Unauthorized Psychosurgery Expose!
Our Mission
Terry Parker Jr.

This victim of unauthorized psychosurgical experimentation has lobbied for years to educate the public and bring his own experience before the courts. 

"Dr. Harold J Hoffman of Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children takes great joy in carrying out psychosurgical lobectomy while under the guise of neurosurgery (ie. "scar tissue removal")" -Terry Parker Jr.

To expose and address unauthorized experimental psychosurgery upon unwitting epileptic children.
Email Terry!

Tell Your Story!  If you have discovered that you are the victim of unauthorized experimental psychosurgery, please contact us with your story. 
Click Here.

Definition of Psychosurgery:

"psychosurgery" means any procedure that, by direct or indirect access to the brain, removes, destroys or interrupts the continuity of histologically normal brain tissue, or which inserts indwelling electrodes for pulsed electrical stimulation for the purpose of altering behaviour or treating psychiatric illness, but does not include neurological procedures used to diagnose or treat organic brain conditions or to diagnose or treat intractable physical pain or epilepsy where these conditions are clearly demonstrable.

Mental Health Act
Ontario Mental Health Statutes
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