Episode one-the extended version of "World Broadcast Premiere! Soldiers of the Silver Screen"

Dateline:Somerset County-New Jersey
The campus of Central New Jersey University-Home of the 'Crimson Crusaders.. Well known for its mix of academic excellence as well as its athletics, like Princeton, the college focuses strictly on the academics.
This area is well known for its blendings of different cultures(not like a certain Columbus University which totally made the writer very angry) The town next to it has a vast entertainment center, with different cultural events, Rock and roll,jazz, R&B, Rap, Opera, etc. Even sports events- a minor league team plays in this town.
Our story opens in a college class-Film Appreciation 222; a general requirement course. The average class size is 25-30 people; this way the instructors can personally meet all the needs of the students. They've just completed a screening of the classic film 'Casablanca'.
"This movie, made in 1942-expressed the mood of the world as America itself entered World War II.. and we see the protagonist, Rick, trying to escape America by leaving Paris, before France surrendered to the Germans, and in the process, tried to escape his problems..What happened as you see, is the lady of his life coming back, and it makes him question himself.. Shall he get invoved in a relationship with Ilsa, or stay neutral like the rest of the country?'" Professor Alexandria explains to the class of 23.
"Next week.." she continued. "We'll jump to the genre of independent films and its explosion in the 1990's.." As the class breaks, on the bulletin board, most of the students check their scores on their recent term paper. Five pupils had an asterisk next to their name that said to meet Professor "Alex" in her office. It read, 'The following students are to meet after class for further details on their test scores:
Vin Harlock
Kunio Mikimoto
Toni Montanez
Ben Shimamura
Nick Simonds
Meanwhile, high above the Earth, a U.S. satelitte is floating in space. The two astronauts on their mission is returning collecting different asteroids, checking for radiation.
"How's the weather outside, Akira?" asked Nick. "Beautiful blue skies.." said Akira. "Got any activity?" "No.. I haven't.. Wait! I see some kind of dark fortress, right above us!"
"It looks like some kind of mechanical spider or something.. Looks very hostile, In fact, it's heading straight for us! Call Earth control immediately!" A plasma bolt from the floating fortress hits the satellite.
"I don't like this, Nick.."
"Moonbase Beta to Earth control! Moonbase Beta to Earth control! Do you copy? We're under attack! There seem to be some interference on the screen! Can't see through this thick fog! Can't see through the smoke! Over!" said Nick.
"Earth calling! Fog in outer space? That's impossible!"
"I know! We need reinforcements! Help us! It's coming closer and still firing! Help us! AAAGGHH-"
"We've lost Major Adams and Takarada.." said the Earth control commander. The satellite had been destroyed by the flying fortress as it descends towards Earth.
"I thought you said that our ship couldn't be detected, Commander!" said a silouhetted armored figure.
"Forgive me, my lord.." said a shadowed female voiced figure. "It was an oversight on the general's part, I assure you.. The defense team in charge of lowering the shields will be disciplined..."
"See that he is, Commander!" said the armored being.
Back on Earth, the five students asked each other about what's going on. "What's this all about? Are we in trouble or something? This is college.. There'e no such thing as staying after school here.." said Vin Harlock.
"Hey, chill out, Vin.." said Ben a.k.a. B.C. Shimamura to his friends. "I don't think it's all that bad.."
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to bolt out of here.." said Nick Simonds. "Well, so do I, cause I need to get to do some studying myself.." said Toni Montanez. "Wait up, guys!" said Kunio Mikimoto. "Dear teacher's coming right now.."
"Great! You're all here! I apologize for holding you all up.. Thank you for coming!" said Alex. "I suppose you five are wondering about your recent test scores.. Worry not, You all passed with A plusses..But the real reason why I have you here is for me to get to know you better.. I need a few minutes from you to complete the information on this survey I'm giving you."
The five complete it minutes later, and then Alex downloads the survey on her computer. "Now, if you can all have a seat, please, brace with me for a few moments.." Alex presses a button which cuffs everyone in their chairs, It closes up and they all fall into an escape hatch. Alex and the students end up in some hideout outside the campus.
"Hey! What're you doing?" said Vin.
"Well, first thing, Vin..Do you know who I really am?" said Alex.
"I know that you're trying to kidnap us, Professor Alex!" said Kunio.
"Yes, I am Professor Alex..but my true name is Lt. Commander Daphne Alexandria. I represent a special operation called Project Paramount..
"Like the movie studio?" said Nick.
"The same..I chose you five gifted and talented students from this class..For example, Vin..I chose you for your love of action-adventure movies plus your athlethic ability. I know that Toni enjoys classic musicals, Ben..Can I call you B.C.? You enjoy comedy..Kunio loves sci-fi and Japanese animation. Nick, you love classic horror movies and films with special effects. All in all, I would like very much for the five of you to be our defenders of the Earth."
"Defenders of the Earth?" said B.C. "The comic strip team?"
