Truth Hiders and Hoarders

by N. Clement Weathers

July 03, 1997

Jamestown, Yorktown, Williamsburg, Richmond and Appomattox (didn't make it to Philadelphia) are pretty much the way I left them last. However, to N's disappointment, they seem to be suffering from the same or similar problems that we have here in Texas. It's difficult to say whether the problems started here and spread northeastward to there or whether they started there and spread southwestward to here. Anyway, I kinda figured as much before I returned there on my annual pilgrimage, but I was nonetheless refreshed by returning to the land of my birth -Virginia, the Old Dominion State and more particularly Lunenburg County, the Old Free State County, which would take many volumes to relate its historical significance to these United States of America in which we live.

Just so you native born Texans (which includes my four offsprings) don't try to out brag ole N., I'll tell all of you early on in writing - the U.S. of A. is a special place on the Planet Earth. It's a special place to be born and it's a special place to live and work. Thanks, praises, honor and glory to God Almighty for America. Virginia, however, is a very special place in the U.S. of A. It is a very special place to be born and a very special place to live and work or to have lived and worked. It's a very special place in all of Western Civilization. Compare present downtown U.S. of A. or downtown world with present and historical Virginia and unless you are brain dead you in all likelihood will be better equipped to navigate your future no matter how rough the waters of life get.

It's good to be back. It's good to be back where I can breathe my normal dosages of H2S gas. Maybe now my head will clear up in a week or two and I can write down what I found out while I was there.

Have a good week or two and a GRAND 4th of JULY!


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