Previously, MAYHEM suffered a brief loss, seeing the mighty Blackorg fall in battle. The Scanrangers were unaware the overlord actually survived the battle! Meanwhile, Vin and Takeshi was still out of commission from the previous battle, leaving three active Scanrangers, and a missing Professor Alex. The villains, led by Colonel Trilobyte, began a relentless assault on the Scanranger base! With their defenses breached, Mikey and Carmen was separated from the team as Mikey tried to fight alone against Vixen and Ug. Mikey was seriously injured, putting him out of action also! Carmen, using her hidden power for the first time, held off the two MAYHEM captains. As the two attempted to escape, the bombs detonated, and Cape Paramount Base began to go up in smoke!!

Episode 31-"Assault on Cape Paramount Base!"(Part Two)

The impact of the explosion pushed back the three giant robots who were engaged in battle in the previous episode. In the process, KuroSlasher's blade dug deep into BlockBuster's leg, disabling DivaScanner's controls, unable to stand. Dolby was able to throw a punch at the cybercreature.Thunder Dolby THX, BlockBuster, and KuroSlasher were swept away, which enabled the merged cybercreature that was Team Nightmare to take to the air, back to their base, despite the injury.
"Guys! Are you all right? Can you stand?"
"Unfortunately, that monster was able to get it's last licks in..Without DivaScanner functioning ,and the base in flames, we can't fix the mecha! We're gonna be one robot short!"
Realizing that one team member was still MIA, Nick thought, "Good Lord.. "Mikey was still in there!"
"Mikey! Mikey!" shouted Blue. "Can you hear me? This is B.C.! Come in! Come in!" Blue paused. "Nothing.."
Green, Pink, and Blue departed from their robots, onto the ground, and back in their civvies, began to look for any survivors. They searched long for about two hours, until..
"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!" B.C. heard the distress call, and ran to it.
"It can't be!" B.C. called the others. "Guys! listen up! I've found a couple of people!" B.C. saw Mikey, semi-conscious and wounded, with Carmen being shielded by him.
Later, at a nearby hospital, Mikey wakes up in a bed, and sees Nick, Toni, and B.C. "Mina..Guys.." Mikey said with a smile.
"Welcome back to the land of the living." said Toni, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Dude! What the heck happened to you, man? We were trying to contact you for the longest!" said Nick.
"My FilmBrace was damaged..I was still able to transform..yet I couldn't get any transmission from anyone..Vixen and Ug attacked both of us.." Mikey's right leg was crushed and broken.
"I set my coordinates for the campus, but for some reason we were still in the vicinity of the base.. The program was still malfunctional after the explosion.." Mikey described their escape, then gritted his teeth feeling his broken leg.
"This isn't good.." said B.C. "I still haven't heard anything from Professor Alex..I hope she didn't get kidnapped by MAYHEM, or worse..dead.."
"Stop it!" said Toni. "She's tougher than that, and you know it! Since she was tending to Vin and Takeshi, chances are she'll be with them!"
"Toni's right! We need to plan a counterattack against these vile aliens! I can't forgive them for destroying our base!"
"Before you guys go ahead and get back with the crew.." said Mikey. "..there's a small problem..Carmen knows my identity.."
"What?" said the three together.
"I had no choice...Those two MAYHEM captains were about to kill her! There was no other way to stop it!"
"Geez, Mikey..You just don't go up and reveal your identity to every person who's in danger like that.." said Nick.
"Okay then, genius.. What would you have done in this situation?"
"Well, uh..you know..like..The thing is...well, the same! Yeah! That's it! The same!"
"You're starting to sound like Professor Alex when she started training us.." At that point, Toni looked at B.C. like he was crazy. "Not that anything's wrong with that, in a way..."
The two recovering rangers watch from a remote area the destruction of the base."NO!" cried Vin. "The base's been destroyed!"
"What's that, Vin?" asked Takeshi.
"Can't you see? MAYHEM's wrecked our headquarters! What are we gonna do now?"
"I'm fully aware of our plight, Vin.." said Alex, walking to the two.
