Skocion Atrox

Paladin 5/Fighter 2

Human Male LE

Age 25, Height 5'10, Weight 190, Eyes Blue/White, Hair Platinum Blonde/White, Skin Pale

Vile Points: 0

EXP: 21000

STR: 14 (18)    +2 (+4)

DEX: 16 (18)    +3 (+4)

CON: 16           +3

INT: 12            +1

WIS: 12            +1

CHA: 18 (22)     +4 (+6)

HP: 70/70 Temporary HP: 10

Initiative: +3

AC:25 (26) 4 Dex + 7 Mithral Shirt + 4 Buckler

Speed: 30ft


Fort +19            7 Base Save + 2 Con + 6 Cha + 4 Cloak

Reflex +15        1 Base Save + 4 Dex + 6 Cha + 4 Cloak

Will: +12            1 Base Save + 1 Wis + 6 Cha + 4 Cloak

BAB: +7

Grapple: +11       7 BAB + 4 Str


Foereaver +15 (7 BAB + 4 STR + 1 Weapon Focus + 3 Magic) 1d6+7 + 2d6 cold + 2d6 subdual


Weapon Focus (Scimitar)


Bearer Of The Serpent



Elusive Target (tactical)

Special Abilties:

Lifesight 60

Bane DC 18

Atrocious Will

Lay On Hands (25/25)

Aura Of Despair

Cause Fear 1/day

Dark Servant 1/week



Dark Sign



Skills:                Total     Ranks  Mod       Misc

Bluff                  16        10          

Diplomacy        17        10           6          +1 (insight)

Perform            13          5           6          +2 Masterwork fiddle

Astrology           9           8           1

Arcana              9           8           1

Religion            10          7           1          +2 (insight)

Nobility              8           7          1

Sense Motive    13        10          1          +2 (insight)

Tumble             11          7           4



Foereaver - +3 Disrupting Keen Adamant Scimitar with Mindworm disease

Ring Of Aura Diffusion

Boots Of Speed

Ring Of Evasion

Nipple Clamp Of Exquisite Pain

Cloak Of Resistance + 4

Bag Of Holding Type II

Fiddle Of Building - Carved in the shape of a Dryad, yet with perfectly balanced music. If the proper chords are struck, a single use of this lyre negates any attacks made against all inanimate construction (walls, roof, floor, and so on) within 300 feet. This includes the effects of a horn of blasting, a disintegrate spell, or an attack from a ram or similar siege weapon. The lyre can be used in this way once per day, with the protection lasting for 30 minutes.

The lyre is also useful with respect to building. Once a week its strings can be strummed so as to produce chords that magically construct buildings, mines, tunnels, ditches, or whatever. The effect produced in but 30 minutes of playing is equal to the work of 100 humans laboring for three days. Each hour after the first, a character playing the lyre must make a DC 18 Perform (string instruments) check. If it fails, she must stop and cannot play the lyre again for this purpose until a week has passed.

Rakhassa Spellbook = Wizard Spellbook – Dark Speech Book – Yugoloth Summoning (given to church)

Fang Of Chromeus set into ring and on chain as an amulet – 10000 GP art item (given to Sister)

Right Hand Of Karnage - Damage= 1d4. It does an additional 4d6 points of cold damage- 2d6 are subdual. Through the glove, you can't use the claw- a slashing move. And the cold is reduced to 1d6, not subdual.

3 Pearls Of Crisis Of Breath

1 Skin Of The Claw

Scratch's Dagger

Gr'oli'kam - 1 dose

Belt Of Str + 4

Gloves Of Dex +2

Mithral Shirt + 3

Buckler +3

Skin Of The Hero

Skin Of The Assassin

Acidic +1 Scimitar - The symbols of the zodiac, with the ones that oppose each other on opposite sides of the blade. And the symbol of Shai'tan the people don't recognize, The Trident of Shaitan, pointed down, with a tentacle for the middle prong, under the leather pommel.

Rod Of Splendor - Long, black steel, tipped in rubies. Flourished with silver and white gold. The possessor of this rod gains a +4 enhancement bonus to her Charisma score for as long as she holds or carries the item. Once per day, the rod creates and garbs her in clothing of the finest fabrics, plus adornments of furs and jewels.

Apparel created by the magic of the rod remains in existence for 12 hours. However, if the possessor attempts to sell or give away any part of it, to use it for a spell component, or the like, all the apparel immediately disappears. The same applies if any of it is forcibly taken from her.

The value of noble garb created by the rod ranges from 7,000 to 10,000 gp (1d4+6 x 1,000 gp)—1,000 gp for the fabric alone, 5,000 gp for the furs, and the rest for the jewel trim (maximum of twenty gems, maximum value 200 gp each).

In addition, the rod has a second special power, usable once per week. Upon command, it creates a palatial tent—a huge pavilion of silk 60 feet across. Inside the tent are temporary furnishings and food suitable to the splendor of the pavilion and sufficient to entertain as many as one hundred persons. The tent and its trappings last for one day. At the end of that time, the tent and all objects associated with it (including any items that were taken out of the tent) disappear.

Ring w/Minor House symbol on the outside and symbol of Shai'tan on the inside

Rations, Satchel, Rope, etc etc adventure crap no one cares.

