Previously, the Scanrangers had been defeated at the hands of Benedict's Brigade. Their morale began to sag deeper, especially when B.C. quit the team. Meanwhile, Nick, whom was still recovering got help from a Futurai, an alien whose race was enslaved by MAYHEM years ago. At the same time, with the help of their dreaded robot ChaosDemolisher, the Brigade began a coup of Nebulatopia, overpowering Blackorg and the three captains, taking over the MAYHEM Corps.
Nick gets extra power from the mysterious Futurai, and is miraculously healed. He warns each member in spirit form to prepare for a counterattack, including B.C., whom Nick persuades him to rejoin the team.In the process, Nick gives the team extra powers. Now, the movie task force prepare themselves for the climatic showdown with Benedict's Brigade.

Episode 22-'Power Upgrade'(Part Four)

"Payback! The Spectactular Blockbuster Debut!"

The Cape Paramount Base techs were hard at work preparing for a possible assault from MAYHEM. At that time, four mechas had been prepared. Alex and Dr. Markby take the four rangers on a tour on their unfinished machines. "It is very important that all of you be ready for this battle." he said. "You have already found ChaosDemolisher a powerful foe..We can't afford any mistakes as you can see here. Once the "Box Office Smashers" are complete, you will witness the fruits of CPB's labors.." The four Scanrangers look up and see their machines being tinkered.
Dr. Markby continues. These "Box Office Smashers" are used as an extension of your special skills, as you have shown in using Thunder Dolby THX...I shall introduce to you..."
"ShogunScanner-piloted by Vin.."
"ClownScanner-piloted by B.C., of course.."
"JetScanner-piloted by Kunio.."
"..and DivaScanner-piloted by Toni.."
"Doc.." asked B.C. "What about the fifth mecha over there?"
"Still under construction..Originally, CosmoScanner was to be piloted by Nick, but since he is still disabled-"
"I shall go into battle to drive Nick's machine.." interrupts Alex. "Right now, we shall only use the mecha in a dire emergency.."
"But, Professor! This is a dire emergency! What happens if MAYHEM decides to attack soon?" said Vin.
"Right now, worry about how to handle the new machines! We'll worry about MAYHEM!"
"And what about Thunder Dolby?" said Mikey. Don't you think we'll be on even ground if we could recreate him to battle that monster robot?"
"As I told you earlier during the briefing, for all intents and purposes, Thunder Dolby THX is dead!"(The rangers were unaware that Alex had another surprise for them, with the help of Nick, but she did not want to divulge the secret)"We'll have to fight the best that we can without the robot..Besides, all of you have the power of Hollywood in your hands..You can't expect Dr. Markby, Sarita, or myself to think about these plans all the time...Vin, you're the leader of this campus crew..Go lead!"
Alex excuses herself to her office, sits in her chair, and it automatically motors down a secret passageway not far from the base. She reports to Nick, still in 'spiritual' form.
"Dr.Markby's helping them to test the new mecha. The others are none the wiser.." said Alex.
"As planned.." said Nick.
Meanwhile, Benedict and the other three Brigade members, KuroGrappler, KuroFire, and KuroFrost search the area for Cape Paramount Base. "Lord Benedict! We've found it! These are the following coordinates of the Scanranger base!" KuroFrost yelled. "Excellent!" said Benedict, looking at the map printout. With the stealth device built within ChaosDemolisher, we shall take out the other teammates unawares! Now that Blackorg and his crew have served their purpose, they shall soon be the ones to serve me, after we have destroyed the heroes headquarters! Prepare ChaosDemolisher to proceed full throttle!"
As the other rangers rest up, Vin was half asleep, but he awakens again, and sees..
"Nick?" Vin was puzzled. "Is that you? Are you still alive?!?"
"In the spirit only, Vin Man.. I need your help..You have the power to motivate help them to keep fighting against the odds..which should apply to your schoolwork, too..Anyway, I need to get something off my my case, my fingers.." Nick touches Vin's forehead, as he had previously done before with B.C. and Professor Alex, releasing a surge of enormous energy channeling through Vin. The Scanranger leader was stunned for a few seconds, shaking his head afterwards.
"Now, keep this under wraps..We can detect Benedict's Brigade approaching even as we speak..When you go into battle, I'll be standing by with specific instructions for the entire team.." As Nick shares the plans with Vin, he does the same to Toni and Mikey momets later; releasing untold power to them, and giving them directions.
