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About You/Physical Characteristics

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Height: Short Average Tall
Weight: Thin Average A Few Extra Pounds
Caboose: My train don't have a caboose. Passenger train sized. Nicely rounded freight train.
Balcony: Standing room only. Can hold a BBQ and some chairs. I could host a wedding reception on it.
Hair Length: Short Average Long
Are you religious? Very religious. Not very religious. Huh? Are you kidding?

Sexual Preferences

Optional, but nice to know...
Are you adventurous? Nope Maybe Let me untie myself out of this human knot so I can answer.
Satiability: Whew! Once a month is more than enough! A few times a week is fine. I never want to get out of bed.
Preferred time of day? Night time only. Lights off. After work until work begins is fair game. 24 hours a day - any time is the right time.
Public displays of affection? Peck on the cheek only. Grab me and kiss me! Who told you to stop touching me? Oh, well just ignore them.
OS (for you) Not until I've taken a shower! Anytime you want. Who said you could stop???
OS (by you) Not until you've taken a shower! Anytime you want. Are you sure we have to stop??? You just look slightly emaciated.
Who's on top? Me! You! We'll take turns. Some of the things I had in mind don't exactly have a "top"...
Anything else you'd like to share that hasn't been covered?


Do you like to hold hands? Nope Often, but not all the time. A better question would be "When would we not hold hands?".
Ideal evening? Take me out and spend lots of money. A good meal and a leisurely stroll under a star-lit sky. A pleasant evening at home.
Calls? We should be in constant contact. Not overwhelming, but enough to know you care. Don't call me - I'll call you. Maybe.
Quick! Look into my eyes! Quit staring at me. Okay, it's been five minutes. Time to stop. I see what's there, and I could look at it all night.
Time together... Blech. Get away from me. A goodly amount, but we respect each other's need for time apart. If you ever leave my side I'll kill myself.
Outtings/venues My way or the highway. I have no opinion on anything. You pick everytime. We can talk about our mutual ideas to come up with the best ideas.
What else do you find of value in a romantic relationship?

Mutual Interests and Friendship

What do you like to talk about? Only what I saw on the evening news and primetime television. Things that I have a strong background in and nothing else. What is the meaning of life?
Like to play games (any sort)? Games are SO juvenile. I enjoy a good bout of competition. Sure, I'll play. And I'll hand you your ass, too.
Much into sports? I hate sports and the people who like them. If I do sports, I'd rather play or watch them live rather than on TV. I love sports! Certainly more than you!
How do you determine the worth of a person? How nicely they're dressed and what kind of car they drive. I base it on who they are - on the character of the person. First impression only. I don't waste time getting to know people.
How do you like to be treated? Like the goddess I am! With mutual respect, and as an equal. Treat me however you wish. I'll like it.
Would you like to be friends with someone you're romantic with? No. Of course...maybe best friends. But I'll have other friends, too. Of course. We will be each other's only friends.
What are your hobbies and interests? What makes you get out of bed in the morning? What drives you?

Closing Remarks

Now's the part where we break out of the set quiz format and you get to speak freely. Say or ask anything you like...provide information not covered by the quiz, whatever you'd like.

Thanks for taking the quiz. I'll be in contact with you ASAP!