Truth Hiders and Hoarders

by N. Clement Weathers

February 27, 1997

How do they do It? Please recall that the basic premise of the "change agent" and "upper level facilitator" is that all which is old (traditional) must be changed by tearing down, plowing under and "facilitated" (rebuilt anew) In the image of the New World (Global) Order. Also, recall this method is difficult to detect because those friendly faced individuals who have been entrusted to preserve the old institutions are the ones recruited to bring about the new facilitated institution, having been convinced they are serving a much nobler, or in the case of God's church, a more Christ-like cause than the old traditional institution.

Non-connected churches or independent Christian churches are the most vulnerable and least difficult of all church institutions over which to gain control. Local "change agents" are recruited and educated through something called "theological consultations" which are conducted at a sufficient distance away from their local congregations that the locals know nothing of the activities of these meetings.

The "change agent recruits" are instructed that if they are asked about their activity away from the local congregation, to tell the inquirer that God through a Divine appointment with his instructor had sent him to these meetings. The inquirer is to be told further that none of these things are any of his business, they are not debatable, do not bring the matter up again, and finally it is private family business so keep all that you have seen or heard private or God will destroy you for this seditious act.

The "theological consultations" are well organized and run In a four step format which is:

Step 1 - "Change agents" begin by freezing the attention and experience of the "recruits" on it's own isolation and vulnerability. That is, independent Christian churches have no connection to or support of a larger statewide or nationwide church institution in time of need. Somehow these "recruits" are brainwashed Into giving up their traditional reliance on God for their needs in favor of reliance on collectives of men.

Step 2 -They disaggregate or "unfreeze" the recruits, which is a psychological distancing from the old (traditional) values on which they once relied. Former values of the church are made to seem no longer desirable or suitable. For example, collection plates may be thrown out and "changed" to collection baskets; old hymns may be thrown out and "changed" to new songs; song service may be 30 minutes to one hour and 30 minutes; or the preacher may demand you no longer refer to him as preacher, brother or pastor or any name traditionally associated with men of God. He may insist you call him by his given name such as Frank, Harold or Bill which, of course, distances him from God - the objective of the method!

Step 3 -Reaggregation follows with acceptance of the new structures of thought proposed by the "facilitators".

Step 4 - "Routinization," the new structures of thinking are incorporated into the flow of normal church-day life.

The "change agents" and "upper level facilitators" method has an anti-God hidden agenda. Tragically (50 million plus war dead) the regimes of Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini were made possible largely by many God-fearing men who were duped by this method. This method is a spin-off of the secret Order of the Illuminati which was founded by a renegade Jesuit priest named Adam Weiskaupt on May 1, 1776, whose supposed purpose was to bring about the "heaven on Earth promised of God." Problem was the celibate priest got caught with the wife of some blueblood nobleman and the entire order collapsed in disgrace before its 20th birthday. All who connect themselves with the "change agent" and "upper level facilitator" method and who deliberately destroy the habits and traditions of established God -fearing, church going people will also end up in utter disgrace, if the purpose of Satan is to kill, steal and destroy.

Have a good week!

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