Back at the base, Professor Alex continues to brief the rangers. "Kunio, continue the testing for your mecha..Toni, B.C., the two of you are in post-production stage..Give Dr. Markby these blueprints and a status report.."
"Yes, ma'am.." they replied. Suddenly, the emergency alarm goes off! Sarita looks on her monitor. "What in the name of..ENEMY MECHA APPROACHING! My gosh..It's big!"
"What?" said Alex. "It can't be! Benedict's attacking already! We're not ready! Scanrangers! Battle Stations! We're under attack!!"
Benedict's Brigade were piloting ChaosDemolisher from their cockpit as they ascended down to the base. "So.." said Benedict. "The Scanrangers' base is here in North America..As we eliminated the Scanranger counterparts back on our home planet Kagamirron, we shall do the same on their planet Earth!" The dimensional wandering fiend barks out the following order: "CHAOSDEMOLISHER! COMMENCE ATTACK!"

Act two

The Brigade's robot attacks Cape Paramount Base, and it uses its cannons to blast away at the mountain range, then rips through the ground, setting the forest on fire, ChaosDemolisher goes underground in case there were any underground hideouts. An hour later, the base lain in embers and smoke. The Brigade then abandon ChaosDemolisher, going into what was left of the Scanranger base of operations.
"There is no way anyone human could have survived that assault!" said Benedict. "Anyone working for their team that's still breathing are to be given a straight join us or die! If there are any wounded Scanrangers to be found, what happens, Mr. KuroGrappler?"
"Right! They don't get the first option!" The Brigade leader then finds what may look like an official letter left behind. He gives it to Benedict.
"Terms of surrender? These children are thinking ahead..I like that, but it still won't save them!" Benedict opens the letter as it reads, 'When are terrorists like a bag of lollipops?' He divined the answer with a shocked look on his face. "When they are suckers!" The burning base disappears, which turned to be a three-dimensional illusion.
"Gotcha!" said Nick, back in his hospital room. Using his SPFX Film Energy, he made an illusion of Cape Paramount, which was actually 10 miles from the attack site. He still gave orders through Alex to get to the other Scanrangers.
"BLAST IT! BRIGADE! WE'VE BEEN TRICKED! IT WAS A SETUP! THE BASE WASN'T PLACED IN THIS ARE-" Benedict's sentence was disrupted by an explosion!
"There!" cried KuroFire. He shot at anything that moved. Suddenly, out of the gray smoke, similiar to a scene from a John Woo movie, came four angry, determined, and confident Scanrangers, walking slowly to confront the Brigade.
"THE SCANRANGERS!" cried KuroFrost.
"Who did you expect, the Power Rangers?" said RedScanner.
"Last chance, last dance, Benedict!" said Pink.
"We have not even begun to fight!" said Yellow.
And finally, Blue replies in a defiant fashion, "ON BEHALF OF HOLLYWOOD, WE WILL PUNISH YOU!!!"
"Four Scanrangers, one Scanranger..It doesn't matter.." said Benedict. "If you recall, we have your Film Energy..Thus, anything you throw at us, it will avail you nothing! We'll savor the pleasure of wiping you children off your planet! Prepare yourselves!"
Nick was standing by, about to direct the rest of the team. "On my signal, guys, you know what to do!" "Right!" Red replied.
"ATTACK!" cried Benedict. He and the three Brigade members charge at the Scanrangers. They stood only a hundred yards from each other. Vin via Nick directs the orders as they were like on a battlefield. "Steady..."
The Brigade approached them fifty yards.
25 yards..
10 yards.
"NOW!" As the three were about to dash through our heroes, the rangers disappear! "Where did they go?" said Benedict. "What happened?"
The answer came via a flying roundhouse kick in Benedict's face, and does the same with KuroGrappler. "THIS!" replied Red. The strike enabled the others to do the same, catching the Brigade unawares.
B.C. and Toni threw a double kick at KuroFire, while Kunio utilizes a judo throw at KuroFrost. "How stuff, baby! Hot stuff!" said Blue.
"Glad to have you back, Blue.." said Toni.
"Thanks, Pink.." said B.C. "I owe it all to a friend.."
"Blast you, Scumrangers! Now you're going to feel the heat! Stop this attack, if you can!" KuroFire uses YellowScanner's stolen energy to create his own flaming armored mecha. He zooms full speed towards the two.
"If you insist.." Pink uses her Film Energy, calling up once more her most powerful attack. "TITANIC ATTACK!" With the giant tidal wave quickly surrounding KuroFire, he then tried to escape the 100 foot tsunami by going up, but he got caught in the white capped wave. The fiery Brigade member, with its armor doused, then was sent through the incoming iceberg. He falls down back to the ground, damaged armor and all.
