Episode 38-"The Vengeance of Emperor Toranza" (Part 1)

Special guest stars: None other than Chojin Sentai-JETMAN!

Our disclaimer:Chojin Sentai Jetman, Red Hawk, Black Condor, Yellow Owl, White Swan, Blue Swallow, Ryu Tendo, Gai Yuki, Chokan Aya Odagiri, Raita Oishi, Kaori Rokumeikan, Ako Hayasaka, Toranza, Radiege, Maria, Grey(including all promient characters in this episode)is a trademark of TV Asahi, Toei Co. Ltd. and Toei Agency.
Dateline: Outer Space-circa 1991. High above the Earth, floats an organic shaped spacecraft-Birock-the ship belonging to the Dimensional Fleet-Viram! At that point of time, the Viram had underwent changes in leadership-in this case, forced changes-thanks to one tyrannical Viram member-Toranza!
Toranza-in this case, he prefers to be called Emperor- a handsome but cynical alien in human form-dressed in a black and white bodysuit with pointed shoulder pads and a black cape-gained current power to take over the villain ranks. He was the former Toran(or Tran),the childish, yet deadly Viram member. After a failed attempt to defeat the Chojin Sentai (Birdman Task Force)Jetman-Tran was taunted by his teammates, and even Black Condor after he was about to do serious bodily harm on the little bad guy. After being tormented by Count Radiege, Maria, and Grey, he went into a rage, and performed a spell, force-growing himself into an adult. With new unlimited power, he overpowered the Viram and the Jetmen! Thus, Toranza oversaw the goal for the Viram-the conquest of Earth!
(For more details, see Jetman Episodes 36-37-unfortunately all in Japanese-or go to my reference for all Jetman involved:Jillun's Jetman page
As he sat on the Viram throne(which was only used if one of the members defeated the Jetmen-he recalled an adventure where his former self was beaten(or in this case, humiliated-not by a Jetman member, but one of the Jetmen's new found allies..
"BlueScanner.." said the emperor in a very contempt fashion, and in Japanese. He could never forget how one of the Eiga Sentai Scanranger humbled him.. "How I despised that gaijin..Only there is a way to make him pay!"
The other Viram members-Radiege, a treacherous, blue-skinned alien with a quick temper and a silver horned helmet covering half his face- He wanted to claim the Viram leadership for himself-any way he could. The others-Maria(the brainwashed lover of Ryu Tendo-Rie Aoi) sat idly by waiting for action. She was a beautiful, yet deadly Japanese warrior, with an oversized hat and armed with her Necrorod-pondering on what to do with the Jetmen. The other member-Grey-an almost human robot-fought his battles in a honorable fashion-went to his usual business, sipping a glass of wine and listening to classical music.
"And there's a way to make him pay.." Toranza said, then teleported.
He gets to an empty quarry where he detected something nearby the hidden rocks. With one blast of his force beam, the rubble reveals a crystal, sparkling in the shape of a pearl. "If I recall, this is the key to those time traveller's doom..It's not the Lighkari crystal, but it's close enough.." thought Toranza.
"Dimensional Mammoth! To me!" One of the Viram's previously used parasite monsters had been resurrected for the purpose of helping out Toranza's plan. They proceed with their sinister agenda.
Meanwhile-Present day-Central NJ University-just to remind the readers this is Movie Task Force Scanranger-not a Chojin Sentai Jetman fan-fic..
B.C. was hanging out with Vin and the rest of the gang. He was still perplexed about Kunio's fate in the previous episode.
"I still didn't appreciate your decision..Why couldn't we help him? Why couldn't we get involved and clear the situation with the campus police? Why-"
Vin interrupts. "Has it ever occurred to you that Vixen knows our secret identities? Have you considered if we'd retailiated, it could not only get us all also expelled, but MAYHEM could also devise a way to put our loved ones in danger?"
B.C. paused, thought things through. "No.."
"Vin's right.." said Toni. "I'm guessing that in your country, B.C, identities are all out into the open, so there's a trust level where it's not a big deal. Here, you have the option of revealing your identity, but you're taking a real big risk.."
"There must be a way to expose that witch for who she is and stopping her from terrorizing the campus any further.." said Carmen.
Vin continued. "I don't like leaving Mikey out in the lurch like that anymore than you guys do, but right now, we've no proof that she's posing as a college professor, let alone commiting a crime..Eventually, guys, if we know MAYHEM, somehow they'll reveal themselves..As Professor Alex suggested, we need to bide our time.."
