Previously, Benedict's Brigade, whom was presumed dead after the battle with the Scanrangers, had returned to avenge their loss at the hands of the movie task force. The mercenaries for hire immediately ambushed the team by distracting them, attacking with a giant KuroLectronn, while KuroGrappler fought GreenScanner in a no-holds-barred death match. The four remaining Scanrangers were able to defeat KuroLectronn with Thunder Dolby THX. Unfortunately, GreenScanner was not so lucky. Using Green's stolen energy, the Brigade member turned the tables by using his special attack, the Holo-clones. Like the typical pro wrestling villains ambushing the hero, Green was overwhelmed, beaten and left for dead.

Episode 20-Power Upgrade(Part Two)

"Chaos Will Be! The Destruction of Thunder Dolby THX?!"

At a nearby hospital,the paramedics swiftly roll the critically injured Nick on a stretcher. Vin and Toni was right behind them. The surgeons rush Nick into ER to prepare for possible surgery. The four Scanrangers rendezvous with Professor Alex in the waiting room.
B.C. was completely furious. Although Nick had always teased him, he was totally concerned for his life. He tried to make the most out of a serious matter by joking about him to stay sane, but it was no good. "Curse that stupid bastion!!" B.C. said, refering to KuroGrappler. "He can't! He won't get away with this! I swear..he's gonna pay!!"
Vin tried to console B.C. "B.C., We're all upset about this..I actually believe that Nick will pull himself out of this...Please..get a hold of yourself.."
"Why are you so calm about this?! Besides, Vin, this is not the time! I want to kill that son of a butthead!!"
"Guys, please.." Alex gets in between B.C. and Vin. "Like Vin said, I actually believe that Nick will pull himself out of this..Right now we can check Nick's status day by day, but later on, we must find a way to counterattack Benedict's Brigade without GreenScanner's SPFX skills.." Alex pauses and examines her folder, which vaguely read 'Blockbuster'. She closes the folder and sits down.
Outside the hospital, a cab screeches up to the main entrance. Takeshi ran inside to the desk. Moments later, he meets with the other Scanrangers.
"I took the next flight out of London as soon as I could, Professor!" he said. "How's Nick?"
"Not good at all..He's still in critical condition..It'll only take a miracle for him to pull out of this...
The chief surgeon approaches the team. He takes a deep breath before he could speak. "Well, doc, how is he?" said an exspaserated B.C.
"Right now, Mr. Simonds is not in the condition to speak..However, there was a brief moment of brain activity..In short, he's still critical, but now in a comatose state. At this moment only time will tell if he can recover.." said the doctor.
And back on the moon, where Benedict's Brigade had succeeded in taking out one of the rangers, plans their next move. "Well done, Mr. KuroGrappler..Well done, indeed.." said Benedict. "With one of the Scanrangers out of the way, we can continue to terrorize them piece by piece..You did do a great job.." Benedict goes to the Brigade leader, then punches him square in the jaw! "...but you didn't kill him! Even as we speak, those Scanrangers are probably arranging a counter move to avenge their friend! They forget that we're avenging our loss of Mr.KuroBuzzer(Episode 15)..
"What about KuroLectronn, Lord Benedict?" replied KuroFrost.
"Don't be too concerned about Mr. Kurolectronn..He's already served his purpose! Now, I insist that you search GreenScanner's whereabouts and make certain that he stays in another dimension! See to it, KuroGrappler!"
"As you say, Lord Benedict!"
The next night, the hospital was quiet, and Alex stood by Nick's bedside. "Forgive me, Nick..I had not anticipated this to happen to you..I know that I said there will be risks and dangers being a Scanranger.." She reflects back on how her late husband Roger perished during the production phase of Project:Paramount. "I swore that after he was gone, I'd made certain that no harm would come to any of you..ever.." Alex, with deep concern, puts her hand on his. "Please, Nick..fight this..Dear God..bring him back..I beg of you.." For the first time since the beginning of Project:Paramount, the no-nonsense lieutenant commander sheds a tear.
Nick, still in a coma, breathed through an oxygen mask.
Outside the hospital, as Alex left, KuroGrappler watches. Moments later, the head nurse watches overnight at her desk. She was awake, yet couldn't keep her eyes open. The nurse was knocked out by a mist full of sleeping gas, which also knocked out the CPB guard watching Nick.
KuroGrappler opened the door and removes the gas mask, approaching the comatose ranger. "You're still barely breathing..Well, I'll make certain that you stay in the next dimension!" The sinister Rider was about to deilver the fatal blow, until..
"STOP!" shouted a voice. KuroGrappler turns and was astounded.