"Fire! Water! Water puts out fire! Duhh!" said Blue, quoting an old 80's toy commercial. "Go, BlueScanner!" said Toni. "He's recovering!"
"Right! But what should I choose?"
"NOTHING!" cried KuroFire! "I CHOOSE TO DESTROY YOU! HYAHH!" He attacks Blue, but B.C. didn't budge. Before KuroFire laid a hand on the third in command, the creature was pounded on the head with an anvil! Once more, in the rhythm of the 'Anvil Chorus', Blue pounds KuroFire to the ground, knocking him out cold.
Yellow takes on KuroFrost. The icy android blasts a cold beam at Kunio, but he blocks it with a force field. Kunio calls up a new attack with his Sci-fi Film Energy. Becoming one with a Dragonball Z movie, he imitates one of Son Goku's famed energy attacks. YellowScanner concentrates all of his energy into both of his hands, putting them together. Glowing like a 'Super Saiyan', he decided to give it a new name. Instead of 'Kaioken', Kunio calls it..
"EIGAOKENNNN!"(Movie King Fist)Yellow blasts KuroFrost with almost all his might with a tight energy blast, nearly melting the icy fiend. The beam pushes him semiconscious towards the trees.
RedScanner took on Benedict and KuroGrappler. "I've already stolen your skills, child, and it will avail you naught!" Benedict said boldly, with the fight evenly matched as before. "Now, you shall get a taste of your own medicine!!" The wandering fiend, using Vin's extra energy, applies his 'Abarenbo Slash' at our hero. He gets the best of our leader, slashing Vin across the chest. Benedict throws a right at him. Benedict then ran towards Vin,about to finish him. At the last possible second, parries Benedict's sword attack with his Swashbuckler sword, while Benedict pushes him down to his knees.
"The grand finale comes now, child! Prepare for the end!" Swiftly, Vin double kicks Benedict in the chest, pushing him back in order to buy some time.
"Three seconds was all I need.." Vin said. "And now, for something completely different!" With RedScanner's recharged Action Film Energy, Benedict, meanwhile, gets back on his feet, running towards Vin. Red's sword in hand, and in his rapier mode, he calls up the movie 'The Mask of Zorro'. Becoming one with the Tyrone Power and Antonio Banderas versions, the sword charges up with thunder and lighting. In the same signature swordstokes of the caped hero, Red slashes in the shape of a Z, and blasts the Z beam at Benedict. He stops for a brief second, and gets hit in the chest!
Vin does the move once again. KuroGrappler helps Benedict up. Blasting the beam, Vin shouts, "ZORRO ZLASH!" It makes impact on Benedict and KuroGrappler, knocking them on the ground, with their clothes singed. The Brigade was almost out for the count, struggling to stand on their own feet. The Scanrangers walk to them to finish the battle.
"THAT'S IT! IT'S OVER, SCANRANGERS!" cried Benedict. "I'VE HAD ALL I CAN TAKE AGAINST ALL OF YOU! YOUR PRECIOUS EARTH IS HISTORY! SCANRANGERS, YOU'RE FINISHED!!!" Benedict's Brigade teleport back to ChaosDemolisher and prepared to destroy our heroes! "WE'LL CRUSH YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL!" ChaosDemolisher's fist crashed down towards the Scanrangers, but they disappear.
"All right!" said Nick. "That takes care of the opening act! Now for the coming attractions!"
"Dr. Markby! Prepare the Box Office Smashers!" said Alex, inside one of the machine's cockpits.
"You got it!" Dr. Markby activates the consoles of the new mecha. "GO!!" he shouted. The five mechas, with Alex piloting a green spaceship mecha called CosmoScanner, blast off towards the battle site.
ChaosDemolisher looks and sees the machines about to attack. The monster robot blasts a beam at them, but misses. The rangers, appearing a few yards away, then teleport to their individual Box Office Smasher. Red leads off with his mecha, ShogunScanner. "Okay, ShogunScanner! Show that Gundam wanna-be what you've got!" The robot sheathes its sword and slashes ChaosDemolisher in the back of its leg.
Next comes Blue. As Red distracted the Brigade robot, B.C. shouts, "How about a nice Hawaiian punch?" ClownScanner, pulls out his staff, similar to Blue's Speed-Bo Staff, which changes into a mallet. He pounds ChaosDemolisher in the face, then swiftly flies off.
