Rough Draft: News


Okay, all I've did was update Complicated Heart with a better copy one that is more proofread than before. Y'know I also post my stuff on, but I hate it because I want to update a good, solid, clean, copy and the darn thing won't let me. It wasn't always this way. Before the many updates to "better" the system you could post notice a mistake and correct with an update with none the wiser. Now, you post notice a mistake and update with a correction and it takes forever to replace the old edition. Why is it when we update something we also lose in the process? That is something to ponder. Peace.

Okay, I've got the guest book working so can sign it, if you want (please!). I've got a couple of more homepage updates before I'm satisified and eventually will stop fiddling with it. And if you are wondering where is the chapter I bragged about finishing--it's not up, yet. I need to go through and catch my obvious mistakes and play with the dialouge some before it goes live. Peace.

Well, I've done it. I've finally posted a story, which means that this Gravitation site is really real. Because I only thought about writing a story and mayhap I dabbled in rough drafts and outlines--mostly musings that I would have never posted. However, my muse has played a trick on me and a good one. My muse has allowed me to post what shall be the first of several fics. Therefore, without further ado I give you chatper one of my story: Comlicated Love. Also, if you try to click on the guestbook links and they don't work it is because I lost the password to them. So, I may have to sign up a new service. Oops. Peace.

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