Episode 29-"If I Die, Let It Be With Honor!!"

Professor Alex meets with the Scanrangers, including Takeshi,discuss a very important issue..the man known as Peter Emmanuel.
"In a very indirect fashion, Peter Emmanuel was once a Scanranger.." said Alex.
"But I thought you said Takeshi was the first prototype of Project:Paramount.." said B.C.
"That is true, too, B.C.." said Takeshi. "After the accident a few years ago, the project was brought back.. Peter was used more for an experiment to see how the Film Energy can be applied internally, and not chosen.. He decided to try it, because he said he wanted more excitement in his new walk of life..He was an avid churchgoer, the only difference was that he actually practiced what he preached.."
Alex continues. "Peter used his Film Energy for the first time when he confronted a gang of street toughs. About to be beaten up, he thought about 'Raiders of the Lost Ark': the scene where the Nazis were to open the Ark of the Covenant, they were destroyed by its power. The same happened to the gang who tried to rob him. All that was left was a pile of ashes. Feeling guilty for what he had done, Peter turned himself in to the police, yet the officers thought he was insane.."
"That was when I came in.." Rosewood said as he entered the meeting room. "Curious of his power, I brought him back to Professor Alex, and she was convinced the internal Film Energy worked.."
"By the time Peter recovered, he thanked us, but he wanted to get on with his own life helping those in spiritual need. We respected that, and he used his power to help inspire others, not to fight..Now that he has returned, we are curious of why did he help the Scanrangers..Is he on a mission from God, or is there another ulterior motive?"
"And why would he want to help us at this point of time?" asked Nick.
The answer came ahead as Peter, on campus, replies, "The prescence of evil..Ever since the experiment, the spirit has told me to make every effort to rid this campus of the danger to come.."
"What's wrong, Pete?" asked Mark, his younger brother.
"It's okay..I know that there's a spiritual war brewing even as we speak..and you've been doing well in reaching out to people, bringing them to our discussion groups, and studying with them to help them become disciples..It breaks my heart to say this, but I'll be transferring to another campus after this semester.."
"But why?"
S.J. had talked to me personally to serve full-time in the ministry, and it requires me to transfer to another school. That's the reason..You'll do a great job in my absence."
Back at CJU, Carmen was on her way to class. She was stopped by Professor Fox(aka Vixen, since Carmen was unaware of her dual identity)."How are things, Carmen? I'm just a little concerned about your psychology grades..Is everything okay?"
Carmen was nervous. "I'm sorry, Professor Fox.. I haven't been feeling well..see, and I've been going through some personal problems.."
"You know that you're that you're behind on one term paper.."
"I'll make them up! You know i'll take extra credit..I'll finish them by next week..I swear!"
"Relax, Carmen..It's okay..Don't sweat it..I trust you..I-" The faux professor answered her cell phone. "Professor Fox?" There was a pause. "What? Are you serious? OK, OK! I'll be there right away!" She hangs up. "I'm sorry, Carmen! One of my kids is sick! I need to see them immediately! I must go! Please wait here! My assistant will help schedule another session.." Fox(Vixen) runs out.
"Understood! Hope your child gets better.." At that moment, Damien Borg (aka Blackorg), enters in. "Excuse me.."he said. "What could I do for you?"
"The professor wanted me to schedule an appointment with her. I'm supossed to talk to you.."
"Excellent! I can arrange everything here for you! Just let me look at the planner.." As Carmen looked at the appointment book, her eyes began to get heavy, watching the book and the numbers and lines go psychedelic, hypnotizing her! Then she looked at Damien, as the alter-ego Blackorg removed his sunglasses, mesmerizing her mind even deeper. Carmen fainted immediately after that.
"I normally would have no need for hostages.." said the evil overlord, now revealing his true form. "..and after mindprobing the one called YellowScanner..I sense he has deep feelings for this human woman..He is certain to attempt to rescue her..Then the Scanrangers shall walk into my trap! Heh heh heh heh heh ha ha ha ha!"
At Cape Paramount Base, the team relax after classes, and were chatting amongst themselves. Alex and Dr. Markby watched them. At the same time, on one of the buildings, another tiny red ant watched and investigated the CPB crew at work. It was another homing device which was spying the Scanranger activities..
"What's wrong, Alex?" asked the doctor.
"I don't know..it seems like somehow that we're anticipating something deadly..I just can't put my finger on it, but I believe that something's serious is going to happen to one of our own teammates..."
"What do you mean?" As Dr.Markby questioned her, she had a flashback of her late husband Roger. She recalled the two of them walking and talking together.