4533 GP

3241 PP

UPKEEP: 10000 PP

Costs: Malleus Iniquuis, Avakrem, Church

Income: Piracy (Avakrem), Raiding (Malleus Iniquuis), Offerings, Security (Church)


Starting Outift

This TOTALLY dashing set of silk nobleman’s clothes. Exotic, almost. They come with a jacket, red, with a huge collar.



To Be Found: Lord Jarek of Sithicus, psion and a mayor..


Old Scratch: Ancestor.

            MOUTH OF KARNAGE

Major:   Ssendam – Master Of The Lizardfolk


Minor: Jala Achom: Waitress

Minor: Johnny Gooth: Ice Cream Man!


Minor: Melanie Bloodarch

Minor: Marquis Ill'phuk

            CHURCH OF SHAI’TAN

Major: Maxamillian Dowd: Head Cleric in Tamerand.

Major: Chivary Zarr: Head Paladin in Tamerand.

Major: Giliard DeRosen: Head Cleric in Rivas Kul

Major: Ackbar- a man controlling a few of the ships that plunder goods coming from Nagukor.


Bandit Captains- 9. One per major route.

Caravan leaders- 20.

Actual bandits- 60-70

You don't control about 7% of them.

You are able to, without effort, pull about 2000 gold from them each month without impoverishing them.


Major: Eniac Ghigliot, the daughter of the ruler.

Major: Jazirain Armelios is a priestess of Luthien, assuring that it is quite good to promote peace and love along its routes. She's not smart.

Major: Melanie Boomgren is a druid, ensuring that the forest's centers remain within the druids control.

Minor: Reginald, a militia member.

Minor: Alexander: A loremaster and talismonger.

Minor: Viktor: A vendor of “paralegal” materiel.

Minor: Danielle: A canny and self-employed prostitute.

Minor: Raleigh: A crime-boss enforcer.

Minor: Promar: An assassin and mercenary currently employed by the royal court.

Minor: Shale: A clothes merchant and savvy trader. Also a CLERIC OF FUCKING SHAI'TAN.

            Addendum: Deceased

Finding The Pieces

Dark Japheth (9:57:20 PM): Using the Planet to guide you, you immediately get five visions. FIVE.

Dark Japheth (9:57:30 PM): These are simultaneous, though I can only describe them one at a time, naturally.

Dark Japheth (9:58:40 PM): A cathedral, tall, ornate, and grandiose- carved from stone and glass, and crystal, it is perhaps the greatest temple ever. The Crystal Longsword Of Tiyrael, the Excalibur, shines... and points towards the Altar.

Dark Japheth (9:59:54 PM): In Moritor, a deep well, with vines growing from it... vines growing to tremendous size... almost as a tree does. Suddenly, a massive tree erupts from the well... but deep within...

Dark Japheth (10:00:39 PM): The Wizards Palace, in Aydindril, where many tomes and books, and artifacts, are kept. The staircase spirals down, with stops on every floor, but you cannot see the bottom.

Dark Japheth (10:01:28 PM): In Avernus, deep within the mouth of Karnage, a dark festering and lingering bit of pain remains, a psychic poison that you can feel, deep within you. It burns, and it burns most brightly towards the darkest hole.

Dark Japheth (10:02:11 PM): In Rivas Kul, in the Bazaar of Wonders, in a relatively small mansion, armored like a knight, spiked like a porcupine. Well, a jagged porcupine.

Dark Japheth (10:02:37 PM): A volcano, in the Wildlands, with a single stone path leading to the top.

Dark Japheth (10:02:56 PM): And... a dark shape moves through the water near the crater of Cunar. Off the coast of Perenolde.

Shale's Message:

Order burns to clear his path, balance fears the Dragon's wrath...

Changes comes to ever stay, time itself will kneel and pray.

With the sword wilt he cause pain, and bind the Light in darkest chain. And he will his enemies defeat to rule the world in highest seat

So speaks Shale Fireguard, once of the elite masters who aided Jarek in Sithicus.


It was hot.

Outside, the sun was help behind a veil of clouds, and while a warm wind wound its way through the city, most people found it to be pleasant. But below the Hamish Exchange, behind the veils and the curtains and in the bowels of the city, the fire in the bones of the world belched and boiled. Molten earth and ruby flames burst from any open crevasse, and sweat steamed off of those present.

It was hot.

Fear and anger and pain and joy, it all melted together in the temple, raw passion like molten gold, ready to be formed and used, ready to burn the first hand to touch it.

“Baron Skocion Atrox.”

The voice was seductive, powerful, caressing. It begged for you to surrender, to give over any semblance of will. It spoke of love and hate as one. A casual listener might have thought the speaker cared for the one he spoke to.

“Baron Skocion Atrox of House Serpentis. What do you see?”

“With these eyes of flesh, I see only what chooses to be seen.”

“Skocion Atrox, what other eyes do you have?”

“I have the eyes of my mind.”

“How will you open them?”

“By closing the eyes that deceive.”

He knelt, waiting, in this room of liquid flame. On each side of him, men stood in full armor. Their faces were cold, and they did not sweat, though it ran from Skocion like a flood. And before him, clothed in robes that flowed and rippled and rolled out over the magma unharmed, stood the brilliantly handsome Giliard DeRosen, wrapped in power and destiny like another man wears clothes. In this hidden place, his majesty revealed, Giliard was truly a lord of men. And he actually smiled as he laid his hands upon Skocion’s head.

“Then close them, and allow your mind’s eye to see clearly.”

And he saw no more.