Y o u    w i l l    l e a r n  .  .  .  . H o w    t o    c o o k e d    t h e    f a b u l o u s    m e a l   ,  g r e a t     f o o d   ,   g o o d    t a s t e    a r e    t h e    T h a i f o o d  .Y o u    w i l l    l e a r n  .  .  .  . H o w    t o    c o o k e d    t h e    f a b u l o u s    m e a l   ,  g r e a t     f o o d   ,   g o o d    t a s t e    a r e    t h e    T h a i f o o d  .


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          Chiangmai is the principal city of the north, is the favorite destination for many travelers to Thailand. Situated on the banks of the river ping and surrounded by green hills and lazing rivers, this thriving city is blessed with a rich history, friendly citizens, and a cool
Most visitors to northern Thailand being their explorations in the city of Chiangmai and then make forays to the following thumbnail sketches are designed to help you avoid the overrated towns spoiled by tourism and discover the remote sites where the simple spirit to Thailand still survives.
               Chiangmai Thailand 's second - largest city serves as the hub for local tourism and provides a worthwhile introduction to the charms of the north. Chiangmai had changed dramatically in the last decade and now suffers from traffic gridlock and industrial pollution, but still offers dozen of superb temples, a great selection of guesthouses and restaurant, and the finest shopping in Thailand. Best of all the people continue to exude the warmth and hospitality that first popularized the north.
                Chiangmai is a world apart. With its unique form of architecture, dance, music, food and festivals, Chiangmai has always been a region both physically and emotionally separated from the remainder of Thailand. The people not only consider themselves superior to their cousins in Bangkok, they also happily agree with national consensus that their Fair - Skinned ladies are the most beautiful in the country 
                And yet visitors continue to arrive in record breaking numbers, and the vast majority leave satisfied with the wonders of Chiangmai and northern Thailand. The unique ambience and warm welcome extended by the residents still give Chiangmai an irresistible appeal                                                                                      
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