Remember How I Love You

Words don't come easy
When they should be said
and sometimes things need to be
pounded into my head.

I guess to explain it all
I'd say look into my eyes
and see what lies in there
and what pools in the tide.

Read into my heart,
listen to my soul
listen to what I don't say
and I know you'll know.

I fell before I knew you,
gave my heart long ago
and if you looked in yourself
it's something that you know.

If ever I fail
to whisper in the night
then wrap your arms around me
and read whats in my mind.

Know how much I love you
that I've loved you from the start
Know this when were together
and when were apart.

And when times are good
and when the times are bad
When I make you angry
or when I make you sad.

I wished upon my star
when I asked you for that night
and here with you beside me
I can find a reason to fight.

So if the words go unspoken
or they come out wrong
remember how I love you
and have all along.

By Jenn LaRose

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