"You're gonna let Blackorg and his cronies get away with this? Do you realize he has the upper hand and is-"
"Vin! I said I was aware of this..even when Benedict attempted to destroy Cape Paramount months ago..Why do you think that after that potential ambush it helped us to initiate a back up plan in case we were threatened again? After the attack, I sent scouts to scan for another site...Dr. Markby and his team did the rest..transferred our files, movie vaults to an undisclosed area..upstate New York..Even as I speak, no one but us know where we exactly are."
"Now, gentlemen, if you would follow me.." said Alex as Takeshi and Vin see a giant machine under construction. The crew welded metallic pieces to what seemed to look like a giant robot. "That's part of the 'StuntMaster Project'..Hopefully, we plan to use it for utility purposes as long as our two major robots aren't in grave danger.."
"Don't you mean three, Professor?" asked Takeshi.
"The project involves just Thunder Dolby THX and BlockBuster only..WideScreener has enough firepower of its own to handle any attack, especially in your J and SuperScreener mode.."
"Ah..I forgot all about that..One more question, where the heck are we?"
"Gentlemen, this is the Catacombs of Mount Columbia..where we also have another auxillary weapons/film library, comprised of at least 10,000 movies-all within your reach to regain your power..Right now, I need for you to return to campus, there's one more person you need to see.."
Momemts later, Takeshi and Vin sat in Dr. Markby's laboratory, preparing to teleport back to campus. "Give our contact this envelope..He knows what he needs to do.." Alex said. The two looked at each other and tried to analyze who was she referring to.
"I have an inkling who it just might be.." thought Vin. Takeshi and he pressed the FF button simutaneously and beamed away from the hidden base.
Up in Nebultopia, Trilobyte and Key gloat at their success in destroying Cape Paramount Base. "Excellent work, Key! A pity those Scanrangers weren't around to be smashed to pieces..For the great Lord Blackorg, I'd desire the pleasure of destoying them myself!"

Act two

Vin and Takeshi arrive at Central Jersey University. They looked around as the other campus students walk to and fro on the college grounds. "Okay, if I was the contact for Professor Alex, where would I stand?" At that moment, someone walked up to the both of them in a menacing fashion..
"Mark Emmanuel.." Vin turned to the approaching student and handed the envelope, Peter's brother. "I wish this was a much better situation to talk to you about..I-"
"Hush, please.." said Mark, still mourning over the loss of the Scanranger ally. "You government people haven't a clue..You don't know anything! I really shouldn't do this and let the planet fend for themselves, but I have a mission where my brother left off.." Mark then handed Vin a manila envelope the size of a video DVD. "One more thing..hold out your hands.." Vin and Takeshi looked at each other and do so. Mark lain his hands onto the two, and Takeshi's chest wound was no more, as was Vin's broken arm, somehow reconnected to his limbs. Takeshi's almost black and blue mark began to revert to his flesh. "Kore wa? This is..?" said the silver warrior.
"Another healing? This is beginning to be habit forming.." said Vin, humbly. "You really didn't have to do this..after what we all had been through...Thank you.."
"You can thank me by just taking care of that delivery..and that we never cross paths again.." With that, Mark turns and walks away, about to depart to another school.
"Hmmph..I haven't felt a chill like that since Hyoga froze one of the Gold Saints and personally put them on ice(Saint Seiya/Zodiac Knights can only understand this)."
The two rangers rendezvous with the rest of the team at the hospital. They walk in as B.C. was playing with Mikey, still indisposed from the battle. He had a deluxe sized Griforrcer action figure(Goldar to others)battling Mikey's deluxe Gundam DeathScythe. "Hey, Sketch Boy! How's it going? How are you feeling?"
"The same, Vin Man..still feeling very out of it..At least the hospital food's better..They've got an Arby's in the North Wing.."
"So that evil witch Vixen did the dirty deed, huh? Don't worry, Kunio-san.. I'll see to it that she'll pay for what she did to you.." Takeshi said.
