark Japheth: "The Dark Father shows that Pain is Beauty. Do you seek beauty and love in the eyes of the Dark Master?"

Sarcazmo47: He raises his head, and lets his blank white gaze move over the cleric. "I know nothing of eyes, Master. Only that the will of the Dark Father is inescapable."

Sarcazmo47: And he lowers his head again.

Dark Japheth: "You are wise." He lashes you with the whip.

*OnlineHost*: Dark Japheth rolled 1 4-sided die: 4

Sarcazmo47: Oooo, a whip dagger.

Dark Japheth: You take 4 subdual damage. "How have you sinned?"

Sarcazmo47: He winces, and takes a shuddering gasp.

Sarcazmo47: "I have acted."

Dark Japheth: He whips you again. "How will you avoid further transgressions?"

*OnlineHost*: Dark Japheth rolled 1 4-sided die: 1

Dark Japheth: 1 subdual.

Sarcazmo47: He'd be trying not to laugh, except that he's too busy hurting.

Sarcazmo47: "I will speak no words but my own."

Sarcazmo47: "By the grace of the Dark Father."

Dark Japheth: He smiles, and replaces the whip at his side. "Then go forth. Your penance is thus- for twenty four hours, I deem you to be Unrepentant."

Dark Japheth: "Do not hide your allegiance. Your powers are granted to you upon you leaving the Ignus Cruxiatus, and will be retained until you sin, or disobey, again."

Sarcazmo47: Skocion almost giggles, but he controls himself. It's like a death sentence, only more fun!

Dark Japheth: He smiles. "Go forth. Do no weal." And he waves you off.

Sarcazmo47: Oh, he goes off.

Sarcazmo47: And takes advantage of his new rank, first of all.

Sarcazmo47: By calling over some of those low-ranking members and beating the shit out of them with the chain of PAIN.

Sarcazmo47: Then he takes one of their holy symbols, places it around his neck on the outside of his clothes, and leaves.

Dark Japheth: Good person.

Dark Japheth: Which symbol? There are two of your church, I might add.

Sarcazmo47: Heh.

Sarcazmo47: The one with the tentacle.

Dark Japheth: Heh.

AndrewRogue: Yay tentacles?

Sarcazmo47: Yep.

Sarcazmo47: Anyway.

Dark Japheth: Yes. Yay tentacles.

Sarcazmo47: Skocion shows up again at the inn.

Sarcazmo47: He's kinda hunched over.

Sarcazmo47: And moving quickly.

AndrewRogue: Landus... is kicking back in the common area. "Finish your buisness boss?"

Sarcazmo47: "Oh, quite finished."

Sarcazmo47: "Are you feeling well-rested? It's time to go back to work."

AndrewRogue: "Eh heh... sure. What's the job?"

Sarcazmo47: "We're looking for a plance."

Sarcazmo47: *place

AndrewRogue: "What sort?"

AndrewRogue: *gets up and stretches his wings*

Sarcazmo47: "A place that reminds me of Scratch."

AndrewRogue: "Er... doesn't he only show up when you sleep?"

Sarcazmo47: "As far as I can remember. Come, let's walk. I can explain as we ride."

AndrewRogue: "Sure."

Sarcazmo47: Aaaand they walk.

AndrewRogue: And... they go.

Sarcazmo47: I'm surprised Landus isn't rolling any spot checks.

Dark Japheth: Where are you guys going? :P

AndrewRogue: Should he be?

Sarcazmo47: Well, first, to the horses.

Sarcazmo47: And second, to Jolir.

Sarcazmo47: Remember that ping you told me about?

Sarcazmo47: Yeah, that's the place.

Dark Japheth: Heh.

Dark Japheth: Roleplay. When I deem you have done enough, I'll ping you with nighttime, shifts, and so on.

Sarcazmo47: Righto.

Sarcazmo47: So, as they go.

AndrewRogue: "So what did you need to do boss?" *he's not paying exceptional attention*

Sarcazmo47: "My.....ancestor, has a rather distinctive....sense about him. There are a few places that have a similar aura. I think it would be a very good idea to visit them."

AndrewRogue: "I meant back in town. I almost get the feeling I ought to be watching our asses for a legion of knights considering the way you hustled us in and out."

Sarcazmo47: He laughs....nervously.

Sarcazmo47: He starts to answer, then remembers something, and sighs.

Sarcazmo47: "I was visiting my church."

AndrewRogue: "Eh heh... I almost forgot. You are a servant of some church, aren't you?"

Sarcazmo47: "Lucky guess. Yes, I am."

