Hair Loss
Okay this one isn't even cool. My hair is part of my security
and its falling out hardcore. I am gonna talk to a doctor about
this and start using Rogaine unless the doctor says otherwise.

Oily Skin/Acne
Talk about acne overload. My entire back, shoulders and
upper chest/collarbone area is covered in acne of all shapes
and sizes...brillant

Facial Hair
Facial hair is comming in a little thicker. It is also growing back
faster which means i need to shave more often, if/when i do. I have
been keeping my go-T for awhile and LOVE IT. One of the hardest things
anyone could ask me to do in my entire life would be 1- to get nude
and 2- to shave my facial hair and body hair ... not if my life depended
on it BIOTCH!

Chest Hair
Im getting a light colored trail of chest hair up in between
my pecs! I am also sprouting hair all over my chest and some is
growing over my incision lines

Stomach Hair
My stomache hair is seriously getting beast like! I love it. This
has to be one of my favorite changes. Heres a semi-gross tibit you
all are dying to know: I have so much tummie hair that when it is
wet, i can hide my entire belly button - included my belly button
barbell- with the hair! Yee-haw

Backside Hair
My roomate just told me to add this one. Since i dont see my back
too often, i dont notice it. From another persons view, its growing.
My ass hair is getting very furry.

:Pats belly: Hmmm...I don't drink beer but its starting to
''look like it''

I could be anywhere and i feel it (its comming) so i'll dart to the
toliet but NOTHING will come out? WTF and i thought i was a tease!

I've gotten alot more bold since i moved to SF. I have encountered alot
of dipshits since i have been here who piss me off. I am getting really
aggressive towards this. I get so mad sometimes that i step up to people
which puts myself in a position where a fight could be started very easily.
Thankfully i have not gotten into any fights nor have i been arrested.

Libido + Dick Growth
Im horny as a mofo' again. I recently discovered i can stand up, jack
off and cum without getting too weak in the knees/etc. It feels goood.
I find myself getting tons more perverted thoughts (maybe its because
im in San Francisco and there is hella men around) and end up jerkin
it off... There is hope, i am going to get loans and have my bottom
surgery within the next 2 years. I would like a little more growth from
T first. I measured fully erect and the longest length was a tad bit
over 2 inches growth from from T. My cock is at its longest length when
im standing. The tip is still very sensitive but he is cumming nicely.

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