Truth Hiders and Hoarders

by N. Clement Weathers

October 30, 1997

It is absolutely astounding how much I have learned about God's written word since I stopped relying almost exclusively, I now shamefully admit, on preachers or evangelists, whose livelihood is dependent entirely on their own self-serving bias.

I thought it tragic when it was suggested I leave my church home by one Bruce DeLay, a visiting preacher from Tyler, Tx., who responded to my question solicited by him with (paraphrase), "Believe my version or get out." I now count this experience pure joy due to God's revelation to me which is: it is impossible that most preachers and evangelists, who say they are called of God, are in fact called of God. I truly believe now that most of them are called of themselves. If they know more about God's plan for His children than the average layperson, they are no more likely to share that knowledge than Tom Kite would share his golf smarts with John Daly. Otherwise, God's call for unity for His children would not be answered by Methodists, Nazarenes, Pentecostals, Baptists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Catholics, Assemblies of God, Churches of God, First Christians, Cross and Crown Christians, Churches of Christ and two to three thousand other denominational or non-denominational groups, who all declare themselves to be the only true representative of Jesus Christ. Nor would a so called man of God from Tyler, Tx., preach and demand disunity of God's children.

Have a good week!

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