"You look too serious, Daph..then again, what else is new?" joked Roger. "What's up, lady?" Alex and Roger was discussing the finalzed plans for Cape Paramount Base's construction. They saw beams being towed and concrete being poured, with the contractors hard at work.
"I don't know, Rog..I'm actually anxious about this project..I'm asking myself, will this really work? After all, Takeshi was the only one who passed the test..Considering that there were so many movie fans who applied for this..
"It's not like you to be so worried..That's not the Daphne I loved..The woman standing aside me always stayed strong and stoic..At the right moment, she was very sensitive and mature..That's the Daphne I know..unless she disappeared and went into outer space.." Alex then took a breath and sighed.
"Back up plan.." continued Roger. "Everthing you do requires a back up plan..It's a strong sign of discipline..." Alex thanked Roger as they embraced. The flashback ends as Alex wakes from her daydream. "-fessor!" said Dr.Markby.
"Sorry, Doctor..I was..preoccupied..Follow me..I know what I need to do..."
While Alex and the good doctor discuss future plans, the emergency siren goes off! Sarita answered swiftly.. "Guys! Look on the IMAX screen! I've got bad news and even worse news!" The team look up on the screen, and witness..
"BLACKORG!" shouted Takeshi. "What's he doing here back on Earth?"
Mikey was livid. "CARMEN! NO! HOW DID THEY ABDUCT HER? WHERE ARE THEY?" Mikey was about to teleport.
"Wait, Mikey! Hold your horses!" said Nick. "Don't go! Somehow MAYHEM found out about our private lives! I believe he's trying to goad us into some kind of trap!"
"That's it!" said B.C. "I wasn't kidding when I said we were being watched! He must have found out about our strengths and weaknesses!"
B.C.'s right!" said Vin. "It might be a trap, so we've got to make sure that we're ready to take him on! This time we're ready for any of his tricks! Guys, let's..Wait! Where's Mikey?"
"Ahhh, no!" said B.C. "He must've went crazy after he saw Carmen being kidnapped! You know he's obsessed with her!"
"That love-sick kid! He's gonna get himself killed! We've definitely gotta save him now!" said Takeshi.
"Let's get going! We'll set our coordinates to an area where we can catch that evil alien unawares!" said Vin. The team began to all teleport to a field not far from Central Jersey University.
Act two
Moments later, the team minus Mikey arrive, and search for him. "This is certainly out of Blackorg's character to do this..What would he want with Mikey's friend, except to try to mess with our psyches?" said Vin.
"I'm not certain.." said Toni. "We need to be ready for anything.." At that moment, Carmen appeared, bound by a stake, still unconscious. Mikey then appeared before the other five. "We must help her! Let's get her!" Nick restrains him. "Hold on!" he said.
Before Mikey could regain his composure, a group of Kinks surrounded Carmen. "Suggestions for a battle plan, Vin?" asked Takeshi.
"Just two..rescue the girl, and whomp the kinks out of these Kinks!" The team proceeded to fight, punching, kicking, and wrestling the MAYHEM minions into submission. "For some reason these soldiers seem to be slightly stronger, but of course we..
Before Vin could finish his sentence, They were caught in an explosion which threw them off balance. Blackorg appears before the team!
"Greetings, Scanranger team! I take it you have grown much stronger since we last fought..Excellent! It shall take more than a few moments to easily slay this human.." Blackorg felt her face, stroking her chin.
"Get your hands off her! She doen't concern you! Leave her alone!!" cried Mikey.
"Indeed...she does, as I have witnessed a weakness within one of your teammates..all the better to destroy you!" Blackorg was about to slay her, but Mikey teleported and landed a kick within the overlord's face!
"You dare to attack my person?" Blackorg grabbed Mikey by the leg, and threw him towards the hill. In transit, he transformed. "CAMERA! ACTION! YELLOWSCANNER!" He rebounds from the side of the hill and attacks! "VALKYRIE VANCER!"
Blackorg blocks the attack. at the same time, Carmen was teleported to safety.The other rangers ran towards the villain and transform themselves! "LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! SCANRANGER!"
The introduction began, "REDSCANNER! ATHLETE OF ACTION!"
"Very impressive poses.." said Blackorg. "Yet it shall not help you..Your fate is sealed!" He blasts an energy beam from his hands, as the rangers dodge the beam. Red attacks with his Swashbuckler Sword. Blackorg defends himself with his MetalStaff. They seem to be evenly matched, then suddenly Red throws Blackorg over his head. Green attacks next with his "DISC LAUNCHER!", hitting Blackorg square in the chest! Pink follows with her "CHARISSE KICK!" kicking the overlord in the face! Silver follows with his "SILVER PUNCH!" knocking the villain for a loop!