Sarcazmo47: He takes the necklace off over his head and hands it to Landus.

AndrewRogue: *takes it and looks at it*

Dark Japheth: It is a trident, facing down, with the flaming pentagram behind it. The middle prong is a tentacle, and coiled.

Sarcazmo47: "If you see a man wearing that, be careful, because it's a man that feels compelled to admit what he is, but is afraid to tell you."

AndrewRogue: Would Landus... recognize this?

Sarcazmo47: "He would be a man you'd be well to avoid."

Sarcazmo47: "He'd be a man whose answers you wouldn't like."

Dark Japheth: I don't know.

Dark Japheth: Whats your Int, or Knowledge Religion?

AndrewRogue: Int is 14, Know: Religion is non-existant

AndrewRogue: So I'm thinking, probably not.

AndrewRogue: "Kinda odd giving me that warning considering you're the one wearing it." *hands it back*

Sarcazmo47: "Interesting, isn't it?"

Sarcazmo47: He puts it back on.

AndrewRogue: Sense the boss.

*OnlineHost*: AndrewRogue rolled 1 20-sided die: 8

Sarcazmo47: What are you sensing for?

AndrewRogue: Hmmm... his basic mood at the moment.

AndrewRogue: I... think you can do that sorta thing with SM, no?

*OnlineHost*: Sarcazmo47 rolled 1 20-sided die: 5

AndrewRogue: 25

Sarcazmo47: He's irritated and less confident than he's trying to pretend he is.

AndrewRogue: "You know boss, if we are in trouble, you might want to tell me so I perk my awareness up a bit more."

AndrewRogue: (Did we bother to grab the golem ever? <_<)

Sarcazmo47: Ah, good point!

Dark Japheth: I'll assume you did. :P

Sarcazmo47: Okie dokie.

Sarcazmo47: Good.

Sarcazmo47: "Oh, don't worry. I think I've averted the trouble in question. But keeping an eye out for a tail might not be a terrible idea.

Sarcazmo47: "

AndrewRogue: "So what exactly did you do?"

Sarcazmo47: "I sought pennance."

AndrewRogue: "Hell of a church you must belong to."

Dark Japheth: irony

Sarcazmo47: "You'd be right about that."

AndrewRogue: *Landus does indeed sit up some and start paying better attention* "So how long are we gonna have to worry about this?"

Sarcazmo47: "Until sunrise, I'm afraid."

Sarcazmo47: "After depends on if Asgardian dukes mean to come charging after me."

AndrewRogue: *Landus cracks his knuckles and shrugs* "No problem then boss. We'll have some fun with them if that's the case." *his grin... hints he'd rather not*

Sarcazmo47: Skocion laughs, mostly without humor, and pats Landus on the shoulder. "Thanks."

AndrewRogue: "But in the meantime... you should look towards home more often."

Sarcazmo47: "Oh? Why is that?"

AndrewRogue: "Eh heh... I think Cara misses you."

Sarcazmo47: "Does she?" He sounds unmoved.

Sarcazmo47: He ponders for a moment.

AndrewRogue: "Bah. Forget it. Its none of my buisness anyway."

Sarcazmo47: "It's too bad, you know. That she won't leave, and let the place die like it should."

AndrewRogue: *he shrugs* "She's got a bit of incentive to leave at least."

Sarcazmo47: "Hmm?"

AndrewRogue: "Eh heh... talking to the air." *he coughs a bit* "So why do we wanna reach one of these places with Scratch's influence or what not?

AndrewRogue: "

Sarcazmo47: He shrugs. "Partly because he asked me to, partly because I'm looking for an answer and don't know where to find it, and partly....." he shrugs, "...I forget."

AndrewRogue: *chuckles*

AndrewRogue: "So we ride our asses out, do whatever, hold out for the night and pray we live till morning?"

Sarcazmo47: Skocion thinks about it for a moment.

Sarcazmo47: "Sounds like a plan."

Sarcazmo47: "Race you."

Sarcazmo47: And he kicks his horse into a gallop.

AndrewRogue: "You're on."

AndrewRogue: (*accidently Stunning Fists his horse trying to spur it on*)

Sarcazmo47: :-D

AndrewRogue: *follows suite, presumably with the rest of the squad in tow*

Dark Japheth: At the end of the night, Riannon and Krist agree to each take double shifts.

Dark Japheth: :P

Dark Japheth: Ready to be Gorth'd, both of you?

Sarcazmo47: I am so ready.

AndrewRogue: (*bends over*)

AndrewRogue: (<_<)

Sarcazmo47: Andrew's got it.