Takeshi was walking through the park, when he noticed a sparkle that resembled a mini falling star. It happened to be the futuristic enchantress, Aileen, who was now the guardian of the Lighkari crystal. Her mission was to find the Inolife gem, which had very little power by itself, but connected with the Lighkari gem, it had the ability to give the bearer absolute immortality! He runs over to find out what was happening.
Toranza and the dimensional beast arrived minutes before Aileen, landing in Scorsese Park. "So this is the future?" thought the Viram villain. "Not much has changed on this planet, but this isn't Japan..No matter..I have the thing I need to plot out my revenge!" He proceeded to camoflauge the mastodon and hid the monster within the park bushes. With a snap of his finger, Toranza changed his uniform into regular casual wear, a leather jacket with blue jeans with normal black hair instead of gray. It didn't require any difficulty for him to blend in.
Aileen actually had followed the two villains, but she made her appearance as soon as Toranza left the scene.
"He has the Inolife crystal!" said Aileen. "I must inform the Scanrangers before it's too late!"
"No, my pretty little pixie..It is too late! You shall not inform those interlopers any more than you being a thorn in my plans!" Toranza made his appearance behind her! He activated the combined Lighkari and Inolife crystals, snaring Aileen and immediately entrapped her within the shiny orbs with no way to escape!
"Thank you very much, beautiful girl..Now I have the other orb, what you would call the Lighkari crystal, which is now mine by right!! Now nothing shall stop me from my ultimate revenge!"
"Hold it right there!" shouted Takeshi. "Who the heck are...you?" He then realized who he faced against. The silver hero said. "I must be seeing things! Either I've been watching too much sentai, or that's a Yutaka Hirose lookalike posing as Emperor Toranza!"
"You dare to challenge me? I can swat you as easily as a fly! Begone!" Toranza throws an energy blast at Takeshi! But as soon as it reaches him, he transforms! "HENSHIN! EIGACHANGER!"
The power craving villain was surprised that he found an opponent. "Nan desu ka? Who are you?"
"Hmmph..Another new Scanranger, eh? Have at me, then!!"
They go at it, via hand to hand combat! Silver threw a couple chops at Toranza, but at every turn, he blocked every hit with every point of accuracy. Simultaneously, they throw a punch at each other, and make contact with each otther's face, knocking each other back.
Silver and Toranza both drew their weapons; Silver pulled out his LaserMagnum, Toranza his power gauntlet with an energy beam! The two opponents were at a stand of, until Takeshi's laser pistol was able to singe Toranza's hand!
"Now's my chance!" Silver said. Becoming one with the Kamen Riders again, he changed up his Tokusatsu Film Energy and ran towards the villain. "SILVER PUNCHHH!" However, with one hand, Toranza stops the sixth Scanranger's punch cold!
"Bakana!" How could he stop my Silver Punch?" Takeshi gripped his hand, still feeling the vise-like grip Toranza applied to it. He attempted to shoot him, but he dodged the LaserMagnum shots. The emperor leapt into the air, and a long fencing-type sword materialized into his hand. He proceeded to slash SilverScanner across the chest.
Suddenly, a familiar green-clad bodysuit got in the way of the two, grabbing Toranza, and applying a judo throw over his head. GreenScanner made his appearance, as did the other four Scanrangers.
"Silver!" said BlueScanner. "Dai so ka?"
"B.C.-san..You were right after all..You won't believe this, but.." Silver points at their opponent.
"Nani? Bakana!"
"That's exactly what I said.."
"Wait a minute! You mean to tell me that, he's.."
"You're not seeing things, Scanranger..The one you knew as Tran is no more.In his place you see, Toranza, your once and now future emperor!" said in Japanese.
"Well, whoever you are, or whatever you said, you're going down!" said Yellow.
Blue cried out, "YellowScanner! Wait!" She leapt into the air, about to punch his lights out, but with two of his fingers, he pointed at Yellow, and shot her down to the ground.
"DISC LAUNCHER!" shouted Green. Unfortunately, Toranza dodged the discs easily.
Pulling out his fencing weapon once more, He slashed through Green, then Pink, then Blue,Silver, and even Red. Not giving our heroes a breather, Toranza then raised his hand, showering them with energy bolts zapping them from the sky. Each one was in pain, with their battle suits detransformed, struggling to arise and to defend themselves.
