Truth Hiders and Hoarders

by N. Clement Weathers

September 25, 1997

T.H.A.H.'s right here in the U.S. of A., where the most expensively educated people on earth reside, led 99.99% of the American public to believe and to act on this belief to their severe detriment that there was a nationwide life taking, ongoing threat of Swine flu of epidemic proportions which was about to wipe millions of us from tile face of the earth.

This revelation came to us in the fall/winter season 1975/76 when the newspapers, radios and TV's reported that this flu strain was a killer equivalent to the Spanish influenza epidemic strain which invaded Europe and America in 1917/18, killing millions including my Dad's first wife who died childless as he fought in France during WWI, fighting the war which T.H.A.H.'s had convinced him and 99.99% of all other Americans was the war that would end all wars.

Early on in this reported epidemic threat T.H.A.H.'s prevailed upon then President Gerald Ford to successfully persuade the most august and enlightened body of men and women on the planet, the U.S. Congress, to authorize $75 million, by using an emergency loophole in the law, to immunize every willing American, free of charge, by injecting them with a newly developed, FDA approved, anti-toxin which cost millions of dollars in itself to wipe out this reported and documented (according to a bulletin I read posted in the lobby of Weeks Hall at Texas Tech University) would-be killer of mankind.

Millions and millions took this Swine flu shot. The sad and fatal truth is that very large but untold numbers of very healthy Americans, especially the elderly, died as a result. They died from flu-like symptoms and heart attacks which had been induced by this Swine flu shot. If there ever was a case in recorded history where the cure was worse than the disease, this one should be first on the list of classics.

How did all this come about in these days of infinite amounts of knowledge and enlightenment in which we live? My next writing will explain the simple truth about the Swine flu epidemic. Why it happened and for what reasons only T.H.A.H.'s knew, the same group who masterminds the endangered species movement to save the snail darters and poolroom sharks (or is it hammerhead sharks?) from the brutality of mankind, while they also mastermind killing the unborn by abortions to prevent them from becoming endangered in a future overpopulated world!

Have a good week!

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