AndrewRogue: (Actually... lemme use the bathroom first.)

Sarcazmo47: Let me guess - an Asgardian Paladin comes along and says "Hey, are you an evil follower of Shai'tan?"

Dark Japheth: Thats not Gorth'd.

Dark Japheth: Thats Cheap'd.

Dark Japheth: Gorth'd is to make you question your very identity, or to cover you in dream sequences.

Dark Japheth: As you both sleep, you both notice that you are in the Room of Fate. The Room filled with clocks, all constantly ticking, set for different times, and Scratch sits behind a small table, shuffling a deck.

AndrewRogue: (Back)

Dark Japheth: "What ho, travelers?" He smiles. "What brings the two of you to my demesnes?"

AndrewRogue: *does the seeing eye Harpy thing* "Ask boss."

Sarcazmo47: "Sleeping, at a guess."

Sarcazmo47: Both of you need to download the Evil Genius demo.

Dark Japheth: "So whats the game tonight?"

Dark Japheth: (I would, but I do not know of what you speak)

Sarcazmo47: Evil Genius Demo.

Sarcazmo47: Search.

Sarcazmo47: Download

Sarcazmo47: Love.

Sarcazmo47: "Your choice. I'm not really in the mood for games."

Dark Japheth: "Then we won't play." He stops dealing, and the card vanishes.

Dark Japheth: *cards

Dark Japheth: "Whats wrong, Skocion? Being unrepentant for a day does not your glory lesser make. And you found a loophole around it."

AndrewRogue: (Are there chairs or anything?)

Dark Japheth: Yeah, three.

Dark Japheth: Foldout chairs, steel. Kind of cheap.

AndrewRogue: *Landus plunks down in one and makes himself comfortable as can be*

Sarcazmo47: "Mmm. It certainly takes the spring from your step."

Dark Japheth: "I suppose. Where are you going, now?"

Sarcazmo47: "Looking for your pieces."

Dark Japheth: "I see."

Dark Japheth: He sighs. "You don't have to listen to the pompous Queklain, you know."

Dark Japheth: "In fact, I'd freely ignore him."

Sarcazmo47: "I might. But I still owe the man a favor, after all."

Sarcazmo47: "And we have plenty of time to change our minds about it."

AndrewRogue: *Landus chuckles*

AndrewRogue: "I'd wonder about the wisdom of that boss."

Dark Japheth: "You can't defeat the Mariliths, you know." He says sagely. "Sometimes, it is better to run than it is to accept your destiny. And some times, your destiny is to run."

Sarcazmo47: "We don't need to defeat them. We just need to stab them."

Dark Japheth: "Stab one. There are six other mariliths."

AndrewRogue: "He's got a point boss. I'd question us surviving one. Maybe two."

Sarcazmo47: Skocion nods reluctantly.

Sarcazmo47: "You're probably right, at that.

Sarcazmo47: "

Sarcazmo47: "In any case, that's not where we're headed at the moment."

Dark Japheth: "Then where are you headed?"

AndrewRogue: *Landus lazes, being that he has no idea of the answer*

Sarcazmo47: "Jolir."

Sarcazmo47: "There's something I saw there."

Dark Japheth: "What did you see?"

Sarcazmo47: "You."

Dark Japheth: "Ah. My rib."

Dark Japheth: He smiles. "From it shall spring women." he laughs.

AndrewRogue: *chuckles*

AndrewRogue: "Quite the ancient you must be then Scratch."

Dark Japheth: "I'm older than fate." He smiles.

Dark Japheth: "We stand, literally and figuratively, in my past." He sighs. "So many portals, so little time."

AndrewRogue: "Eh heh... now that's too deep for me to understand."

Sarcazmo47: Skocion shrugs. "Do they lead anywhere worth going?"

Dark Japheth: "Yes."

Dark Japheth: 'But you would not wish to make the journey now. Trust me.'

AndrewRogue: *kicks back* "I'll take your word on that one."

Sarcazmo47: "Don't you ever get tired of being dead, Scratch?"

Dark Japheth: "Plenty tired. I don't have much say in the matter, though." He shrugs. "I have enemies. They seek to make sure I do not return, despite the fact that I no longer bear them ill will."

Sarcazmo47: Skocion shrugs. "Couldn't you become, you know, more dead?"

Dark Japheth: "No. To make me more dead would require my consent, which at the moment, I am not willing to give."

Sarcazmo47: "So, not that tired of it, then."

Dark Japheth: "Frankly, I'd kill for the ability to breathe."