With Pink piloting DivaScanner, the machine spins towards its target. She spun so fast that it began to split into six DivaScanners. It was an illusion to also distract the robot. At the same time, ShogunScanner threw its sword towards the back of ChaosDemolisher, hitting it in the back of its neck!
"What was that?" said Benedict.
"Engine problem in Section 9.." said KuroFire. "I'm unable to conrtol ChaosDemolisher's head movements! It won't turn 360 degrees as before!"
"Crush them, Mr.KuroFire! Crush them like the annoying insects they are!" The robot shoots at DivaScanner, but misses the fake targets also.
Yellow flies in JetScanner. "MATINEE MISSILES!" he shouts, using the missiles to create a smokescreen above the robot. It then shoots a glob of paste at ChaosDemolisher.
"What the blazes is this?" cried Benedict. "I can't see a thing!"
Finally, CosmoScanner makes its appearance, with Alex at the cockpit. "Great job, everyone, but we're not finished yet!" She shoots another glob of paste at ChaosDemolisher. The Brigade struggle to get the paste off.
"Professor! You've got skills, lady!" said Vin.
"Thank you..You weren't so bad yourself!"
Nick, back at the hospital shouts, All right, guys! The feature presentation is coming up now! We've got one shot at this! Take the mini-video which is located on your right, and load it in the TV slot in the middle! To activate the video, Vin, shout out, 'BOX OFFICE FORMATION, BLOCKBUSTER!' You know what to do from there!"
"Well, Scanrangers, what are we waiting for?" said Vin. "LET'S GO!" Each ranger and Alex load in the mini-video as they shout..
Flying in a V, over the famed Hollywood sign, and the Hollywood Hills superimposed in the background, ClownScanner and DivaScanner both fold up, forming the feet and legs. ShogunScanner folds his head down, then folds its legs sideways only showing its torso. CosmoScanner was above ShogunScanner, and the mecha splits in half to connect on each side of Red's robot, forming the arms.
Finally, JetScanner's wings pop off, and it transforms into a head(think HeadMasters, TF fans) The helmet is formed, then Alex and the four rangers rise up into the cockpit area!
"WHOA!" said Vin. "I love this!"
"This is wayy wicked cool, guys.." said Toni.
"Incredible..." said Mikey.
"I like it! I like it!" said B.C., doing an impression of Jerry Lewis.
"For the first time, the world premiere of..BLOCKBUSTER!" said Nick. The new Scanranger robot stood proud and tall, slightly taller than ChaosDemolisher.
"What the blazes-" said KuroGrappler. The Brigade was in awe of the combined Box Office Smashers.
"Right!" said Vin. "Activate Cine Vortex!"
With the press of a button, the two opponents travel into another dimension. It was similar to a giant monster movie set filled with buildings and tall towers. This new power was to protect other citizens from harm.
"Now, Scanrangers!" shouted Nick. "GO OUT AND KICK SOME GLUTEUS MAXIMUS!!"
ChaosDemolisher began its attack by stretching its elongated arms at BlockBuster. The robot dodges its head sideways, and the Brigade robot's arms hit the side of the mountain. BlockBuster then grasps the arms and swung ChaosDemolisher around and around, and then releasing them as the evil robot crashed on the ground.
BlockBuster then launches a barrage of blows at ChaosDemolisher, and finally, smashes its chest!
"Lord Benedict!" said a panic-sounded KuroFrost. "Our shields are also down! ChaosDemolisher doesn't have enough energy to generate our defenses!"
"Blast them! Blast that Dolby phony to pieces, Mr. KuroFrost!"
"Right! CHAOS INFERNO!" The fire beam was shot, but BlockBuster's force field was able to block the attack. "Out turn now!" said Vin. He presses another button. "BLOCKBUSTER V BEAMM!" The robot's chest beam hits ChaosDemolisher's chest area, and the demon robo falls again! As our heroes approach the Brigade, ChaosDemolisher rises again. Using its claws like the last battle, it tried to slash BlockBuster, but surprisingly, the claws break! Next, the Scanranger robot applies a judo throws constantly at ChaosDemolisher, throwing it over its head.
"Let's see.." said B.C. "What other kind of deviltry we should use next?"
Alex intervenes. "Pull the left lever, Vin, and press the button on top!"
"Right! BLOCKBUSTER BARRAGE!" The double barreled guns were almost similar to Thunder Dolby's Gatling Reel Gunner. The only difference was that the cannons were mounted on each of BlockBuster's wrists. The extended fire power blows away the now helpless ChaosDemolisher!
