Previously, Blackorg summoned a group of allies from the planet Kagamirron in order to stop Scanranger.. Enter:Arno Benedict, the dimensionl wandering fiend, and his cohorts, the Brigade. An adjunct professor named Takeshi Hayata meets one of the Scanrangers. He still has a very foggy memory about his past as he tries to remember who he really was. Meanwhile, MAYHEM once again attacked the city, but Scanranger was able to thwart General Ug and his latest CyberCreature's attack.
Now, Benedict's Brigade, confronting the Scanrangers at last, make their next move..

Episode 12-"Back to Action! The Shining Silver Hero!!!"

"My name is Benedict.Arno Benedict.. and these five warriors are my Brigade..Our mission is relatively simple..We are here to destroy you Scanrangers and to steal your lives!"
"Steal our lives? Destroy us?" replied Vin, preparing himself. "We've had monsters that attempted to do the same! You have no idea who you're messing with!"
"Very well, then.." said Benedict. "Prepare to defend yourselves!"
"Let's do this, guys!" said Vin. "I'm with you, Vin Man!" said Nick. The five gallant heroes summon up their FilmBraces and VCP'S, getting into thir transforming pose.
"OKAY! LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! SCANRANGER!" they shout transforming into their battle suits.
"RedScanner! Athlete of Action and Adventure!"
"GreenScanner! SPFX Soldier!"
"BlueScanner! King of Comedy!"
"YellowScanner! Heavy Mecha Maniac!"
"PinkScanner! Musical Mistress!"
"SOLDIERS OF THE SILVER SCREEN! MOVIE TASK FORCE-SCANRANGER!" They all pose in the usual super sentai fashion, ready for battle.
"Excellent.." Benedict thought. "Now this shall be a battle for the ages..Brigade,attack!" The entire brigade all fire at the rangers, and they all dodge their shots. "What now, Vin?" asked Pink. "Well, pick a partner and kick some rear end..We'll sort everything later.." Red takes on Benedict and KuroLectronn, Blue goes after KuroBuzzer, Green takes on KuroGrappler, Yellow duels it out with KuroFire, and Pink with KuroFrost.
Meanwhile, Takeshi Hayata is in his office watching TV. As he flips through a couple of channels, he surfs through an Intel commercial, the one that had the dancing computer chip men in their 'silver spacesuits..' "AAARRGGHH!" he screamed. Takeshi vaguely remembers a guy in a bodysuit for a milli-second. The commercial subliminally brought back a major turning point in his life. " Those blasted headaches again! I know who I am, but who am I? It's still a vague memory.." He hears a woman scream his name, "TAKESHI! TAKESHI!" and sees a laboratory in flames. That was all he could remember. As the headaches lessen, Takeshi was unaware of a bracelet that materialized on his left wrist. It fades in and out.
"If only I can remember what my true purpose was, but something has to trigger it off.."
Back to the battle, Red and KuroLectronn go at it. Vin shoots at the Brigade member, and he ducks the shot. KuroLectronn zaps Red's ScanLaser out of his hand, then leaps and kicks him. Red recovers, and clips the villain. Green is holding his own with KuroGrappler. "I've been waiting for this match for a long time, GreenScanner!" said KuroGrappler. They both grip each others hands in a test of brute strength. Green powers himself up, and has the Brigade leader on his knees. "Well, Mr.Stone Cold wanna-be, so have I! I appreciate you giving me a fair challenge!" replies Green.
"There's only one problem.." said Grappler. He grabs something from his pocket and tosses it at Nick, blinding him and then kicks Green in the chest. "I don't play fair!" KuroGrappler picks Green up onto his shoulders and gives him a helicopter spin, tossing him to the ground.
Yellow protects himself with a force field as KuroFire ignites him with an intense ball of flame. "I see you have the power to change into any type of armor.." said the flaming Brigade member. "I wonder if that armor can melt? Let's put it to the test, eh?" He raises the temperature to about 700 degrees. Yellow begins to wilt and falls on his knees. The next thing anyone else realizes is that Kunio was engulfed in a dome of flame.
"The poor child, couldn't stand the heat..One ranger down.." KuroFire lowers the flame and then..