Dark Japheth: "To dance."

Dark Japheth: "To not be stuck in this stupid fucking room. But hey, here I am, here I am to stay."

AndrewRogue: *yawns*

Dark Japheth: "Yeah. You had better go. I... I am going to have a visitor shortly. He does not wish to see me interacting with you two."

Dark Japheth: He sighs, and begins shuffling cards again, idly.

Sarcazmo47: "Would you be willing to give a name?"

Dark Japheth: "Sure." he shuffles.

Dark Japheth: But does not immediately offer the name.

Sarcazmo47: Skocion waits.

Dark Japheth: "Nellix." He says, finally, after a long wait.

Sarcazmo47: Skocion starts laughing.

Dark Japheth: "Whats so funny?"

Sarcazmo47: "I'm sorry, maybe I'm misremembering the story. Didn't he help kill you? Is he coming to gloat?"

AndrewRogue: *chuckles* "That would be an interesting page in his dogma."

Dark Japheth: "No, actually. He helped kill me, admittedly."

Dark Japheth: "But he did not wish to."

Dark Japheth: He sighs. "I will speak no more of this matter, descendents."

Sarcazmo47: Skocion blinks.

Sarcazmo47: "I don't think I've ever been politely invited to leave my own dreams before."

AndrewRogue: "Eh heh... it's fine." *Landus stands up* "I'm going to go finish actual sleep if this is the case."

Dark Japheth: "Good plan. You two need the rest, not to talk to some barmy old codger speaking politely with a god."

Sarcazmo47: Skocion shrugs. "A welcome change of pace, I suppose. Have fun with that, Scratch."

Dark Japheth: "I'll tell you all about it. Tomorrow."

Dark Japheth: He smiles. "Go find my rib, kid." And you both descend into sleep. Normal sleep.

AndrewRogue: (And then you die. Cause Rii and Krist were poor watchers)

Sarcazmo47: Heh.

Sarcazmo47: NOW the paladins arrive.

Dark Japheth: No, now...

Sarcazmo47: Because you know they're coming.

Dark Japheth: ~-~-~End~-~-~

Sarcazmo47: Now WE sleep.

Sarcazmo47: I can dig that.

Dark Japheth: No, hardly. I just invoked the name of Nellix.

Dark Japheth: Does Nellix have paladins?

Sarcazmo47: Probably.

Sarcazmo47: But who cares?

AndrewRogue: Who knows.

Dark Japheth: Nobody cares. :P

Sarcazmo47: Random Tiyrael Paladin rides to Tamerand to wax Shale, why not have another one ride on in to wax Skocion?

Sarcazmo47: Were you rolling to see if anyone recognized Skocion's symbol, by the way?

AndrewRogue: Just a few more levels and I can challange Nellix to a Sense Motive war <_<

Dark Japheth: No, I was not. You left in a hurry, and are wielding a relatively unknown symbol. :P

Dark Japheth: Can you?

Dark Japheth: He's a god. Thats at LEAST +70.

Sarcazmo47: Landus needs to master the Black Panda Style.

Dark Japheth: He knows WHY you are lying before you think about lying.

Dark Japheth: Not only that, he knows the exact circumstances that would lead up to it.

AndrewRogue: So I have to beat... +90?

Dark Japheth: Epic SM > Epic All

Dark Japheth: Nellix has a huge ass bluff. :P

AndrewRogue: That's do-able in a few levels.

AndrewRogue: And by few, I mean 20 or so.

Dark Japheth: Ah. XP.

Dark Japheth: Tell me *why* you deserved 500 XP for this session, and its yours.

Dark Japheth: :P

Sarcazmo47: What?

Sarcazmo47: XP?

Sarcazmo47: No.

Sarcazmo47: Too far ahead of the others as it is.

Dark Japheth: Very well.

AndrewRogue: Because... uh... yeah. I did shit that earned me XP. And same thing. I think I lead the XP game.

Sarcazmo47: By a fair margin, actually.

AndrewRogue: How did I get so far ahead?

Dark Japheth: You have been present for 90% of the sessions

Sarcazmo47: By the power of the Black Panda.

Dark Japheth: You have no LA to buy off

Dark Japheth: and you also roleplayed exceptionally well. Where others got Vile points, I gave you Empathy and bonus XP. :P

Sarcazmo47: And you got Sister-Raped, which won you extra XP.

Dark Japheth: Yeh that too

Sarcazmo47: What, he got Empathy for watching Skocion feed babies to manticores?