"NO! NO!" cried KuroFire. "We're losing power! We can't hold them much longer!"
"No! No!" said Benedict. "We shall recover and attack! Our robot is invincible! We'll destroy them just yet! Watch!" As the dimensional fiend charges the robot with more power, it then suddenly runs out! Their cockpit was darkened because of the brief blackout. "WHAT?!? No more power? That's impossible!"
Nick, continuing to command the attacks, barks, "Professor! Do it!The attack we were talking about! Activate it!"
"Right!" Alex informed the others on the upcoming attack. "You're going to love this, guys! Vin! Next move!"
"Got it!" BlockBuster extends its right hand at ChaosDemolisher. "PSI-TEK WAVE!" The new attack enabled BlockBuster to levitate the monster robot in the air, using telekinesis! With BlockBuster's hand glowing, Benedict notices something under the robot's hand.
"What's this? No! It's not possible! The symbol of the Futurais! I-I thought we'd destroyed them all!" ChaosDemolisher was getting crushed slowly by the Psi-Tek Wave. BlockBuster them spun the robot as tiny pieces of the Brigade robot was shaken off.
"All right, Scanrangers! Let's finish this!" said Alex.
Ready, rangers?" said Nick.
The Scanranger robo charged up with pure plasma energy, glowing like the sun. With ChaosDemolisher still held in place, BlockBuster blasted off into the sky towards its target like a comet!
Benedict, KuroFire, KuroFrost, and KuroGrappler all saw the robot about to hit them. Benedict curses the rangers in a stoic manner. "
The Scanrangers shout, "NOW! BLOCKBUSTER BOMB!"As BlockBuster approached ChaosDemolisher, it releases the comet, and the energy blast all but surrounds the evil robot. The attack was similar to the Getta Robo/Starvengers final attack, Getta Spark/Star Fire. The BlockBuster Bomb hits the Brigade robot with the Brigade screaming in the exploding cockpit! Finally, ChaosDemolisher falls once and for all with a bang, exploding on the ground, totally destroyed!
And back on Nebultopia, where Blackorg and the three MAYHEM henchmen was held captive, easily escaped their prison and witnessed the end of Benedict's Brigade and ChaosDemolisher. Blackorg snickers, which rose to a hearty laugh.
"ALL RIGHT!" shouted Vin. B.C. pumps his fists into the air, while Toni and Mikey give each other high fives. "Great job, Scanrangers.." said Alex, nodding her head in agreement. "It's over..I think that's definitely the last we'll see of Benedict's Brigade.."
Or was it? Back on their moon base, the Brigade actually returned from seeming death! They teleported at the last possible minute. Each and every member was injured or critically wounded. Benedict, with his head bloodied and his face slightly charred, slowly gets up. "S-S-Scanranger..Y-You've won this battle, b-but not the w-war.." he stammered. "You children will rue the day you've beaten us!" KuroFrost, KuroFire, and KuroGrappler pick him up.
The Brigade turned around. KuroGrappler couldn't believe his mechanical eyes. "IT CAN'T BE! THAT VOICE!" They see Nick, fully recovered, fully healed, and fully furious! "N-NO! I KILLED YOU! HOW?"
Benedict snarls in pain. "K-Kill him..Kill him again!"
"No.." said Nick. KuroFire and KuroFrost attacked together will their fire and ice attacks. It looked like it hit Nick, but he breaks out of the ice easily.
"No.." he said.
"Try feeling the heat, fool!" said KuroFire. "No.." Nick said again stopping the fire from touching him. With his new power, he reflects it back to KuroFire. His gas tank explodes, leaving the robotic rider half burned, with gasoline dripping from his internal tank. Using his energy, Nick flips a match at the helpless KuroFire, blowing him to android smithereens!
KuroFrost was stunned. "K-KuroFire..." He slowly gets up, and charges at Nick. "I'LL GET YOUUU!!" the android cried, blasting his ice beams.
"No..." Although out of costume, Nick pulls out his Disc Launcher. He shoots it, and adds extra fire to the DVD disc. The disc hits KuroFrost, and he also explodes. The last thing KuroFrost cried was, "NNOOO!AGGGHH! I-I'M M-MELT-MELTINGGG!" Nick had no qualms of destroying the Brigade member, for he was an android and not human, keeping up with his code of ethics.
Benedict, holding his side, cried, "G-get him!" As he barked the command to the remaining Brigade member KuroGrappler, he was gagged and taken away.
Part Two