"INSOLENT WHELPS!" shouted Blackorg, feeling the full wrath of the Scanrangers. "YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE UPPER HAND? I SHALL DESTROY YOU ALL!" Yellow was about to attack him from behind, but Blackorg catches him and grasps him by the neck! "..STARTING WITH YOU!!" Shortly, the evil MAYHEM leader attempted to electrify him. Mikey couldn't think of a movie scene to call up to counterattack! He tosses the unconscious Yellow aside, in turn detransforms back to Mikey!
"MIKEY! MIKEY! GET UP!" cried Pink, trying to wake him.
"You shall be the next to fall!" Blackorg zaps a blast from his staff, taking out Pink, also reverting back to Toni.
Silver zooms in and elbows Blackorg in the face once again. However, the overlord retailiates with a hard blow in the gut with his MetalStaff. He zaps Silver at point-blank range, which left Takeshi out and his chest singed by the heat blast!
Three Scanrangers down, three still standing! Blue, Red, and Green pondered on how to attack Blackorg. "WHATEVER YOU THROW AGAINST ME, IT MATTERS NOT! YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME!"
"Let me try something different, guys!" said Green.
"What are you thinking, Nick?" asked Blue.
"Use my Holoclones, but in a different way.."
"I've got a better idea.." said Red. "We'll attack him- HEAD ON!" The three run at Blackorg with their prime weapons. Blackorg sees that and blasted them both!
"All too easy.." thought Blackorg.
"You're right! It was!" said Red appearing in the back, slashing Blackorg in the back! Blackorg screams!
"HUMAN GERM! YOU! YOU CUT THROUGH MY ARMOR! Blackorg swings around, grabbing Vin's arm, about to break it, then takes Red's Swashbuckler, and breaks it in two! Using the broken piece, he was about to stab RedScanner. "You humans have a saying..which is..'Turnabout is fair play!' NOW-"
Blue intervenes-"STOP! HAMMER TIME!" and freezes Blackorg's move, hitting him with his extended Speed-Bo Staff, which turns into a mallet! The mallet pounds Blackorg in the head, and releases Red, reverting back to Vin. As Blue went around to hammer Blackorg again, he breaks out of the frozen stage, and breaks his staff as well! "BACK, HUMAN!" Blackorg cried, hitting Blue back at Green.
"You Scanrangers are resilient, indeed! But since your leader had cut through my body shell, my energy is very deadly and very potent! Observe!" Blackorg explodes for about a hundred yards, and when the smoke clears, the evil enigmatic being is the only one left standing, and every Scanranger was all in civilian form, either injured or out cold!
"Not all have fallen, evil one!"
"Who-?" replied Blackorg. He turns, and sees Peter Emmanuel!,
"So! You are the one who have allied with these Scanrangers! You were the one responsible for destroying my KuroHoungan! The same human who has thwarted the likes of Key's Team Nightmare! You're the one who has at every turn, ruined my plans!" said the overlord.
"That is correct! And it my Lord's will to insure your defeat!"
"And what can you, a mere human, can do to me, whereas these Scanrangers can't?" What you are attempting is heroic nonsense! Your God's will, you say? Your God is nothing! The only god's will you shall be doing will be mine!!"
"I boast in no one except my God! I shall defend my planet!" Using a scene from 'The Ten Commandments', Peter calls up a cloud of darkness, based on one of the plagues upon Egypt. Blackorg couldn't see a thing, but he disperses the clouds with his staff. Peter follows by exposing Blackorg's skin and called up the 'plague of boils'!
"What is this effrontery? What are all these boils on my body?" said Blackorg.
"The power of imagination!" replied Peter. "And that's not all!" Peter then calls up a scene from 'Gladiator', dressed with the armor of the hero Maximus, with a few extra additions. "The belt of truth! The breastplate of righteousness! The shield of faith! The helmet of salvation! The sword of the spirit!"
"Impresssive weapons, human..but it still won't affect me!" Blackorg zapped Peter with his hand blast. As the smoke cleared, Peter stood firm!
"What?!?" said a surprised Blackorg. "That blast was enough to level a city!!"
"I told you, Blackorg..all things are possible! My God is something! In fact, he is everything and more!" In the blink of an eye, Peter zoomed up and landed a punch at Blackorg, causing him to fly towards a cliff face,and making an imprint on the cliff!
"Impossible..With one blow..he..he is as powerful than those accursed Scanrangers combined..YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT, HUMAN! NOW IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO PERISH!" The overlord then uses his MetalStaff to try to blow Peter into dust!
Peter dodges and in a bold move, slices Blackorg's staff in two! He follows up with an upper cut with his shield. Blackorg lands on the ground, stunned!