AndrewRogue: I was just trying to recall where I got bonus XP along the way :p And I got shit for that session :p

Sarcazmo47: That's the only time I ever got a vile point, other than the first session.

Dark Japheth: No, I've given you a few more.

Dark Japheth: I'm almost sure of it.

Sarcazmo47: Uh....

Dark Japheth: ...No, actually

Sarcazmo47: Nope.

AndrewRogue: We all got one for exploding Nin I thought.

Sarcazmo47: Oh.

Dark Japheth: No.

Dark Japheth: I did not give out *any* vile points for that.

Dark Japheth: Go ahead, ask me why.

Sarcazmo47: Why?

Dark Japheth: Because Vile points were spent to achieve it.

AndrewRogue: ...actually, my bigger question is where the Vile Point on my sheet came from.

AndrewRogue: O_o

Sarcazmo47: Vile POINT was spent to achieve it.

Sarcazmo47:, you actually did.

Sarcazmo47: *consults log*

Dark Japheth: What

Dark Japheth: Ok, take it off. :P

Sarcazmo47: Awwwwwww.

Dark Japheth: Goddamnit, I knew I didn't *want* to give one out. I must have been high.

AndrewRogue: *erases VP*

AndrewRogue: ;_;

Sarcazmo47: Yeah, yeah, that's it.

Dark Japheth: Andrew- I offered you a vile point, or the chance to redeem yourself and move back to your original alignment.

Sarcazmo47: That's the ticket.

Sarcazmo47: "Let the dead bury the dead." -Black Panda proverb

AndrewRogue: offered me a chance to resume my alignmet at the cost of removing the point.

AndrewRogue: I had the point before that conversation.

Dark Japheth: Strange.

Dark Japheth: Keep it, then. :P

Dark Japheth: I believe I need to do something for neutral characters

AndrewRogue: I hate alignment.

Dark Japheth: but "Mediocre Point" and "Flip-Flop" points just don't cut it.

Dark Japheth: ;P

Dark Japheth: So do I. I'd prefer a Nature/Demeanor system.

AndrewRogue: Landus begs to be LNEG

Dark Japheth: But frankly, thats the way its got to be.

Sarcazmo47: The Black Panda style is taught only in a few remote locales, although stories of its practicioners are told far and wide.

AndrewRogue: Kirk read my mind. I was just gonna ask that.

Sarcazmo47: Legend holds that Kurokuma, the first Black Panda master, learned the art when he slew a mighty forest spirit in panda form.

Sarcazmo47: Black Panda is a circular style that emphasizes blocks and defenseive forms.

Sarcazmo47: It's true strength, however, lies in a series of strange and fearful maeuvers called atemi, or "vital strike" attacks.

Dark Japheth: anyway, I go sleep now good night.

AndrewRogue: Night Gorth

Dark Japheth has left the room.

Sarcazmo47: Black Panda masters are typically lawful evil, although they accept students of any alignment.

AndrewRogue: ...I seem to recall reading this somewhere.

Sarcazmo47: Dragon Magazine.

Sarcazmo47: Issue 309.

Sarcazmo47: Black Panda Style is made for Landus.

Sarcazmo47: In a hardcore way.

Sarcazmo47: Black Panda Mastery 1: The save DC against a Stunning Fist or Stunning Fist based attack goes up by +2.

Sarcazmo47: Black Panda Mastery 2: In additon to its normal damage, your unarmed attack deals 1 point of Con damage when used in conjunction with Distant Touch, Freezing The Lifeblood, Pain Touch, or Stunning Fist feats.

AndrewRogue: Nice.

AndrewRogue: What were the reqs on it?

Sarcazmo47: You gotta be trained, naturally.

Sarcazmo47: It does not cost a feat slot, which is nice.

Sarcazmo47: According to the rage, you need Combat Expertise, Dodge, Pain Touch, Stunning Fist, and Improved Unarmed Strike.

Sarcazmo47: *rag

Sarcazmo47: But that's probably up to Gorth.

Sarcazmo47: The tough part would be finding a Black Panda master.

Sarcazmo47: And getting him to teach you.

AndrewRogue: *nods* Indeed.

Sarcazmo47: Black Panda 2 calls for Freezing The Lifeblood and...heh....Extra Stunning.

AndrewRogue: Always on the look out for new quests we are though. Wouldn't hurt to resolve some of are current extras though.

Sarcazmo47: Heh.

Sarcazmo47: I'm workin on it!

Sarcazmo47: It's hard to figure out what the sidequests are and which one is the main quest that we should do last.

AndrewRogue: So how screwed are we when we awake? <_< </random thought>