This month's main focus has been the following:

- Finalizing my collaboration with the Discovery Channel that my penis is going to be on. More information about it's air-date will be realeased later.

- Writing my piece on my male to male identity for a book on gender that is going to be published. More information when book is completed.

- Switching my injections from Redwood City Kaiser to San Francisco Kaiser. I am not getting my injections in SF.

- Changing my prescription from 150MG cypionate to 150MG enanthate - My endocrinologist said that enanthate is easier to locate at this time and cypionate should be more accessible in early 2003.

- Starting a Male to Male/MtM community with
Rene on Live Journal. If you already have a live journal and have not joined then you should check it out HERE or go to: Http://
15 Months on Testosterone Update

December 13th 2002

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
This month's changes:

My face is starting to clear up. I am still getting cysts and acne under my beard randomly. I am still using Differin Gel to treat it and have a dermatologist appointment next Friday *December 20th* for more help.

Back Acne
My back acne is worse then it's ever been ... This makes me feel gross and insecure to take my shirt off. I'm hoping the dermatologist can help me when i go see them.

WOOLY WOOLY WOOLY won't shave his facial hair
WOOLY WOOLY WOOLY not even for a dare!
WOOLY WOOLY WOOLY doesn't want to be bare ...

My chest, back, butt and leg hair seems thicker. The hair on my back is more like peach fuzz. My butt still likes to be pet but wishes it was bigger ...

I've been trying to work out every other day. My arm, stomach, butt and leg muscles seem to be getting more defined.

I've been super horny due to radical friends that i cause a RIOT with and my hot perverted Daddy Robby ... oh yes and my own filthy kink-dified mind!!! Johnny = Man crazy.


I don't notice any changes in my voice - I broke my microphone so my new voice clip will be a few days late until i purchase a new one.

15 Months on T Photos