

For Phillip:

Today I received a letter from your Mom.
She wanted me to know you.
You are 18 years old.
You are an unselfish person who, as she said in the letter, “He wants to help people”.
I know you are amazing at sports and yet very musical.
You always had friends over as you were well liked.
I also know you are an only child.

Phillip, I know these things about you because of what your Mom wrote to me and because you live in me.

Because of you Phillip, I am alive.
I received your left lung after your accident.
Many others according to your Mom also are alive because of you.
You had made this decision to be an organ donor and because of you, many people are alive today and you live in them.

I celebrate who you are and I make these promises.

“I will never forget who you are and the unselfish decision you made to be an organ donor.”
I will also honor the “gift of life” you gave me.
I promise to never waste this new life you gave me and I will do all I can to help others.”

There is no better way for me to thank you than to keep these promises.

Phillip, God smiles because of people like you and could not have better company in Heaven than someone like you who has done much for many.

Thank you Phillip

Anthony G. Hamel - Dallas, Texas
Left Side Lung Transplant
February 9, 2001


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