Truth Hiders and Hoarders

by N. Clement Weathers

February 12, 1998

In the last several weeks most of us have witnessed many of America's TV elitists, Hollywood entertainers, talk show hosts, news commentators, Protestant evangelists, Catholic priests, Jews and lay Christians plead for the commutation of Karla Faye Tucker's death sentence to life in prison. It is my contention that most of these people were not motivated by Tucker's conversion to Christianity, but were rather simply taking the limelight to express their personal opposition to the death penalty for any convicted criminal, no matter how heinous their crime.

For the record, I hold no ill will toward anyone who chooses for or against capital punishment. It's an American choice and I'll stand in the trenches with either side to defend that right.

I am, however, mightily concerned with many of these same elitists opposed to the death penalty whom I heard pleading for Tucker's sentence commutation and who, almost in the same breath were clamoring for the President of the United States to use whatever military force to kill as many innocent Iraqi men, women and children as necessary to carry out the orders of a God denying United Nations Organization - orders of warfare against a people "convicted of nothing" and whose only crime is that of being born on Iraqi soil.

Are these elitists really opposed to the death penalty for moral or spiritual reasons? OR are they only opposed to the death penalty for the sake of their own kind?

When we Americans support by omission the unrestrained slaughter of innocent people because their stonewalling leader is alleged to have the "capability of mass destruction" and simultaneously seriously debate clemency for a self-confessed and convicted pick-axe murderer, our system of justice is not worth salvation - unless he who hath not stonewalleth cast the first bomb!

Have a good week!

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