Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

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Am I buried in stupidity?
Or are you looking in a time-warped mirror,
I wonder if you're mad at yourself,
Seeing me where you should have been.
Watching me rage when you just rolled over.
Do you want me to roll over, too?
I think you're resentful of me.
I feel you wish you were the man I am at my age,
That you can't even compare to the man you are now.
My way of living is no worse than yours.
I won't fall into the trap of self rightousness you did
Thinking that a seven-lettered sound makes you better.
I don't condecend for my blood's sake,
I condesend for my sweat's sake,
Even though I know that to condesend for any reason
Is still wrong.
Thanks for teaching me how to look down on others.