As Toranza ran towards the rangers,like a streak of rainbow light, two flying kicks made impact on his chest. When the Viram emperor tried to gain his composure, two more punches made right at his face, sending him flying, including one red streaked punch, putting him to the ground temporarily.
"Whoa! It can't be!" said Nick. "It's.."
The six Scanrangers gazed up, and they couldn't believe their eyes! In their presence appeared much needed allies of the past; one of the most legendary teams of all time..
"JETMAN!" said Vin, Nick, B.C., Takeshi, and Toni together. The only exception was Yellow, since Carmen herself was new to the team, and was not familiar, with the classic Super Sentai teams of the past, save the current Americanized version one would call Power Rangers.
"Blast it! The Jetmen? Here?!" Toranza did not anticipate them following him in the future. With swiftness, the leader of the Chojin Sentai called up his Beak Smasher, shouting the gun's name, and the laser shot ricocheted off the rocks within the park, disabling his remote controlled gauntlet hand. "Onore..Curse you! Round one is yours, Jetman..for now!" Toranza beats a swift retreat.
The Jetmen then detransformed back to their civilian forms, helping each Scanranger member up. The leader, Ryu Tendo/Red Hawk, was a confident figure, dressed in a red and white flight jacket. The second, Gai Yuki/Black Condor, dressed in a two piece dark brown suit,was a rebellious and quick tempered lone wolf, yet at the right time, would help his new friends in need. The third,was Raita Oishi/Yellow Owl, dressed with a yellow long sleeve shirt and denim overalls, a proper,gentle giant. The fourth was Kaori Rokumeikan/White Swan, dressed in an off-white dress with low heeled shoes, was a quiet, well to do lady eager to help the team in saving the world. The fifth and definitely not least, Ako Hayasaka/Blue Swallow, full of spunk, in her blue satin high school jacket.
"The Jetmen here, in our time? Incredible!" said Toni.
Immediately, the two teams greet each other, happy to see each other, and shaking hands/bowing. All except Carmen, who pondered on how to introduce herself to her colored counterpart. In the case of B.C., Ako gave him a great big hug! "Vin! Genki desu ka?" said Ryu. "It's good to see you, Ryu, Thanks-" Vin then remembered. Since Aileen, the magical pixie helped to break the language barrier, obviously they couldn't understand each other.
Raita noticed a familiar face wasn't there. "Kunio? Kunio doko ni?"
"Huh?" replied Carmen.
"It's OK, C-Lo.." B.C. clarifies to Yellow Owl that Mikey was injured in battle and she took his place.
"Ahhh, B.C., Takeshi?" said Vin.
"Say no more,fearless leader..We've got your back..If you need an interpreter, just ask us." said Takeshi looking at the Jetman team. "Now it's confirmed, you guys are for real.."
B.C. spoke to the Jetmen in their native tongue, while Takeshi interpreted back to English.
Ryu explained all how he and his team was brought into the future as Takeshi translated for the others in English. "Viram had resurrected their creature, the Dimensional Mammoth.. We'd defeated the monster before, but this time, it had the capability to travel into the future instead of the past.." The Jetman leader told in detail the story on how they were trapped in prehistoric Japan, until a rift in the time barrier enabled them to escape and return to their present time. "The parasite was controlled by Toranza, and after we smashed the monster's clock, it went forward as he tried to stop it..It pulled the rest of the team inside taking us to your time today...Toranza probably got here first, then we were able to follow him incognito.."
"Were you able to completely destroy that woolly mastodon?" asked Nick as B.C.translated back to Japanese.
"We would assume that it's still with Toranza, since it's the only way to get back to the year 1991.."
"Ryu said that he was indeed impressed by the fact you've battled Radiege to a standstill, Vin.." said Takeshi.
"Hey, it wasn't easy especially after B.C. gave me a heads-up on how powerful that blue skinned villain was, and watched those films on your battles through those toku fan based tapes..For the record, thank you.."
Back up in Nebultopia, the MAYHEM corps watched the previous battle. TriloByte was intrigued by the stranger's fight skills.
"I see the Scanrangers have found a new foe on their hands...His fighting skills are impressive. indeed.."
"I think that Mr.Toranza should receive a personal invitation to our stronghold of Nebutopia...No need for an RSVP..." continued TriloByte. With a few pushed buttons, TriloByte did a region area search of the Viram emperor.