"WARP SPEED SMASH!" shouted Yellow, smashing KuroFire's face in, knocking him out for the count.
Blue dodges KuroBuzzer's sharp blades. The saw handed brigade member doesn't speak, since he is a mute robot. He shoots one of his mini circular saws at Blue, missing the ranger by only inches. "Hey! Watch it with those blades, Mr. Tool Time!" Somebody might get hurt! Like myself!"
KuroBuzzer continues tossing saws at him. "Speed-Bo Staff!" shouts B.C., blocking Kurobuzzer's hand, now transformed into a chainsaw. The saw hand starts to cut into Blue's staff, with the ranger struggling mightily. Blue is on his back, yet pushes him off by kicking him in the chest.
Pink battles with KuroFrost. "You are an excellent fighter, Scanranger..A pity that I have to destroy such a lovely one as yourself.."
"I bet you tell that to all the girls!" replied Pink. She throws her Film Splicer shield, intending to knock him out, but she misses him. "As I was saying.." said KuroFrost. Pink throws a roundhouse kick at the icy villain, but he blocks her kick, and slaps her a few feet. Toni recovers and in mid-air, KuroFrost shoots a freeze ray at her, entombing her in ice.
"Pink!" cried Yellow. "What have you done to her?"
"Not much..I've just created an ice queen to rule with king! Heh Heh Heh.." The Film Splicer shield flies back, and knocks KuroFrost out cold.. In the process, the shield smashes the ice that trapped Pink.
"Pink! Are you all right?" said Yellow. Pink comes to responding, "Yeah, remind me not to drink any Diet Coke on the rocks anytime soon..."
"I think Nick needs a hand over there.." said Yellow. KuroGrappler was about to defeat Green and deliver a flying elbow smash from top of the roller coaster.Green awakens and dodges out of the way. The ranger recovers and delivers a drop kick to his face. As the evil wrestler gets, Yellow and Pink apply a double drop kick to him as well.
"Thanks for the double team-up, guys.." said Green. "Don't mention it.." said Yellow. Green summons up his film energy. This time, Green sets the stage for a WCW/NWO ring and becomes 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan'(as Thunderlips from Rocky III), Becoming one with the Rocky movie, Green applies one of Hogan's classic moves. He jumps himself from the top rope and brings an elbow smash to KuroGrappler's chest.
Red duels it out with Benedict. As Vin attempts to slash him, Benedict uses his dimensional powers, teleporting away. Red tries again, and teleports behind him, slashing Red in the back. Benedict kicks Red, and with his sword, he plants it on the ground, giving the Scanranger leader and electric ground shock. Benedict runs towards Vin and is about to cut him, but Blue's Speed-Bo Staff, Green's Disc Launcher, and Pink's Film Splicer shield parries the blow. Yellow kicks Benedict in the chest.
"The little child dares to lay his hands on an aristocrat? No one is permitted to touch my person!"
"Your Brigade has been beaten, Benedict!" said Red. "Give it up!"
Back up in space, as Blackorg and the three lieutenants watch the battle, the overlord gives his next command. "Now! Begin Phase Two!"
"You may have won, Scanrangers, but the war is far from finished.." said Benedict, gathering up the rest of his team. "Keep this in mind, heroes..I'd watch my back if I were you!"
"What are you taking about?" said Red. The rangers were unaware that the Brigade was trying to distract them, enabling another CyberCreature, KuroParrot, to appear behind the rangers. The monster shoots feather darts laced with poison to knock out the Scanrangers in the back, one by one.
"Grrr! Let's finish them off now!" said KuroGrappler.
"No, not yet, Grappler." said Benedict. "Phase two has been successful, thanks to our new ally.." "..And to make sure that the next phase shall be completed.." said KuroLectronn. The Brigade member applies a tiny piece of transparent tape on the back of the unconscious ranger's helmets. In the process, the rangers revert to their civilian identities.
As Benedict's Brigade and KuroParrot return to Nebultopia, KuroFrost asks Benedict, "I don't understand, Lord Benedict..Did we win or lose this battle?"
