I ran to him with the bull still runnin in the arena.  When I got to him, he was bleedin from his mouth and stomache.  I picked his head up and then and there is when I knew that rodeo was a "Deadly Game!"  He died in my arms.  That dark day tore my world apart and I will never forget that!!!

I quit rodeo and said it would be a cold day in hell before I ever went back.  I settled down and started my family.  I had two beatiful daughters Nikki Rae and Brittney Lynn;  I was content in my life.    

      Around August of  1997 the rodeo urge came back.  I tossed the idea around in my head for a few months and then in Novemeber I let my home and was on my way to New Orleans for a rodeo.  My love was then rekindled.

    In January of 98, a day after my daughters second birthday; I  was once a gain a single man.  My ex swore to keep my kids away from me and that almost tore me down.  I was a total wreck.  That was on a Thursday.  My cousin Punchy came by on Friday and told me he'd help me though my tough times!  That night he took me to rodeo and put me back into my real life; a rodeo cowboy.  I rode two or three times a week to get my old talent back.  Two weeks went by before I was back in form.  I owe alot of thanks and gratitude to Punchy for he is the reason I made it through losing my family. 

     Well rodeo was great for a long time after that.  I was ridin better than ever, and I was very happy.  In June 1998 my role model, coach and uncle passed away.  He was Punchy's dad.  Well rodeo helped us through that extremly tough ordeal.
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