Toranza was surprised as for once, he was picked up and teleported to Nebultopia, as well as a familiar Jetman 'monster du jour'; the Dimensional Mammoth.
"Nanda? Anata?" he spoke in his native tongue.
"Just a moment..With another button pressed, TriloByte activated the throne's universal translator, which enabled the MAYHEM villains to speak in their regular language, thus Toranza could hear them in theirs.
"Consider us as allies, Toranza, I am the master of this vessel, Lord TriloByte,and these are my captains.."
"State your business.."
"My business is purely simple..The conquest of this planet..and knowing your almighty power..I have need of you to help me in this task..There is a team I know you are familiar with..and they are indeed a thorn in our plans to succeed..I wish to join forces in order to achieve your dream."
"What else is there?"
"Your mortal enemies are also here as you know..These said enemies..the Jetmen, have battled you before, as well as my accursed adversaries, the Scanrangers..I'll even offer a cybercreature and a few of my foot soldiers to help finish the job..You, of course, will be rewarded handsomely..."
"And?" said Toranza.
"And nothing else!" You're not familiar with the future, so it's only fair to show to you what kind of power we can offer you.."
"Hmmph! That is not necessary, for I have power to offer you!" Toranza shows them the Lighkari and Inolife crystal, sparkling not unlike a diamond..
"P-pretty.." snarled Ug.
"Amazing..I can even see someone inside.." said Vixen.
"Precisely..This faerie had tried to stop me from my original goal, settling the score with those so called Scanrangers..With this power, I can even entrap the Jetmen forever!"
"If you're actually offering us power, we've got that already!" said Key. "Our mighty Lord Blackorg can provide us with everything we need! You need to try to bargain us with something else!"
"I've got a better idea.." Toranza then points the crystals at Anark Key, and gets pulled within the orb! Now, he shared the same prison with Aileen!
"Get me the blazes out of here! What are you doing?" cried Key.
At once, Nebutopia began to quake! The MAYHEM captains were startled, as the heard the voice of Blackorg! Although his physical body was still healing, his power was still enough to instill fear in those opposed him! The emperor was then bound by dark ebon shackles, applying pressure to Toranza!
With reluctance, Toranza brings Key out of the crystal! "A thousand pardons, sir! I was..just showing your leader a small sample of how I..could help defeat the Scanrangers..
As you say, my lord.." Vixen. Ug, and Key kowtow to the image of their master. Toranza then spun from the captains, with his Viram monster both disappearing from sight.
Anark Key and Lady Vixen saw their antagonist's opponent teleport. "Wait a minute...Colonel..I recognize that bodysuit..." Key recognized the outfit Toranza wore; in his first incantation as Tran. Vixen replied. "He's that little brat who was part of that traitorous alien group months ago!" Vixen recalled when she, Key, Ug and Blackorg battled side by side with the Viram against Jetman and Scanranger. As it may have seemed, they were both brainwashed and was unaware of them fighting each other until they returned to their regular time.
"Colonel, I know it's not my place to question this, but I don't trust that dimensional wanderer.."
"I am aware of your time-warp that you encounter through the battle records via of Lord Blackorg.. The trick, of course, is to work a way to destroy both teams and win us a new ally in the process.."
"The three of you take a few Kinks down with the cybercreature..In any case something goes wrong, you can relieve that fool of duty.." continued TriloByte.

Act two

The two teams spent a little leisure time at the Leewood Park Mall, getting reacquainted with each other.
B.C. and Ako walked along the mid level, sat down near the center court. He noticed his blue swallow buddy a little down in the dumps. "Hey, what's the matter? You're not your little spunky self today.." he said, translated from the Japanese.
"No.." Ako said meekly. Seeing B.C. was unexpected to her, considering that she had feelings for another guy in the form of the single named Dan, another 'birdman' in his own right. He and his companions from the planet Dimensian escaped the wrath of Viram with the help of Garuda. They were able to give Bird Garuda as a gift to the Jetmen to help in the battle against the Dimensional Fleet. Dan and his two friends unfortunately died in battle, leaving Ako heartbroken.
"Gomen nasai..I really am sorry for your friends loss..Nevertheless, you've got to keep strong..Once the war's over, and you get back to your regular time, you still have your dreams..Never let go of them..As long as our friendship stands, nothing will smash your hopes, your courage, and once more your dreams. I believe in you..Ako-chan.."