"The answer to that, Mr. KuroFrost is, Yes!"

Act two

After the battle, the Scanranger crew made their way back to base, still pondering on the MAYHEM ambush three hours earlier. "Cowards!" said Nick. "This definitely proves that these guys couldn't engage themselves in a fair fight!" "Maybe so, Nick," said Vin. "..but I have a feeling that we're going to see Benedict and his team very, very soon.."
Speaking of Takeshi, he was out in the park pondering on his life, trying to put things back together. "Why am I being tortured like this? Why can't I remember anything?" Takeshi was unaware that a trio of hoodlums was behind him listening to his conversation. "Well, pal, it's probably because you're about to get the tar whomped out of you.." said one of the hoods.
"What?!" said Takeshi.
"Yo, that's a pretty cool platinum watch you got there, man.. You shouldn't be wearing stuff like that around this side of town.." said another. "Let's have it, Mr.Chow.." Two of the crooks walk behind him, about to rob Takeshi from the back.
"Don't come any closer.. You don't know what you're doing!"
"Get him!" One of the hoods leap at Takeshi, but he flips him over on his back. The other two try to grab him, but Takeshi grabs both of their wrist, breaking both of them, and then punch their faces using the palm of his hand, knocking them out. The other hoodlum recovers and pulls out a butterfly switchblade knife, lunges at Takeshi, and as before, breaks his wrist, dropping the knife. "Listen, guys, I said I didn't want a fight!"
"AAARRGHH!" screamed the crook. He leaps again, and Takeshi dodges, with the hood hitting his head on the tree. Barely conscious, he and the other two guys run for cover.
"Now why did they want to start some type of trouble?" Takeshi wondered.
Meanwhile, back at Cape Paramount base, the Scanrangers witness KuroPirate returning to Leewood Park, and is attacking in the same area where Takeshi was hanging out. "He's back again, guys.." said Alex. "I don't see Ug or any of the other henchmen with him..Stop him! And this time, watch your backs!" she says sarcasticly.
"Very funny, teach, very funny, ha-ha.." said Vin. "Let's do this!" The team transforms and heads out to take on the CyberCreature.
"All right, Metalbeard! It's time for round two!" Red said. En Garde!
"Aye, Scanranger! But ye shall be the first to go under Davy Jones' Locker!" The two duel with their swords like a classic swashbuckling battle.
From the other side of the lake, Takeshi witnesses the other rangers trying to help Red out.."What the-..It's them! Could it be?" KuroPirate swiftly transforms his sword hand into the old-fashioned pirate musket gun and grabs Takeshi. "Har! Scanrangers! Stand back! One more step forward, or the man shall sample a taste of my cutlets! Drop your weapons!"
The team drops their weapons, as KuroPirate releases Takeshi. In the process, the cybercreature begins blasting cannonball shots at the rangers one by one. Suddenly, Takeshi's head starts to throb with intense pain once again.
"ARRGHH! What's going on?" he cried. Takeshi hears another cannon shot, with Green and Yellow flying in the air. Another flashback! Takeshi remembers a similar a lab! A dark armored being rises above him, giving a throaty laugh! Alex was there as well! She screams, 'TAKESHI! TAKESHI!' He remembers a bracelet, and a belt! He remembers most importantly the name..MAYHEM! Another explosion from the cannon hits Pink and Blue.
"The lab..MAYHEM..Scanranger,Lt.Alex.." The bracelet materializes on his left wrist again. One more cannon shot hits Red, almost out for the count.
The images all come together, and a glare of metal hits Takeshi in the face. Suddenly..
"Silver!SILVER! That's it! I know! I know who I am! I remember! I remember! I REMEMBER!!!! "
Without warning, the belt flashes,and a cassette ejects out of it. Takeshi grabs it with the bracelet on his left hand, and loads it! He shouts, "I REMEMBER! HENSHIN! EIGACHANGER!" Before his eyes, Takeshi transforms into a silver body suited warrior that looked like the Scanranger's uniforms. The only difference was that he had a chestplate that resembled strips of film with the Scanranger logo in the middle.
