Tournament Details

The 3rd EU-Thailand National Inter-varsity Debate Championship 2007
(10-12 February 2007, Venue: Tha Prajan Campus)


Debaters: 3 per participating team

- All nationalities are welcome
- Debaters must currently enroll as students in universities in Thailand

Adjudicators: Must send one per team

- All nationalities are welcome
- Lecturers, students, or debate alumnus are welcome

Chief Adjudicator : Mr. Pachara Yongjiranon from Thammasat University
Deputy Chief Adjudicator : Mr. James Haft from Chulalongkorn University
Deputy Chief Adjudicator
: Mr. Ravi Prajapati from Assumption University
Deputy Chief Adjudicator : Ms. Sureerat Sachanakul from Mahidol University
(International College)

- Adjudicators briefing and adjudication test will be held on the orientation day (January 20th, 2007)

Tentative Schedule

10th, Friday 8.30-17.00: briefing, 3 prelim rounds (one in the morning and two in the afternoon)
11th, Saturday 8.30-17.00: 2 preliminary rounds (one in the morning
and one in the afternoon)
16.00-18.00: Quarter and Minor Semi round
18:00-21:00: Championship Dinner
12th, Sunday 9.00-17.00: Quarters and Semis (morning)
Final Round at Small Auditorium
(14.00), attended by H.E. the Ambassador of
European Union Thailand and other distinguished
guests and media

• Lunch and snacks will be provided throughout the tournament

Format: All-Asians

- Motions are to be announced on the orientation day (Saturday, the 20th January 2006). Hence, team representative (at least 1) as well as team adjudicator must be presence on the orientation day.

- 3 motions per round (motion selection, including veto on the day itself)

Registration Fee

Registration fee is FREE of charge.


• Trophies from the EUROPEAN UNION as well as cash prizes granted 30.000 Baht for the winning team (comprised of three speakers). Finalist team cash prize granted 20,000 baht, 2 Semi-Finalists teams cash prize granted 5,000 baht as well as Best Speaker cash prize granted 5,000

• Certificates will be given to all the participants from His Excellency the Ambassador Extraordinary of The European Union, Thailand H.E. Mr. Friedrich Hamburger.

• Additional awards from corporate sponsors are to be announced

Accommodation Policy

• We will be providing accommodation subsidies for universities outside Bangkok, under this restriction:

-The team must enroll in the university outside Bangkok.
-The team must also stay at Ratanakosin Hotel.
-The subsidies will reduce the room rate from 1,000 baht/room/night to 600 baht/room/night. <
-The team with an adjudicator will be given 2 rooms.
-The team without an adjudicator will be given 1 room.

• Please ask for the accommodation subsidies only as needed, the rooms are limited to 50 rooms.

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