Act two

"WHO..WHO ARE YOU?" replied KuroGrappler, blinded by the intense light.
"Who I am is of no concern to you..Begone!" The stranger sends KuroGrappler out of the hospital out of harm's way.
The light fades out, and Nick and the stranger was gone as well.
The voice calls GreenScanner. "Nicholas..Nicholas Charles Simonds.." He awakens..Wha-who called me?"
"I have.."
"What the blazes is going on here? The last thing I remembered was that a group of androids attacked me.." Nick said.
"Don't fear..I won't hurt you..I've come afar to help you..
"Help me? How? You're kidding, right? I'm nearly dead and you're saying that you'll help me? Surely I'm not at the pearly gates, am I?"
"No...but you do need to know this..Your body is still in serious condition now although to the human eye it may be critical, but in order to save your body and your mind, I insist you come with me.." continued the voice.
"And if I decline?" asked Nick.
"Then your friends will die at the hands of MAYHEM.." Nick grabs the being's hand and they both disappear in a flash.
Back at Cape Paramount Base, the remaining Scanrangers attempt to unwind after a long day. Mikey and Takeshi watch TV, while Toni catches up on some reading. Vin was still trying to bring B.C. out of his doldrums.
"You know what, B.C.?" said Vin. "Aside from the battles we had against the bad guys, this is the first time that I've personally seen you in this mood.."
"Why should you be surprised? Okay, I'm a total looney tune when it come to being in battle, but very few people take me seriously..even dare I" replied B.C.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, Mikey has seen me in one of those rare moods..but as far as the rest, hey..I need to balance my life to let people know that I'm not one dimensional, just a typical funny guy.."
"That's not true, B.C., and you know it! There's been many times that you've proven your worth in this group! I know seeing Nick hurt has affected you, and I'm upset too! However this is the time where Nick needs us most! You can't afford to be emotional, especially in this crazy battle!" B.C. looks at Vin. Before he responded, the alarm rang. Vin and B.C. joined the others in the IMAX briefing room.
They watch the screen and witness Benedict and the Brigade make an announcement. "Hear me, people of Earth! You are commanded to follow these specific instructions! You will surrender all that you hold dear on this sector called America! Already your military has fallen at the hands of our mightiest weapon! Even your so-called nuclear arsenal cannot faze our lumbering robot!"
"Robot?" replied Alex. "Could it be?"
Benedict continues. "You have only till midnight tomorrow to answer my request! Otherwise, my weapon of destruction shall level every major city in this country, starting with Newark! Do decide wisely!" Benedict fades out!
"Sama! How dare you!!" said B.C. "You're gonna pay for this! Do you hear me??"
"B.C., Calm down! We've already prepared to counterattack! I've made arrangements with the government and the overseer of the project! They know that we will take on Benedict's threat! By 2330 tonight, you will all roll out for the battle!"
"2330?" asked a confused Mikey.
"You forgot already, Mikey? 11:30 pm!" said Takeshi.
It was 11:59pm, and the Brigade as poised to attack in the hills miles away from Newark. Their weapon was hidden in the darkness. "Can you explain what had happened to you at the hospital, Mr.KuroGrappler? Why didn't you finish GreenScanner off?" said Benedict.
"It was exactly as I explained, Lord Benedict..As I was to deliver the fatal blow, someone..or something blinded me for a milli-second, and he was gone..You must believe me.."
"Right now, we shouldn't be concerned..I haven't heard any response back from those Scanrangers! Why aren't they in defense of their precious planet?" The response came via a force blast from the sky,hitting the Brigade, courtesy of Thunder Dolby THX's beam. The robot lands in the countryside. It was exactly midnight.
"BENEDICT!" shouted RedScanner. "You're sorely mistaken if you thought that we've given up! If you want to take our mother Earth, you'll have to go through us!"
"An idle threat, son.." Benedict replied."It was a mistake coming back to fight us! Now you have all sealed your doom!" KuroFire and KuroFrost turn the machines on, activating the hidden robot, coming out of the ground to confront Thunder Dolby.
"PREPARE TO DIE, THUNDER DOLBY! FOR YOU SHALL PERISH AT THE HANDS OF..CHAOSDEMOLISHER!!!" shouted Benedict. ChaosDemolisher was an updated version of the Brigade's original Demolisher, only it was now a blood-red color and slightly bigger. Without a break, the villainous robot attacks, and the two grapple. ChaosDemolisher strikes a punch in Dolby's chest, pushing it back.