KuroPirate was about to finish the rangers. "Farewell, Scanrangers, ye be about to be deep-sixed with my mega cannonball!" He shoots it, and before it makes impact, Takeshi stops it with one hand.
"What?!" said Red.
"How dare ye! Who be ye?" said KuroPirate.
Takeshi leaps into the air and strikes the CyberCreature, throwing him over his head. The other rangers watch in amazement. KuroPirate tries to shoot him with his gun again, but the silver warrior dodges, and blasts him. "MagnumSilver!" he shouts with his laser pistol. Takeshi then transforms his laser gun with the trigger finger now becoming a sword handle. It becomes what he calls "MagnumSabre!" He slashes away, and cuts off KuroPirate's mechanical hand. Takeshi uses the opportunity to power up. SilverScanner, like the other rangers, taps into a show, becoming one with it. It happens to be the celebrated Kamen Riders(natch) Using his special move, he leaps into the air and shouts. "SILVER PUNCH!" An energized punch knocks the monster for a loop. Now comes the SilverScanner's final blow. "SILVER KICKKK!" The kick fatally wounds the cybercreature as it lands in the lake. KuroPirate breathes its last, and explodes!
Ug, witnessing the cybercreature's defeat, calls, "BYTE!" The robot spider flies down to the remains of KuroPirate, pours its energy into the monster, enlarging it to about 200 feet. "Hey, we appreciate the hand in this battle, but let us take it from here.." said Red. "Roll out, Hollywood Vehicles!" And as per custom, the HV's come together, and with the call, "Superimpose! Thunder Dolby THX!", the mighty robot arms itself for another fight. KuroPirate runs toward Dolby with its sword arm, but at the last second, the Scanranger's robot stops it in its tracks, and delivers a judo throw over his head. The giant cybercreature retailiates with its cannon arm, but Dolby quickly protects itself with the Dolby Shield.
"DOLBY BEAM!" shouted Red. The laser melts KuroPirate's arm, grafting it so it couldn't change. "GATLING REEL GUNNER! FIRE!" shouted the rangers. The automatic machine guns make its mark, about to bring the cybercreature down.
"OK! GREAT EDITOR SWORD!" Dolby goes into its finishing move. Spinning like the movie reel, Red shouts, 'FINAL CUT!', slashing into the middle of KuroPirate. The cybercreature goes down one last time, blowing up into smithereens.
"Five thumbs up! Way up!" shouts the movie task force.
The five rangers talk to the new hero. "Hey, pal.. We appreciate again saving our lives.." said Green. "Are you who I think you are?" asked Yellow. Takeshi? Is it you? Is it really you?" The rangers approach him, but Takeshi/SilverScanner glows in a blinding light and disappears. "It had to be him.." thought Yellow, recalling the brief headaches that Takeshi had recent problems with.
Back up in Nebultopia, Benedict's Brigade also witness the battle. Benedict comments, "HA HA HA HA! You Scanrangers fell for my trap just as I had anticipated! Now that I know how your precious Thunder Dolby THX works, this shall give us the opportunity to put Phase Three into action! And we will insure that your vaunted robot shall be finished as well! HA HA HA HA HA HA!"
The Scanrangers, after a long conversation about their new ally, return to the campus base.
"Well done, my students, as always.." said Alex, walking in the classroom. "It wasn't what you thought, Professor.." said Toni. "We got by with a little help from a friend.. We can't say although we did defeat the CyberCreature, that this person named..SilverScanner is either friend or foe..For all we know, ma'am, he could be the one to try to finish us instead of MAYHEM.."
"I'm quite certain that SilverScanner is Takeshi.." said Kunio to himself. "Like Toni said, are you our greatest ally or are you yourself our greatest foe?"

To be continued...

In our next Scanranger adventure, Benedict's Brigade launches its greatest attack yet! The sinister dimensional wandering fiend counters the mighty Thunder Dolby THX with its new giant robo-The Demolisher! Can even the mysterious new hero SilverScanner assist the rangers against MAYHEM's latest threat? Or will Dolby finally meet its match?
Next-Movie Task Force Scanranger-Episode 13
"Debut of the Demolisher!!"
Roll that Film!
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Episode 13