The inspirational powered Scanranger ally let the enigmatic being have it, beating Blackorg through the chinks of what was left of his armor. "ENOUGH! YOU ARE DESTROYING MY BATTLE SHELL! ENOUGH!"
Peter continued to pummel Blackorg into submission..For once, the enigmatic being never felt humiliation than ever before, and was almost on the brink of death!
The other rangers retreated out of the war zone, except Takeshi, who still wanted to help with his limited Film Energy. “PETER! LET ME HELP!”
“No! No! Get out of here! GO!!” With the turned head, Blackorg had an opening, and grabbed Peter's face!
“Fool! You dare to turn your back in battle! Such a fatal mistake!” cried Blackorg. The next thing Peter saw was nothing but a blast of light that consumed his body. The brunt of Blackorg’s Oblivion Beam that Peter felt through his chest resulted his heart slowly beating, and he collapses on the ground, his armor disappearing.
“PETER!!” cried Vin.
“NOOOO!” shouted Takeshi.
“BLAST YOU!” cried Nick.
Blackorg didn’t respond. He only looked at the fallen Scanranger ally. “Curse you, human! Consider yourselves fortunate you did not share his fate! And now, I ..” Blackorg felt his leg tugged firmly, as Peter smiled despite his mortal wounds. “Where are you going? We’re not finished yet…” With his final bit of Film Energy, he uses his ultimate move, becoming one with ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’… “POWER OF THE COVENANTTTT!”
At once, another blast of light enveloped the overlord, and Peter covered his eyes despite the pain. The energy began melting his alien skin and through what was left of his intact armor. Blackorg went through agonizing pain more than he ever imagined before. Another cry of agony rolled through the MAYHEM leader. Seconds later, Blackorg disappeared without a trace!
The rangers, all detransformed, were still in pain, but they made it over to their fallen ally.
“Peter! Good lord! Hang in there!” shouted Vin. “Try not to move! I’ll get you to-“ Peter grabs Vin’s wrist when he was about to teleport him. “What the heck are you doing? You won’t make it unless we get you to a hospital!!!”
“No, Vin..please..I appreciate all that you’re done..MAYHEM has been crippled..”
“You didn’t have to do this!” said Takeshi. “Why?”
Peter was coughing blood. “Because..because God made it clear..He chose me to use my talents and help the purpose of stopping evil..Now..the power must be extended..I gave all of you enough power to continue the fight..” The essence of Peter’s Film Energy flew out of his body, and it enters through his brother. back on campus.
“Peter? I felt his energy..What the-? Wait..NO! He didn’t! He can’t be leaving! Not now! Not now!” Mark fell to his knees. “Not now…”
Peter continues to talk. “Vin..Takeshi..Nick..everyone..The battle continues..I am honored to fight by your side for these brief moments..I ask of all of you..Keep the ..keep the faith!”
“It..is..finished..” Peter breathes his last, his hand loosening from Vin’s grip, His head slouches to the side. Nick, angry, crossed his arms in anger..Toni wept on B.C.’s shoulder, and Mikey bowed his head, with a tear going down his cheek. The loss of a hero overtook the final demise of the evil overlord.
Two days later at Leewood Meadow Cemetery, the minister read Peter Emmanuel’s obituary. The very somber rangers, including some of the CPB crew, all were there to give their condolences at the funeral. Even Danger Woman and the Phantom Highlander came to pay his respects.
The two approached Takeshi. “We’ve both came to give our condolences for your friend..” said DM.
“We’ve never met your inspirational friend, but he was a part of the team..I wish we could have battled together on a better occasion..We're very sorry for your teammate..”
“Thank you, Phantom Highlander, Danger Woman..Although he wadn't a Scanranger in uniform, he has proven his worth by saving the Earth..I can actually say it was a pleasure to fight with him..” DM was about to console Takeshi, but he turned away. She sensed he was still hurt over Peter's death.
"Don't worry..lady.." said the Phantom Highlander. "I believe he and the rest of the team need some time for themselves. They'll be back in the swing of things in time.."
"I certainly hope so.." The famed Scanranger allies see the six team members and Alex leave the cemetery. As the last car drove away from the burial grounds,it began to rain. The sky was about to get dark, and up above, a reflection of Peter was brightening up in the sky.
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends..."(John 15:13-NIV)
In our next Scanranger adventure, the team mourns for their fallen comrade. Yet, at the same time, MAYHEM launches its boldest, deadliest, and greatest attack on Earth ever! This time, it's the Scanranger's headquarters! And as if that's not enough, another team member falls as well! Will the small numbers be enough for our heroes to keep the alien invaders at bay?
Next time on Movie Task Force Scanranger-Episode 30
"Assault on Cape Paramount Base!"(Part One)
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