While at the food court, Raita thought of an idea..the all you can eat restaurant. He couldn't resist wanting to challenge Carmen at another eating contest. Takeshi, Toni, and Nick was with them.
"Come on, Raita.." said Takeshi. "You're not serious about this?!"
"It's all for fun, Takeshi-san..Just wanted to see how she responds to a little pressure.."
"Well, I won't be here when the end result occurs.." Takeshi walks away.
Kaori and Gai were sitting across the court, watching the commotion. That's not fair.. It's not like Raita trying to redeem himself after Kunio beat him tn that tomato eating contest.." said Kaori.
"Don't worry about it..it's all for fun anyway..The big lug is certainly not a sore loser..Speaking of that, my rival GreenScanner...I wonder if Nick's still upset about me beating him at bike racing..In turn I was going to show him how to be a ladies man...He just wants to get where we are.."(Editors note: During this period, Gai and Kaori were dating each other during mid series). Gai was about to light up one of his smokes, but Kaori, tapping him lightly on the shoulder, pointing to a sign that read 'No Smoking', with the crossed out cigarette.
Vin and Ryu was back at Mt. Columbia with Professor Alex, who was also able to translate for our leader, since Takeshi and B.C. were the others to speak Ryu's language fluently.
"So, Ryu..How's Chokan? Still kicking your butts with the four civilians you've got?" said Alex, translated from the Japanese.
Ryu laughed. "She's still the same, but don't let this get through the rest of the squad..She's somewhat mellowed, as I told Vin last time, she really looks out for the team.."
Vin wanted to get some words in. He understood a bit of basic Nihongo, but wasn't enough to hold a fluent conversation. He regretted not being able to learn it from his dad when he served overseas. "It really looks like you've actually knew of Ryu here, Profess.."
"Apparently, only indirectly, Vin..I was based on the EarthShip for only eight months. Almost fifteen years ago, my job there was an interpreter for the original team members..Not only I taught English to the SkyForce members, but French and Spanish as well..Ryu was supposed to be one of my students, but he and Rie was working on a special mission, thus neither one was at my training session that day. When my term was done, I was sent back home to the States..only to find out about the horrendous Viram attack. Until we met your team a couple of years ago, Ryu. I've never heard from Chokan Odagiri since.."
"Whoa.." Vin replied.
The emergency alarm went off, signaling to Alex via of Sarita. "Guys! Trouble uptown! MAYHEM's attacking again! This time with two possible cybercreatures!" The others at the mall get the call also.
"You don't have to say it, Profess!" said Vin, then nodding to Ryu. "We're on our way! Grab my arm, Ryu..We're about to take a trip uptown!"
"Hai!" replied the Jetman leader.The two teleport to the proper coordinates.
"Just be careful out there.." replied Alex.
At once, the MAYHEM foot soldiers appear before the eleven with their claws bare and at the ready!
"Kinks! I figured that TriloByte was behind this!" said Vin. "Pick a partner and get ready to dance!" Ryu and his team concurs.
Each of the eleven sentai members held their own against the MAYHEM minions. Vin and Ryu battled alongside each other, as the Reds grabbed a Kink's arm and twisted it, then gave it a chop in the neck. Nick fell down, but grabbed a foot soldier and flipped it over to Gai, who proceeded to punch it in the chest, smashing it in. Takeshi held his own with his lighting fast punches took down some soldiers.Toni and Kaori also fought back to back with each other. Kaori with a few chops, Toni with a judo throw. A Kink lunged at Kaori, but she grabbed the soldier's arm, flipping it as well. Toni followed with a kick up its back, disabling the Kink. B.C. and Ako held their own with a couple of lighting speed kicks, then he grabbed Ako, swinging her to another Kink, kicking it away. Raita had two Kinks by the head, smashing their faces together and bringing them to the ground, unaware another was about to sneak him. Carmen saw the Kink, then with a fast cartwheel, kicked the cannon fodder in the face using her hidden capoiera skills, then clipping it and smashing its chest!
"Hoi! Carmen-san! Arigato!" said Raita.
"Hey! If that means 'thanks', big guy, anytime!" replied Carmen.
When the smoke cleared, every Kink was beaten and partially dismembered, some others crawled back to the vortex to retreat.
"See, guys? This cannon fodder was definitely much easier than your..what's those dark skinned soldiers called again?" said Nick, cracking his knuckles.
"Grinamus?" said Gai.
