That Pope's Pyramid Archives Archives

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Tourneybot Tourney Archives

Pyramid Archives

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  • Haven't updated at all lately. Don't know if I will, I am pretty much out of the online chess scene now, more into school, college, and sports. Here is a map of all the states I have visited in red. Enjoy!
    create your own visited states map

  • Added the Brand New(!!) Tourneybot section, and also have had many updated in the Statbot section. The Tourneybot has two main sections, most tourney wins, which is broken into more precise categories than Statbot, and most tourneys played, which has the same categories as the above. Enjoy!!!

  • Not much news. Ive been updating top tourneys weekly, and the top tourneys played as well. I just bought a gold membership at, so that is where I will be most of the time. Pyramid is dying with no place to play, hopefully it can continue on. School is almost over, I can't wait for summer. Go Devils!!

  • Well, I am straying from the pyramid archives, and probably wont update them anymore, but will keep them up for anyone interested, but keep in mind, they are only up-to-date to the date listed on top. top tourney sections are up, including past weeks of the top 50 overall, which in a few months will be a cool archive, wish I had started earlier. I will probably end that when goes all gold.

  • More updates to games per week and month, and added few new sections. The commands, which brain and his pyramiders didnt like, added a list of all my yahoo ids under my yahoo stats, and also! listed the greatest yahoo ladder names in my opinion. If you guys see any duplicates, think I am missing someone, please email me at or let me know, and I will consider it. Sign the guestbook! Thanks.

  • Finally I've Updated!!!! Today I updated the most games per week and month files,the tds, and kinda changed some of the names so they matches the names. The #1s needs a lot of work, and hopefully I will get that accomplished in the following weeks. Go Pyramid!

  • Well, Yahoo ladder is officially dead, and I finished it off at #6. For the past few months I have been playing mainly at, and I think all others should also. Pyramid is getting dead, but has opened up to advanced and Have a great summer everyone!

  • Well, I've been playing a lot of pool lately, so I have not been too interested in updating these, but I did update the #1's, tds, and most games per week, Enjoy!

  • EXCLUSIVE!! I just updated the most games in week and month, and there is a surprise there, I found a way into old pyramid records, and as a teaser, I have badass_timm's most games in a month from opening month of pyramid. More to come as they are recovered!!!
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