24 Months on T = 2 Years on T ~ October 2003

Dear: Whoever still reads this website,

I don't have the mental or physical energy to give you all a complete 24 months = 2 years on testosterone update. I have not even been able to do my 23 months on T update and at this point i do not intend to.

Days are flying by and i am sicker then ever. I don't even have the brain right now to write out everything i want to say so i will be brief:

I'm very proud of everything i have accomplished in the transgender community. I am confident and happy to have helped and touched the lives of so many. It brings tears to my eyes to type this. I am not well and i am not getting any better ... I have dropped down to 92lbs with the intention of loosing more weight. I do not know how long i can survive. I do NOT want to talk about it.

There are no pictures with this update. There is not much to look at anymore anyways. I'm not going to say this or that has changed because honestly i can't think straight anymore. I don't know what my testosterone level is at but i am still taking 150 mg of testosterone cypionate every 2 weeks. I still go to a clinic to get my shots. I will not take any blood work/medical tests and have not seen a doctor in a long time - BY CHOICE. This is not up for debate. This is my life and yes i am aware i am being defensive.

I've applied for SSI = disability. I should have done this a LONG time ago but never got my act together. I am constantly in and out of bed. I am better off at home with my mom. I wouldn't rather be anywhere than here. This is where i belong right now. Only time will tell.

That's all i have to say. It's time to update and this is as far as i'm going to push myself.

Take care. Be as happy as you can be, whatever that may mean ...

Pink TuTu Twirls,
Johnny Princess