"Yeah, Grinings, or something like that..
At that moment, Toranza, Dimensional Mammoth, and KuroCroc made their entrance, preparing for battle. "Not bad, Jetman, Scanranger...That was only the undercard..Now it's time for the main event!"
"I've been waiting for this..Ryu?" nodded Vin.
"Yoshi! Miina! ISSOU!" The other four Jetmen prepare to transform. They all shout,"CROSS CHANGER!" In a flash, their Birdnic energy flows through the Chojin Sentai, forming their battle suits!
"Our turn now! LET'S DO THIS! LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! SCANRANGER!" shouted our fab five! Which leads to Takeshi and his transformation.
"HENSHIN! EIGACHANGER!" With that call, the Scanrangers'Film Energy forms upon them, with a 'blue screen' in the back, and their uniforms forming like fluid upon them, with their helmets to follow.
Ryu leads his team-roll call-"RED HAWK!"
Finally, Ako-"BLUE SWALLOW!"
"SOLDIERS OF THE SILVER SCREEN! EIGA SENTAI-SCANRANGER!" At once, multi-colored explosions ignited behind each team member twice-the third explosion was golden fire-concluding their intro!
Attacking with their Bringer Swords, Swallow and Swan brought down the cybercreature but parries the blow with its tail, swinging wildly at them! Using her rare attack, PinkScanner turned invisible, grabbing the tail, enabling the two Jetgirls to activate their Wing Gauntlets, smashing KuroCroc's face in, sending the monster flying. YellowScanner's Anime Film Energy did the rest with her..
"UNICORN STAR SMASH!" Carmen's raining blows was an ode to Saint Seiya's Ryuseiken(Meteor Punch); which threw the cybercreature for another loop.
Black Condor and Yellow Owl appiled their towering attack, as the latter man-mountain Jetman threw boulders at KuroCroc, taking him out, while Green utilized his HoloClones, confusing the mastodon, kicking it from the back, punching it in the face, and finally launching his Disc Launcher, sending he Viram monster flying!
The monsters were down, which left Toranza to fight! He leaps past RedScanner, then leaps from a tree, and slashes him! He does the same to Red Hawk, knocking him out of the way! Red swiftly unsheathes his Cinerama Cutlass, evenly dueling with the mad emperor! Red lunges, but once again, Toranza teleports not once, but twice, then spins and cuts Red in the back!
"Blast it! He's way too fast! What I didn't need is another Benedict wannabe!" referring to his teleporting dimensional arch-rival. Red secretly called for backup. "I've got a need for speed! BlueScanner! The old one two!"
Red continued his battle, attempting to counter the villain's moves. He attacked, but teleported again. Nowhere to be found, Toranza appeared to take Red out from behind!
Red's response: "STOP!", using the Pause button to freeze the Viram villain in place!
"Nani?" Toranza said.
"HAMMER TIME!" shouted BlueScanner, who raced to pound Toranza with an upper cut via his Speed-Bo staff in hammer mode!
"The old one-two, Tran! Red was the one, and I was the two!"
"Kisama!" The emperor struggled to get up, however, KuroCroc and Dimensional Mammoth both collided in his way! Yellow Owl and GreenScanner each had a monster and tossed them towards him, knocking him down!
"Ready for phase two, RedScanner?" said Red Hawk interpreting to Silver and then Red.
"You know it! Guys! Let's put them together!" The rangers combine their weapons once more to create the CineMasher-By Deluxe, including Silver's MagnumSabre.
The Jetmen do the same. Using their Beak Smashers, the back of the gun flips back in order for their Bird Blasters to piggyback it . They connect, forming a rifle called the Smashbomber! The five aimed at their target.
"SMASHBOMBER! SHOOT!" The five Jetmen fired at once, with their single shots combined into an energy ball, rolling towards their target!
"ACTIVATE CINEMASHER-BY DELUXE!" The combined weapon flew behind the Smashbomber, merged into a single attack, as the mammoth, KuroCroc, and Toranza took the full blast! In the process, a part of the pachyderm's energy sputtered to the sky, opening up a time rift back to the year 1991!
"So much for the alliance.." said TriloByte, unfazed by the defeat back up in Nebultopia.
The cybercreature was blown to bits, as well as the remains of the bio-parasite. That didn't stop them, as the implanted KillerByte reactivated within the bloodstream, and even gave the parasite a jolt to both enlarge at the same time!
