April 5, 2002 is a date that I will always never forget.  My rodeo career and life changed emensly.  I was riding a bull at Jim Nobles arena in Bellmeed Texas.  I hung up and went under him.  He first stepped on my left leg, then on my chest, then I came free from him.  When the dust cleared I ended up with a rod and three screws in my left leg and they say I will never be capable of riding again.  They said I would be lucky to walk again at that, but as sure as I am breathin you can bet your ass I will ride again.  Maybe just once or so, or maybe a season or so but I will ride again.. Here is a few pics to help explain.
This is the ride that broke my leg, and put me on the shelf for awhile.  The bull's name is Tater Tot and he had only had 5 trips on him.  He took me to the end of the pen and I got my free arm caught in the fence and he drug me under him.
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Here is my leg the first is before surgery and the others are after the surgery.