"No, no.." said Alex. "Project Paramount is an operation to keep aliens and other hostile extraterrestials from conquering this planet..Said operation involves using your skills and your favorite movie fantasies and make them reality-via your own willpower..Your job is to defend the Earth from this terrorist group called MAYHEM(Mechanized Androids Yoked Hither to Eliminate Mankind).
"Sounds serious.." said Toni.
"Dead serious..." said Alex.
"These will be the bodysuits that you will all be wearing.." continued the professor. "As you see on the video screen, those are all color-coordinated, from red to pink.. This gear on your left arm is your VCP bracelet. You can communicate to each other on it. On your right arm is the FilmBrace. With the VCP cassette in the left arm, you would take it out, and load it in the FilmBrace. The helmet, as you see, resembles a translucent movie reel."
"Oh! I get it now! So that's what it's all about! It all comes clear!" said Nick, with the rest thinking it's all part of their quiz. "The Commander wants us to do a play based on some kids' show.. In fact, it reminds me of the Powe-.."
"Don't say that!! That name is an insult!" said Alex.
Nick immediately apologizes. "You will be the true defenders of the Earth. You five are to be the Soldiers of the Silver Screen..You will be the Movie Task Force: SCANRANGER!" said Alex. "Scanranger?" said B.C. "Sounds like a corny name to me.."
"Would you rather be called the Powe-"
"Uhhh, never mind.." said B.C.
"Now, in order to activate the FilmBrace, you will shout out, LIGHTS!CAMERA!ACTION!SCANRANGER! Then your battle gear will appear." continued Alex.
Vin looks at the professor, yet doesn't take her seriously about this 'Project Paramount or this 'Scanranger thing. "Okay, Professor..we understand..." he said. " Thanks a lot...We'll take on this assignment to save the Earth." As they take the bracelets, still thinking it's all a joke. the five recruits leave the warehouse. Meanwhile, at the satellite, the dark armored figure gives another command. "So this is the planet Earth.. It is incredible, indeed! Rich in resources and energy.. This will be a great opportunity to claim this planet as our new home. Unfortunately, the habitants of that planet must be subjugated to do my bidding..." he laughs. General! Send down our grunt troops, the Kinks, to begin the first attack!"
"As you command, my lord."
As the five leave the warehouse on their way back to the college, Vin says, "That was funny.. us being superheroes..You buy all this,B.C.?"
"Not for a second," said B.C. "..I can't take this seriously, either.. I expect Candid Camera or TV's Bloopers and Practical Jokes to pop up any moment now..
From a distance, however, the jokes were over, as an explosion rocked the campus. The MAYHEM corps sent down the Kinks to terrorize the school.
"What's going on?" said Kunio. "I don't know, but it looks like out of control robots trying to destroy the school!" said Toni. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm not letting any cotton-picking machine mess up my campus!" Toni runs to the battle. "Hey! Are you going to let that pretty lady battle those robots alone?" said B.C. The other four run after her. "I didn't think so! Chivalry is not dead!" he cried.
All of the five students defend themselves with the best of their abilities, just as "Alex" had hoped. Vin uses his aikido abilities, breaking a few limbs off a Kink. B.C. uses judo to throw a couple of the robots over his head. Kunio himself applies his Shotokan karate skills, punching a Kink out as well. Nick, the non-martial artist of the five, applies wrestling techinques to two more Kinks. He applies a suplex move on top of another robot. Toni, uses kung fu, and applies a few kicks in the head. B.C. tosses a Kink to Nick, as he throws one to him, making both Kinks explode. The others make a hasty retreat and teleport.
The Kinks run back to the satellite. The figure, obviously upset,screams at the commander. "Who are those five humans! They have no idea who they're dealing with! We are MAYHEM! And we will have this planet! No one shall stand in our way! Commander! Unleash the CyberCreature!"
"Man!" said Vin. "That was a serious workout!" "You said it!" said B.C. "So what happens next?" As soon as B.C. questioned that, a dark fog started to engulf the five students. The fog was so thick they couldn't see each other. Suddenly, without warning, the group was assaulted by a pair of swinging tenacles! When the fog cleared, as soon as everyone got their composure, the tenacles attacked again with blurring speed. They could only see a figure from a distance, floating like a flying saucer. As the creature touched down, it sprouted human mechanical legs,the arms were tenacles, and the head was like a part cybernetic octopus. MAYHEM sent down their first deadly monster to terrorize the Earth: Kuro-Octopus!
"What the heck is that?" said Nick. Before Nick could finish his sentence, the CyberCreature attacks again, its tenacles swinging, knocking the five out again. Kuro-Octopus moves in to finish them by taking its arms and strangling them to death. Slowly losing consciousness, the five struggle to break free.
"I..I think its time for some action, g-guys.." said Vin. "On my mark,let's call up those bodysuits.." They struggle to reach their special mini-cassettes in their left brace, then load it in the FilmBrace..
