Provisional Charter of Texas Muslims for Islamic Change (TXM4C)

And from among you there should be a party who invite to good and enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong, and these it is that shall be successful. Surah Aale `Imran 3.104

Slogan: "Striving for political awareness on the basis of faith."

Mission Statement
Texan Muslims for Islamic Change operates on two fronts: spiritually and politically. On the spiritual front, TXM4F seeks to encourage the Muslim community of Houston and the nearby regions to strive for a deeper piety through the pursuit of Islamic knowledge and through the performance of acts of worship. One the political front, TM4C strives to pursue a higher degree of political awareness by informing themselves about the current political situation and by acting on that knowledge.

General Principles
1. Texan Muslims for Islamic Change is based on Islami principles in general, and specifically as interpreted by the Usuli Ithna `Ashari Imamiyah (Shi`ah) sect of Islam. TXM4C stands for Islamic values. Where cultural values agree with Islamic values, we support them; but where cultural values contradict Islamic values, we oppose those contradictary cultural values.

2. TXM4C is intended for all Muslims regardless of gender, ethnic, or theological background who share the same goals as the group. With this in mind, factors of the region and time in which TXM4C has been established lend themselves to greater emphasis on female Shi`i Muslimat of Western ethnic backgrounds who are living in poverty in order to compensate the general bias and preferential treatment of other more privileged groups.

3. Among the goals of TXM4C are mutual support in spiritual life, encouragement of educational endeavours, and the stimulation of political thought and involvement.
3 a) In the area of spiritual support, TXM4C aims to worship together, exchange information about Islam, referring each other to sources of knowledge, teaming up to seek knowledge from reliable sources, and to help each other to develop spiritual thinking through critical dialogue where possible.
3 b) In the area of educational endeavours, TXM4C aims to study together, exchange information about academic topics, and share informational resources where possible.
3 c) In the area of political activities, TXM4C aims to help each other to develop political thinking through critical dialogue, assist each other in the production of and participation in events, refer each other to sources of political information, and make accessible information on how to be more politically active.

4. Members
TXM4C has an open membership policy and a separate mailing list which may or may not correspond to the membership list. The group adminstrator has the final say in matters of inclusion.

Revision of Constitution
The administrator of TXM4C has the right to add to, subtract from, edit, and revise the constitution, especially in this developmental stage.

Dissolution of the Group
It is hoped that the underlying reasons for the formation of TXM4C will continue to inspire others towards the same kind of activism, whethe or not the group exists. If the administrator declares the group to be disbanded and such message is effectively communicated to the active membership core, then the group will be disbanded. Thereafter, any other group of persons, former members or otherwise, may revive the group on their own terms or choose another manner of association altogether.