Truth Hiders and Hoarders

by N. Clement Weathers

August 28, 1997

If I, one who speaks English only, sat in an assembly of men comprised of one who speaks German only, one who speaks Italian only, one who speaks French only, one who speaks Russian only, one who speaks Swedish only, one who speaks Swahili only, one who speaks Chinese only, one who speaks Japanese only and one who speaks Arabic only and if all the speakers there spoke Hebrew only and if I and they heard these Hebrews speaking of the wonderful works of God in our own native language, I would testify that this event could only be the miraculous workings of God.

Friends and minor sinners (a minor sinner is one who sins 12-15 or more times per day and thinks he only sins 12-15 times per year, i.e., most of us) the above is approximately what did in fact happen on that day of Pentecost at Jerusalem when God filled his apostles, all of whom were Galileans, with His Holy Spirit so that they, any and all of them, could and did speak to all there present in every language of every nation under heaven in their own native language. Boy! Would I ever have loved to have been there. Just imagine Peter speaking to me in a southern drawl, yawl!

"Hey, N.! Why do you write these things? You're no preacher." Right! N. don't preach, N. say. In this case N. say what the Bible words say in the Book of Acts, Chapter 2. Now what the Bible words say to N. don't necessarily say the same to others. That settled, what follows is what that say to N.

The apostles, Jews who knew and loved Jesus, filled with God's Holy Spirit at Pentecost were speaking to devout Jews, i.e., Jews who knew God the Father, the first part of the Trinity, but Jews and men who did not know Jesus, God the Son, or second part of the Trinity and they miraculously spoke to them through the power of God the Holy Spirit, the third part of the Trinity.

They miraculously spoke to devout Jews from all over the world, who knew not Jesus Christ, in their own native tongues. These apostles, Jews who knew Jesus explained to the devout Jews present, who knew not Jesus, in their own native tongues that Jesus was the Messiah promised to them by God, that Jesus had come, had been crucified and killed, had risen from the dead and had ascended into heaven and was sitting on the right hand of the God who had promised Jesus to them.

"So what's your point, N?" Point is: People who do not know Jesus should be told about Him by Christians in a language they understand, like at Pentecost. Christians know Jesus, or they ain't Christians, and do not need anybody to stand up in front of them in the church house on Sundays and speak to them about Jesus in a language that they nor anyone else understands. I know Jesus, so if one of my Christian friends tried to explain more about Jesus to me speaking in Japanese, he wouldn't be drunk on wine. He would be demonstrating his own personal relationship with God and otherwise slam-jam out of his skull.

Have a good week!

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