At that moment, Vin shouted, "LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! SCANRANGER!"
As they load and put the cassette into play, they transform into their battlesuits, bringing the Eiga Sentai into the scene! They then reach for their right holster, and grab out their FilmBlade swords, simutaneously chop off Kuro-Octopus's arms and breaking free.
Vin became: "RedScanner! Athlete of Action and Adventure!"
B.C. became: "BlueScanner! King of Comedy!"
Kunio became: "YellowScanner! Heavy Metal Sci-fi Scourge!"
Nick became: "GreenScanner! SPFX Soldier!"
And Toni became: PinkScanner! Musical Mistress!
Kuro-Octopus attacks again, but this time Pink is ready for the monster as she puts up her Movie Splicer Shield, and hitting him with it. The creature then spits out a goo of poisonous black ink, but Pink dodges out of the way in time as the stuff disintergrates the wall.
"If I only had some gum.." Toni thought. At once, a giant-size piece of bubble gum materializes in PinkScanner's hand. "You've got a serious case of halitosis..I've got something for that.." She throws it at Kuro-Octopus and it is stuck in its mouth, unable to spit its ink out.
"Stick around.." Toni said. "I get it!" said Nick/GreenScanner. Since our powers are based on our will, that's how we were able to create a favorite scene and make it into pure energy! So, Kunio, since you love Science fiction and Anime.."
"I can become a robot fighter!" said Kunio/YellowScanner. "Super Mecha!" Kunio summons up his film energy to create around him a Veritech armored warrior. He rockets through the monster as he cries, "WARP-SPEED SMASH!", punching the CyberCreature in its face.
B.C/BlueScanner is next as he summons up an image of the Three Stooges, his favorite comedy stars. He begins to act like a hyperactive Curly, slaps his face,running into place, and proceeds to punch the monster out, like Moe, poking its eyes, and sending a hammer blow to its head while saying, 'See this?'
Green goes next, summoning his energies by creating Holo-Clones with his special effects. He confuses Kuro-octopus by jumping through the air and attacking on the ground, beating it up.
Pink goes in again, using her favorite musicals as her film energy. She dances around the stunned CyberCreature, then gives it a swift succession of energized kicks. Toni calls this the "Charisse Kick", based on a popular 50's movie star dancer Cyd Charisse.
Finally, Red gives the monster the final blow. Using his film energy of action/adventure films, he calls up a rare shown Japanese samurai show-'Abarenbo Shogun'. With Red's weapon, the 'Swashbuckler' sword, it could be used as a fencing rapier or a bushido sword. Vin uses the bushido mode to cut the octopus' tenacles, and then slashes the creature down the middle. As per Japanese custom, he poses in the classic 'chambara' position(typical pose of Japanese heroes after defeating the adversary). Kuro-Octopus then explodes.
Back in space at the fortress, the angry enigmatic being rebukes his field commanders. "My CyberCreature! Destroyed! Who's responsible for all this?"
"I-I don't know..It all happened so fast.." said the female commanding voice. "Some earthlings in multi-colored suits.. They knew about our attack, and..
"SILENCE! I've heard enough!" continued the leader. "Whoever those earthlings are, I must know! How can a bunch of weak and pathetic humans get the best of you, General Ug?!? Know this also, my lovely Commander Vixen.. You too, Anark Key, the only human brave enough to join our evil band..Failure is something that I, Blackorg, do not tolerate! I am the overlord of MAYHEM! These humans are a seeming obstacle to our conquest of the Earth..and the universe! All things considered, they are worthy foes I can fight against..I'll give them time to prepare to defend their precious planet..When next we meet, humans, we shall win! HA HA HA HA HAA!"
And back on Earth.. "Whoa! What increible power!" said Vin. "You can say that again.." said B.C. "Sugoi power de!!" "Well, after that terrific battle," said Kunio. "..this definitely isn't a joke!"
Professor Alex comes out. "Bravo! Jolly good show! Five thumbs up!" as she claps. "Yeah, you're right, Kunio.." This is no joke.. MAYHEM is playing for keeps, and they will stop at nothing to take over this planet.. I must warn you not to let down your guard.. I chose you five to use your movie-enhanced powers to protect the universe. Be prepared, they will attack again."
"All right.." said Vin, "You can count me in.."
"Same here.." said Toni.
"Question, Professor.." said Kunio. "Do we get paid?"
"Do you want to graduate?"
"Then sign me up, lady.." Kunio replied.
"I don't know.." said Nick. "I've got a full schedule as it is now.. "Come on, Nick..You'll get paid, and despite your class schedule, I'll make sure that it won't interfere with your career goals as a computer programmer.." said Alex.
"Okay, I'll sign..provided that I survive!!"
"I am in-genius!" said the wise-cracking B.C.
As the five pupils put their hands together in agreement, the newly formed Eiga Sentai-Movie Task Force Scanranger prepare for new challenges and new adventures far beyond than what they can imagine!