Vin notices Carmen, very quiet and withdrawn since the rest of the team consoled Mikey. sitting by the window "So that's Carmen..Mikey's been talking about that girl for about a few months.." He goes over to her to introduce himself. "How are you? You must be Carmen.."
She nodded shyly as Vin continued. "That was a brave thing you did..Kunio told me about how you saved his life..Not to mention how you singlehanded brushed MAYHEM back temporarily..How were you able to do it?"
"I..I felt so helpless after being attacked..and I fantasized about having the power of my favorite super hero, wishing I could something..and then..and then Dragonball Z raced through my head.." The other rangers pondered what Mikey pondered.."She possesses Film Energy.."
"And who in the blazes is MAYHEM? Some terrorist group?" As Carmen questioned that, Professor Alex entered to answer her question. "You're absolutely right.." She proceeds to introduce herself to Carmen.
"I know you..You're a Film teacher at Central Jersey University.."
"The villains whom you encountered are determined to take over this planet..this is for real..I know this is all new to you, but bear with me..You possess power beyond what you can imagine..I have friends who can also channel that same power you used, and for the greater good of mankind.."
"You're kidding, right? How do you expect me to channel this power?"
"There are..specialists who can help you..five others like you who can fight for the freedom of this Earth.."
Suddenly, within the far distance, an explosion occured through the outskirts of Leewood Park! The heroes looked out the window, and behold, MAYHEM continued the attack, although the former Scanranger base was history!
"Guys! You know the drill!" Alex said.
"RIGHT!" replied Vin, Takeshi, Toni, B.C., and Nick. Carmen pondered on what can just those five people can do to stop an alien invasion. "Carmen..Could you come over for a second, please?" asked Mikey.
"Listen! Don't blame yourself for myself getting hurt! I was just doing mt duty, if you know what I mean.." Mikey silently whispered to Alex. "Should I?" Alex responded with a nod. "Let me have your hand.." said Mikey. He then clamped his FilmBrace on Carmen's right arm, and the VCP cassette on the left arm.
"What's this?" Carmen asked.
"What you have on your arm is called a FilmBrace..With the VCP bracelet on the left, you load the mini-cassette into the FilmBrace compartment, and your newly possessed power shall be enhanced tenfold.."
"One more thing.." Alex said. "I'll add something in addition to your communicator.." It was a small microchip, similar to what Morpheous downloaded to Neo in 'The Matrix'. "As you go out there, the others will show you the rest..Consider this your orientation.."
"Forget the password, and they DOCK YOU!" said Mikey.(editor's note: a paraphrased line from The Hudsucker Proxy)
"What?" replied Carmen.
"Kiddinggg!" he said. "Good luck, 'C-Lo', and godspeed.."
"Uhh, yeah.." Carmen runs out to join the other rangers.
The six run towards the outskirts of town to confront the MAYHEM threat. They see Colonel Trilobyte, Anark Key, and a group of Kinks ready to attack!
"Scanrangers! I am pleased you've decided to come out of hiding! You would have the temerity to finish off my master, thus we've arranged to return the favor! I plan to finish where my lord had left off-the subjugation of your precious planet!" said Trilobyte.
"Sorry, but that's not gonna happen, especially on our watch! Who the blazes are you, anyway?" asked Vin.
"My name is..Colonel Trilobyte! But soon enough, this earth shall call me your lord and master! As for you children, you can call me death!"
"Well, pack your bags, fossil-face, cause we're sending you back where you came from!" replied Nick. Carmen, perplexed about all the new found situation she's now involved in, now saw the entire challenge of MAYHEM, excluding Lady Vixen and General Ug.
Vin whispered to Carmen. "Carmen, on my mark..use the FilmBrace and VCP bracelet, and do exactly as I do, got it? What you did before will help increase your newfound power tenfold..OK?"
"I understand.."
Vin started the call, followed by the others. "LET'S DO THIS! LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! SCANRANGER!" Takeshi followed, "HENSHIN! EIGACHANGER!" As always the eiga sentai strike a pose!
Part Two