Trim Kathoun
Race: Ornaran
Age: 38
Wife: E-ing Pranom
Position: Restaurant owner
Trim has short, brown, unkempt hair and light brown eyes. He has a tall stocky build and appears stronger than he actually is. He also has a small rotund belly. Due to felicium withdrawal, Trim suffers from constant thermo–regulation fluctuations. He can feel extremely hot, hence appearing flushed in the face and sweaty or feel cold with pale skin and shivers.

Trim constantly wears a small leather nesting-pouch on his hip, hanging from a strap on his shoulder. The pouch houses three Nari companions.

Ornarans are identical to Terrans except they also have extra cartilage on the bridge of their nose and have an electrical charge that can be emitted from their hands at the cost of their immediate health.
Trim is a happy, outgoing man who likes to see the positive side to everything. He is always ready to have a laugh or a joke. He does not care about what others think of him and tries not to judge others on appearance or first impressions. Trim can get a little too enthusiastic and crazy over the tiniest of discoveries. He loves to tinker with gadgets and technology in his spare time.

Due to felicium withdrawal, Trim suffers from short-term and long-term memory loss. He also has a problem remembering the chronological order of past events. He is assisted by his Nari companions whom almost act like his personal diary. So Trim is often seen talking to them, which appears to outsiders that he is talking to himself.
Ornarans were for over 200 years been dependent on the "medicine" felicium. This drug was provided by the Brekkans on a neighbouring planet. Addicted to felicium, the Ornarans have all but forgotten their most basic technology due to the obsessive acquirement of this narcotic and the severe withdrawal symptoms from not having an infusion.

In 2364, the Enterprise unintentionally, intercepted a dispute between the Ornarans and the Brekkans over a shipment of felicium.

The Prime Directive prohibited Picard from revealing the Brekkan's diseption. The Ornarans were sent home with the felicium but Picard refused to repair their ship, making it the last shipment for many years.

As 12 years past, the Ornarans learned to survive without felicium, realising that it was a false elixir. They focused on repairing their ships and salvaging their lost technology. Illegal smuggling of felicium is known to occur.

Trim was born in 2342, in the same small rural village as his wife. He has two brothers, one elder and one younger. Trim’s parents own an inn that has been in the family for six generations. The eldest will inherit the business upon their father’s retirement. The whole family live in the upstairs space above the inn.

Trim was luckily enough to be the navigator aboard the Senya, an Ornaran vessel sent to steal federation technology. The Senya had a lot of success in bringing trading groups such as the Breen and Ferengi to Ornara. As Ornara still has predominantly agricultural and manufacturing industry, they are willing to pay high prices for advanced technology. Trim was aboard the Senya for 4 years and was able to accumulate some personal wealth. He even has his own small vessel, which he lends to his younger brother for his small trade business. Similar to E-ing, Trim has made many contacts throughout the criminal world but has turned his back to that to establish a legitimate business. Trim has always wanted his own restaurant/inn and have many children.

Trim has only recently convinced E-ing to marry him. Although in Ornaran tradition, it is considered to be a preliminary marriage. The preliminary marriage lasts for 14 months, after which the couple can decide to formally marry or separate. It is illegal to divorce once the formal marriage has been sealed by an Ornaran magistrate.