Truth Hiders and Hoarders

by N. Clement Weathers

August 08, 1997

It is the function of God's ordained government to be a terror to evil doers according to Romans 13:3. Government is one of the very few institutions for which He gives reasons for its existence. He, e.g., commands us not to steal from our neighbors, not to bear false witness and to love our neighbor, etc., but He does not tell us why we should or should not do these things. He is God - man knows not about the doings of God - yet, He revealed to all men the purpose of government.

Man knows not about all the doings of God but does have the God-given capacity to know a doer of good works from a doer of evil works. From this, I conclude that since government is power and all men are sinners and corrupters of power, God purposed that rulers of men should have a very limited and narrow power base over men; which is to say, no case has been successfully made nor can be successfully made that God's ordained government, ruled by men, is all powerful. Only God is all powerful and why so many of God's chosen think that government is all powerful is a question that baffles this mortal. Government is of God but it must restrain itself to a very very limited role in the affairs of men.

It is the function and only reason for existence of government, according to our Founding Fathers, to secure the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which our Creator has given us. Government, say they, should limit itself to terrorizing the violators of rights given to us by God. Government derives its just powers (powers given by God) from the consent of the governed, said they further. This means that our government is not only not all powerful, it in fact is powerless without our consent (Yours and mine) and even we are limited to the delegation of just powers. We, the people, may not delegate the power to reward evil. How then can government justly reward evil? It should not and if it does, it does not please God, nor does it please me nor should it please you, since we were all created in His image.

It is my conclusion that government which is ordained of God, (and I'll serve no other kind) should not:

Be a terror to good works.

Be a hindrance to laws necessary for public good.

Call together legislative bodies excluding the public - the source of their power. (Executive sessions).

Make judges dependent on its will or purpose.

Protect murderers and other evil doers from punishment by mock trial for its own purposes.

Combine with other governments to subject us to jurisdictions foreign to our Constitution, e.g. the United Nations, a Godless and God denying would-be world government.

Compete with the livelihood or grant privilege and substance to special interest groups of the public.

Build a multitude of new offices and send swarms of officers to harass the people and consume their substance.

Create jobs other than security purposes such as the military or those granted by constitutional agreement such as the Postal Dept.

Be in the public education business, especially on a compulsory basis, which guarantees its own will and purposes and where God's will is unwelcomed and denied with the blessings of most American pulpits.

Build public hospitals, nursing homes, rest homes, funeral homes, playgrounds and entertainment centers which mostly serve doctor and lawyer rip-off artists and help get and keep politicians in office.

All these things are the fodder that tyrants and would-be tyrants feed on. Loyalists and apologists say these things are harmless socialism and should be welcomed and supported. I say "Baloney!"

"Hey, N.! You make socialism sound real bad - like something only an Adolph Hitler would do."

Yeah, that's right. Hitler was a Socialist. He was a card carrying Nazi. NAZI is the initials for the National Socialist German Workers Party. You know, that group back in the 1940's that brought so called free public schools, hospitals, nursing homes, rest homes, playgrounds, entertainments centers and created millions of good high paying jobs and untold other amounts of good to the German people. All of which would have been impossible without the consent, active or passive of the German pulpits.

Have a good week!

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