"Geez, why can't these weekly monsters ever give up and stay dead?" said Blue.
"I'll cover you guys!" said Silver. "SILVERSCANNER! J MODE!" Takeshi grows 54 meters to counter the enlarged monsters! He then summoned WideScreener, which separated and became his armor, bringing SuperScreener to the scene!
They battle and Silver gives KuroCroc a swift kick in the chest. He then gave a judo throw to the Dimensional Mammoth, bringing them both down.
"Come on, Silver! Take them out!" shouted GreenScanner.
Silver swiftly pulled out his Screener Hawk, and began hacking away on the two monsters! He then snagged KuroCroc by the tail, lifted the cybercreature over his head, and gave it a helicopter spin, tossing it over to the Viram parasite monster!
"Time to make short work of these creatures!" SuperScreener charged up his Tokusatsu Film Energy for the finishing blow!
"MEGA CROSS NOVA!" he shouted. Once more, the Ultraman-type beam cuts through KuroCroc and the mammoth. They both fall and explode!
"That's it!" said Yellow.
"Great job, SuperScreener!" said White Swan.
"Matte!" said Black Condor. "Look!"
The remains of the monsters were actually moving towards each other and then jelling together. In the end, KuroCroc and the Dimensional Mammoth merged their bodies, only difference was that the mastodon was greenskinned with its head on top of the crocodile, not unlike a polar bear rug. At once, a single energy blast attacked WideScreener, hitting Silver square in the chest, bringing it down!
"Hey, Vin Man! Looks like WideScreener needs a hand!" said Green. "Not a problem! We're making the call right now!" replied Red. "ROLL OUT! BOX OFFICE SMASHERS!" The Scanranger's mecha combined as well. CosmoScanner's arms connect to SamuraiScanner's torso, then Clown and DivaScanner form the lower torso and legs, with JetScanner forming the head!
Scanranger robo number two came out in full force. BlockBuster gave a kick to the giant mastodon/crocodile, falling it.
"BLOCKBUSTER V BEAM!" the rangers shouted, but it didn't even put a dent with the monster! With its long tail, it whipped BlockBuster, then wrapped its tail around the robot's head, swinging it around, pounding BlockBuster to the ground! One golden beam of fire came from KuroCroc/Mammoth, bringing down our heroes once again alongside the already fallen WideScreener!
"BLOCKBUSTER! DON'T GIVE UP! GANBARE!" shouted Blue Swallow.
"We're helpless without Jet Icarus, Jet Garuda, or even Tetra Boy to help them out! What can we do?" questioned Yellow Owl.
With a great flash out of nowhere,and out of the time rip, the air crackled then with a great roar of thunder, came the calvary..in the form of..
"Ah! Kore wa.."
"Hyper Hawken!" shouted the Jetmen. In the nick of time, the battleship, the combined form of Icarus Hawken(aka Jet Icarus)and Bird Garuda jumps from another dimension to give our heroes a helping hand..with Commander 'Chokan' Odagiri at the helm!
"Miina..Looks like I got here right on schedule!" she said. With that, the rest of the team teleport into the cockpit. The ship separates briefly into the forms of Jet Icarus and Jet Garuda.
"All right! We've got more than enough firepower to take on those monsters!"
Red Hawk then shouted, "GATTAI! GREAT SCRAMBLE!"
The two robos gave each other a high five, which activated the separations. Garuda splits behind Icarus, as Icarus' arms split to combine with Garuda's parts,then Garuda's beak shaped stem became the helmet, completing the combination!
Great Icarus moved swiftly, pounding the cybercreature, then giving it a throw over its head! "GREAT BEAM!" cried Red Hawk, with the powerful laser on the forehead of Great Icarus made impact on the monster's chest!
"Since the two creatures joined together, it gained even more power!" said Chokan.
WideScreener recovers and joins the other robots. "Then its time that the three of us did the same!" replied Silver. "Yoshi! Miina! Are you ready, RedScanner?" Silver interprets back to Vin in English.
BlockBuster kicked the monster up towards the heavens! The mighty robot then began charging up via the ranger's Film Energy. "BLOCKBUSTER ENERGIZE!" Great Icarus powers up once more,using its ultimate weapon also! WideScreener charges himself up to release his signature finish as well, all in one shot!
"BIRD MASER!" shouted the Jetmen.
"One more time! MEGA CROSS NOVA!" shouted Silver.
