The lighting system

How many times have you seen a fish tank that really looked bad? Too many times I am sure. With a normal 40 watt fluorescent bulb the tank looks dark and dreary. Add an Ice cap Ballast and 4 125 watt VHO bulbs and now you can land airplanes at your house. I have the following hooked up to my tank.

2-48 inch VHO daylight bulbs
2-48 inch VHO actinic bulbs

1 Phillips 75 watt incandescent night light controlled by the x-10 home automation system. Dim to bright and bright to dim before and after the Ice Cap ballast kicks on. It works like the sunrise sunset theory.

I know its overkill but the tank is reef ready!
And to keep all this lighting cool I have 2- 4 1/2 inch fans hooked up to a line voltage thermostat set at 85 degrees. Under the tank there is a fan to cool the ballast with the thermostat too.

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