"Whoa, this is the most powerful yet.." said Pink. "Thanks for the challenge!" "All right, then.." said Red. "Once more..DOLBY BEAM!!" The blast zaps the robot, but it didn't dent its armor. The beam bounces off and back at Dolby.
"I had a blast, Thunder Dolby.." said KuroFire. "Now it's our turn! "CHAOS INFERNO!" ChaosDemolisher blasts an intense plasma beam at Dolby, hitting on impact! Its arms elongate, clamping on Dolby, and draining its energy!
"AARGHH!" the rangers cry out. Back at the base, Alex shouts an urgent call to Takeshi. "WIDESCREENER! Give Dolby a hand!"
"W-what's happening?" said Blue. "Is that snake trying to drain us again like last time?" "The energies are a-actually being drained out of Dolby, not us!" said Yellow. "We've got to break free!!"
"I can't let you do that, Scanrangers.." said Benedict. "The harder you struggle, the more your energy will be lost! Soon your robot's might will be ChaosDemolisher's, and it plans to use that strength against yours!!" As the Brigade robot continues to drain Dolby, WideScreener tried to attack from behind with a kick! "Hang on, rangers! Here comes the calvary!" said Silver. ChaosDemolisher's head turned 180 degrees, and blasts WideScreener with the same Chaos Inferno beam!
"Not very sporty to attack behind our backs, SilverScanner!" said KuroGrappler.
"You should talk! I won't forgive you for what you've done to GreenScanner!" cried Silver.
"I see that you're hopping mad, pal..Well, if you want revenge on us, feel free to do something about it..Heh heh heh.."
"All right, then! RedScanner! We've beat them before with the same techinque! Let's try it again!" Silver said.
"RIGHT! Prepare for the Dolby Screener Cyclone!" Red shouted. Dolby and WideScreener blast off in the air together and spun in a spiral. Taking ChaosDemolisher with them, they attack!
"DOLBY SCREENER CYCLONE!" the rangers shouted. But, before they made contact, the evil robot sheathed a hidden claw from its hand, ducked under the attack, and separated Dolby and WideScreener, slicing Silver's robot down the middle! Takeshi wasn't able to control the robot, which flew into the mountains, exploding on impact!
"NO!" Red shouted.
"SILVERSCANNERRR!" cried Yellow. Alex and Dr. Markby watch as well from Cape Paramount. "Takeshi!" she shouted.
"A foolish move on your part, Scanrangers.." said Benedict. "Dolby is low on power..I would allow the opportunity for you to surrender.." ChaosDemolisher slashes the now helpless Dolby's right arm off. "..but in this case, surrender is not an option!" The Brigade follows by thrusting the claw through Dolby! There were multiple explosions inside the robot, up to the cockpit!
"Dolby's about to buy the farm, Vin! We've got no choice! We've gotta get out of here!" said Pink.
"BLAST! LET'S GO, RANGERS!" Red replied, hitting his fist on the console. The three rush out of the cockpit. BlueScanner stood in his seat. "What in blazes are you doing, B.C.? We've got to escape!" Blue stood there motionless in his chair. "LEAVE ME!" Blue said. "We can still hold them off!"
"I'm sorry about this, laughing boy.." Red knocks out Blue with a chop in the neck, rendering him unconscious. They all teleport out of Dolby.
ChaosDemolisher was about to deliver the finishing blow. Completing his sentence to the Scanrangers, Benedict said, "..And this battle was..TO THE DEATH! DIE, THUNDER DOLBY!" With those words, ChaosDemolisher's claw sliced down Dolby's cockpit! Thunder Dolby dismembered body falls, and explodes! The Brigade robot raises its hands in triumph, as did Benedict's Brigade themselves! They laugh heartily, reveling in their victory.
Meanwhile, the four remaining Scanrangers, with B.C. still unconscious, back in their civilian forms, watched the fire from a distance in disbelief..
" can't be.." said Vin in shock, as well as the others.
"Bakana..I.I c-can't believe it.." said Mikey, with his eyes beginning to water. He falls to his knees.
Alex, Dr. Markby, Rosewood, and Sarita all watch the screen in disbelief also. They all bowed their heads, consoling each other, and paying their respects to the fallen robot.
"Thunder Dolby THX..destroyed...W-what can we do now?" said Toni, with Vin holding her. "What can we do now?"

To be continued!!!

In our next Scanranger adventure, this is not a joke, this is for real! Thunder Dolby THX has been destroyed! What has happened to SilverScanner? Has he met a grisly end as well? And what has happened to the hospitalized Nick? Has he been sent to the choir invisible? To make matters even worse, a Scanranger quits the team! How can our heroes recover from these deadly dilemmas?
Next time on Movie Task Force Scanranger-Episode 21
Power Upgrade Part Three
"Benedict Triumphant!"
Roll That Film!
Previous Episode

Episode 21