Then soon after, BlockBuster releases their final attack!
"BLOCKBUSTER BOMB!" shouted the rangers. The combined might of the Scanrangers and the Jetmen's beam all but disintegrated the hybrid Viram/MAYHEM cybercreature!
"Two thumbs up! Way up!" shouted the Jetmen.
"You guys catch on quick..We couldn't have said it better ourselves!" said Red, giving them the Ebert/Roeper 'thumbs up' also.
Moments later, it was only but a few minutes until the Jetman team could return back into the past, yet they were able to spend a few brief moments with the Scanrangers.
"Once again, Ryu-san..Thanks for all your help.." said Vin. "I wish there were better circumstances to meet.." Vin shook Ryu's hand.
"Doshimaste, Vin.." Ryu replied in Japanese, with Takeshi translating. "Who knows, we'd just might meet again, but surely, when later on you've finished your war with MAYHEM.."
B.C. chuckled. "It may be later than you think.." referring to their untimely cameo during the ranger's Hawaiian Spring Break episodes ago.
"With Toranza gone, the Viram's forces should be weakened.." said Chokan. "In spite of that we can't underestimate them. Right now, however, we can't waste words..We have to go!"
"Right!" replied the rest of the Birdman task force. The team shook hands with the other rangers, but of course, Ako gave B.C. one more big hug! "One more thing, Vin..Say hello to Professor Alexandria for me.." said Chokan.
"Will do, ma'am.." he replied.
B.C. sighed. "I don't care if she's older than I am! I want to marry that woman!" He was interrupted with the usual slap in the back via Nick. "What?!"
The Jetmen and Chokan Odagiri launched off with Great Icarus, waving goodbye to their American friends. "GOODBYE, SCANRANGER! SAYONARA!"
"SAYONARA, JETMAN! FAREWELL!" The Chojin sentai returned to the past as the time rift closed up minutes later.
"So, that was what you call super sentai, guys? I'd never knew that they were really that popular.." said Carmen. "Not to change the subject, I hope that Raita didn't take it personally when I won that eating contest at the mall.."
The rest of the tea was flabbergasted. "How could you,Carmen, a small framed, yet beautiful Hispanic woman outeat Yellow Owl?" said Nick.
"Ah, can't tell you that..Ancient Dominican secret.."
"Well, I really hated to see them go..especially with the extra power to beat both MAYHEM and that time traveler.." said Toni.
"Apparently, it's important to get back to their year of 1991, you know, the disruption of the space-time continum and all that 'Back To The Future' talk..Not to-"
The team was interrupted by an powerful explosion, separating the team in half, with the exceptio of B.C. and Takeshi, about 20 yards apart from each other.B.C. then gathered his thoughts, looked up. "NANDA?!"
"Thought you saw the last of me, eh, my friend?" It was Toranza, alive and well! He grabbed B.C. by the neck. Weakened after the blast, he was unable to break free from the Viram emperor's grip.
"B.C.!" cried Vin. "Let go of him, Toranza!" He ran to try to stop him, but was brushed back by an energy blast, as the villain did the same with the others. Still holding B.C. with one hand around his neck. Instinctively, B.C. transformed into BlueScanner, but still couldn't get out! Toranza continued in his native tongue, "I haven't forgotten how you humiliated me, BlueScanner, and for that, you must pay..I intend to collect that payment..WITH YOUR LIFE!" With that, Toranza and B.C. both teleported out of view and possibly into another dimension!
"B.C.!!" shouted Nick.
"Good Lord..They're gone! We barely beat him even with the help of the Jetman team, but now there's no way of informing them about our plight!"
"Guys! We've got powers! We've got Film Energy! Somehow there must be a way of going through dimensions and rescuing B.C! We can do this! We must find a way!!" said Carmen.
"I'm afraid that won't be easy..Carmen.." said Vin. "Even if we did reenergize at 200%, we may never see BlueScanner again!"

To be continued...

In our next Scanranger adventure, It's up to SilverScanner to rescue the now powerless BlueScanner from the treacherous clutches of Toranza. B.C. relives through a classic Jetman episode, only this time he's the victim! And with the Chojin Sentai Jetman and the Scanrangers unable to help him, can our hero escape the Viram villain's final victory?
Jikai(Next time on)-Eiga Sentai Scanranger-Episode 39
"The Vengeance of Emperor Toranza"-(Part Two)
Roll That Film!
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