Class M - Minshara
Age: 6 Billion Years
Diameter: 11,323 Km
Distance: 98.6M KM
Surface temp.: -40 to 48*C
Rotational Period: 1 Day, 22 hours
Orbital Period:  428 Days
Gravity: 1.05
Satallites: 2 moons
Capital City: Arornat.

Government: Gerentocracy
Ornara has an elected Council of Elders whom elect the Chancellor. Ornarans must be over 60 years old to be eligible for election. Chancellors are elected for 5 Ornaran years.

Suffarage: 16 years old

Ornara sees frequent electrical and plasma storms throught out the planet. Holds most ecosystems from acrid desert to temperate rainforests.

The star Delos underwent a period of large-scale magnetic field changes in 2364
Currency: Omes, however the major trading ports of Ornara accept latinum and Federation credits.
Major Indusries: