Body Hair Photos October 19th 2001 Pre Testosterone
You want to pet my armpit dont you? Ha Ok here is a pit shot, in person the hair is really LONG ...pretty good for pre T
Arm hair - I have alot of light brown/blonde hair all over my arm ...
Here is another armpit shot in the sun, more of a close up for your viewing pleasure...
Stomache Hair...I have a good amount of dark wild hairs sprouting under my belly button and alot of blonde soft hairs all over my upper stomache
Ooo LaLa A pretty close up of my hairy boy Italian legs. This is my lower leg. The hairiest part of my body. The hair is a mix of golden brown and dark brown...
Upper Thigh Hair (hard to see) Hair is light brown n' semi hairy
Thanks again to my wonderful boyfriend for taking these pics and putting up with ME !!!